Saturday, August 31, 2019
Ap European History Renaissance Education Dbq Exercise Essay
During the Renaissance, scholars became more interested in the humanistic features of society, and humanistic educators based their teaching models on Greek and Latin classics. Renaissance education was One apparent purpose of a Renaissance education was to praise the value of useful education, through the teaching of the classics, mainly Greek literature that was written by Greek philosophers, mathematicians and other important figures. Some criticised the Renaissance education, however, because they felt as if it was absurd, as it didn’t teach true values of learning, and didn’t teach one how to behave, but rather how to dictate Latin. Despite these criticisms, other humanists believed Renaissance learning brought great profits, higher positions, and more honors later in life, and was successful in the task of teaching young people to fear god, have good virtue, and to be disciplined. One apparent purpose of a Renaissance education was to praise the value of useful education, through the teaching of the classics, mainly Greek literature that was written by Greek philosophers, mathematicians and other important figures. Aeneas Sylvius Piccolomini, stated on his book, On the Education of Free Men, 1450, that the study of the Philosophy and of Letters was the guide to the meaning of the past, present, and even future. There may be some bias to this statement, for Piccolomini was an Italian humanist who later became pope, and may have been using his knowledge of the classics, being a humanist, to justify his religious and political power. Battista Guarino, an Italian humanist educator, also supports the classics, by simply explaining that mankind must learn and train in Virtue, or as the ancients called the â€Å"Humanities. †There is also a bit of point of view, however, because being an Italian humanist educator, Guarino would value the teaching of the classics to his students and would want to influence his opinion on others. Baldassare Castiglione, Italian diplomat and author, said that a courtier, or a king’s assistant or servant, should be educated in the humanities, and the Latin poets, orators, and historians, because women value that knowledge in a man, and he will be able to judge the writing of others. Erasmus also stated that the student must delve into the literatures of ancient Greece and Rome, to gain the knowledge in the classics. Erasmus has a particular point of view, because he practiced a humble religion, and tried to live the way Jesus lived, which would make him value things the ancients valued. Some criticised the Renaissance education, however, because they felt as if it was absurd, as it didn’t teach true values of learning, and didn’t teach one how to behave, but rather how to dictate Latin. Juan Luis Vives, a Spanish humanist, supported the idea that women should not learn much, but rather just enough to teach her good manners and literature from biblical scholars. There is a great deal of bias in this idea, because being Spanish, Christian, and male, Vives would not agree with women being educated, due to the fact that Spain was very conservative, especially after the Reconquista. Michel de Montaigne argued that the â€Å"absurd†educational system taught students the wrong values, by teaching them that writing the best Greek and Latin was more important the which books contain the best opinions. Montaigne’s point of view comes from the fact that he is a skeptic and criticizes numerous things, so it is likely that he would criticize the educational system. John Brinsley, an English schoolmaster objected that scholars at fifteen or sixteen years of age due not understand true knowledge, but instead the can only wrote Latin that means little. Brinsley had an interesting perspective, because he was a schoolmaster himself and saw these actions firsthand, from his young scholars. Another criticism of the school system was that such study weakens the body, and prevents people from obtaining jobs necessary to society, such as farming jobs, soldiers, and merchants. John Amos Comenius, and educational reformer, also said supported the idea that learning did not assist people enough in life, because students learned much grammar, rhetoric, and logic, instead of things that would prepare them for action later in life. Despite these criticisms, other humanists believed Renaissance learning brought great profits, higher positions, and more honors later in life, and was successful in the task of teaching young people to fear god, have good virtue, and to be disciplined. Francesco Guicciardini stated that things that seem more decorative than substantial to man, such as skills like the arts, led to a good reputation of men and open the way to favor a princess. These skills also led to great profits and honors. The perspective in this statement comes from the fact that he was a politician, and witnessed how his education in these arts helped him to improve his rank in society, gain a larger profit, and other benefits. Some also supported the Renaissance education from a religious side by explaining that children who go to school learned virtue, discipline, and to fear God, which were important Christian values. In an analysis of the percentage of justices of the Peace who attended university, around 1562, in Kent, only two percent of justices had attended university. This number increased dramatically in 1636, when an astonishing sixty eight percent of justices had attended university. This clearly demonstrated the value of a Renaissance education, and how it led to higher ranks, for instance, justices.
Friday, August 30, 2019
Giant Foods Case Analysis
This case involves convergent technologies, a blending of traditional and cutting-edge business models and an alliance between an established pharmaceutical provider and a fledgling, Information Technology based, Drug marketing firm. Together, these two companies endeavored to create a patient education and prescription drug compliance program by deploying the deep well of customer data acquired by Giant Foods and the proprietary software of Elensys Care services, Inc. Elensys uses information from Giants pharmacy to send personalized letters, written on pharmacy letterhead but often paid for by pharmaceutical companies, that remind customers to refill prescriptions and pitch new products to customers with particular ailments. Giant first tested the feasibility of running a drug compliance program in-house but quickly determined that its’ Information System requirements were too overwhelming and decided to outsource the program to Elensys. However, the backlash to this new initiative was negative and strong as dozens of angry customers called officials at Giant to complain. Privacy specialists said the practice raised new questions about patient confidentiality and also blurs the line between medicine and marketing. â€Å"People assume that their medical information, including prescription information, is held in the strictest confidence,†said Beth Givens, director of the Privacy Rights Clearinghouse, a nonprofit consumer group in San Diego. â€Å"When that information is shared with a third party, they're surprised and outraged. This case exemplifies the privacy issues surrounding Giant Food's decision to outsource a prescription drug compliance program to Elensys. Ignoring for a moment the underlying profit motive of this program, approximately half of all patients stop taking their medication within the first six months of being prescribed, compliance programs remind patients to refill their prescriptions and help address a major public health issue. However, these programs also raise privacy issues because they involve the use of sensitive personal information. This case provides business and law students, firms and legislators with an opportunity to assess the privacy issues raised by this situation. The case also provides an opportunity for firms to deal with the challenges of developing a privacy sensitive implementation strategy and CRM programs in general. Background: Giant Foods, Inc. Beginning in February of 1936, Giant Foods was brought to life by N. M. Cohen and Samuel Lehrman. Using the business model of offering a large, self-service grocery store with revenue based on high volume and low prices, the store was an instant success. An innovator from the very start, Giant Foods was the first to install front-end scanners in all its stores, market a private label house brand and the first to hire a consumer advocate to promote its products. Much of the success that Giant has earned is due to technology, innovation and well planned vertical integration. Giant presently operates its own bakery, dairy and soft drink firm. Giant also builds its own stores, produces its commercials and advertising in-house and even makes its own signs. This vertical integration strategy has been highly successful in the food-pharmacy combination with which Giant helped to pioneer. The fact that each Giant pharmacy fills over 1,000 prescriptions per week suggests that this is a profitable tactic and highly regarded by its customers. Elensys: Elensys began its business life in 1993, in Burlington Massachusetts. Its business model was one of an IT enabled information system built as a â€Å"prescription compliance†program between consumers and Pharmacists. Elensys, whose name comes from an ancient Greek city known for medicine and health, was a â€Å"first mover†in this area and, due to strong network effects, was able to reach a critical mass within three years. Initially, Elensys started with four employees and served two local pharmacies. Presently, Elensys receives prescription information from 15,000 pharmacies about millions of people every week, and it uses proprietary, cutting-edge computer equipment to keep track of these records, according to Elensys founder Dan Rubin. In an Internet post, Elensys describes itself as â€Å"the leader in patient behavior modification programs. †Interest in the company has soared, in part because so many people fail to take medicine properly and most chains don't have the technical wherewithal to track customers as precisely as Elensys, Rubin said. Up to half of all patients who should routinely take medicine for such ailments as hypertension or high cholesterol quit prematurely, he said. â€Å"It's the primary reason for our existence. †Much of the cost of the analysis and mailings is offset by payments from drug manufacturers, who contract with pharmacies for the right to mail information to individual customers. Among other things, Rubin said, that material could include suggestions that customers switch from one drug to another. In addition to the customer backlash from this program, many legal issues become prescient due to the ill-defined nature of privacy laws. In a marketing practice that some experts say raises new questions about medical privacy, several large drug store chains and â€Å"thousands†of independent pharmacies have been providing confidential patient information to a Massachusetts database company that profiles and targets patients who don't refill prescriptions. The Washington Post reports Elensys receives prescription information on millions of individuals from 15,000 pharmacies each week, using â€Å"some of the most sophisticated computer equipment available†to profile patients and send them â€Å"educational materials†about drugs available for their conditions. Dr. George Lundberg, editor of the Journal of the American Medical Association, called the direct marketing tactics, known as â€Å"drug compliance programs,†a â€Å"breach of fundamental medical ethical issues. †He said, â€Å"Do you want †¦ the great computer in the sky to have a computer list of every drug you take, from which can be deduced your likely diseases  and all without your permission? †Elensys describes itself in an Internet posting as â€Å"the leader in patient behavior modification programs†The Boston Globe reported that â€Å"Giant Foods said yesterday it is considering suspending†the practice of sending confidential information to Elensys. Stung by disclosures in the Washington Post, Giant Foods held high-level meetings all day before issuing a statement defending the program and asserting extensive measures were taken to protect confidentiality. †The statement said, â€Å"Giant pharmacies engages in a limited number of programs designed to educate customers about prescription therapy and improve compliance with their drug regimen. These programs in no way compromise the confidentiality of patients. †Elensys backed Giant, defending itself in a statement that emphasized it â€Å"merely served as an agent of Giant, and the chain exerted sole control over the use of information. The Washington Post reported Sunday that officials at Giant defended the marketing program, â€Å"saying customers benefit from their reminders and from the information provided by drug manufacturers. Both companies said they value customer privacy and allow customers to remove themselves from participation by submitting an ‘opt-out' form. †A spokesperson for Giant â€Å"stressed that Elensys does not share its prescription database with third parties,†and Elensys President Daniel Rubin â€Å"said drug companies never get access to the pharmacy's files. Instead, pharmaceutical companies decide which patient groups they want to target and pay Elensys and the pharmacies to mail information to those patients. The Washington Post also reports that the direct marketing is â€Å"part of a far-reaching move by drug manufacturers and pharmacies across the country to make greater use of medical information, new technology and sophisticated marketing techniques to sell more drugs. Rather than promoting their products to doctors,†companies are targeting patients in hopes of influencing them to ask for specific prescriptions. The New York Times reports a parallel trend in which the â€Å"pharmaceutical industry is increasingly marketing mental health drugs directly to consumers. †Manufacturers claim the information is useful to patients, while some doctors and patient advocates contend that â€Å"people with certain mental illnesses are much more susceptible to being manipulated than those with other medical problems. †The Times reports that â€Å"in the most aggressive example of approaching patients directly, Eli Lilly & Company said recently that it would offer scholarships to some schizophrenic patients who took Zyprexa, its new antipsychotic drug. Future problems associated with this new marketing ploy include: The melding of the entrepreneurial ethic, where the goal is to sell a product and the more traditional medical ethic, where the goal is the well-being of the patient. The information could be sold to an insurance company that would then refuse to sell the person insurance or charge them a higher premium. This private information could make its way to head-hunting firms, employers and even divorce courts.
Thursday, August 29, 2019
451 Essay
Fahrenheit 451 Essay A dystopia is defined as a community or a society that is undesirable or frightening in some important way. There have been many novels written about such societies, such as 1984 by George Orwell, The Giver by Lois Lowry, and Fahrenheit 451 by Ray Bradbury. Fahrenheit 451 describes a dystopian society in which books are outlawed and technology is prevalent. In Fahrenheit 451, Ray Bradbury conveys a significant message through the contrasting tones he uses to describe Clarisse and Mildred.Bradbury uses a reverent, respectful tone to describe Clarisse, when Guy Montag sees her for the first time in the street as he walks home from work (3). The diction â€Å"slender†and â€Å"milk-white†portrays that Clarisse is young and innocent. These words create this feeling because one would normally associate slimness and a clear complexion with youth. The personification used in â€Å"gentle hunger†and â€Å"tireless curiosity†reveal the fact that Clarisse is inquisitive to the reader.The use of â€Å"gentle†and â€Å"tireless†allow the reader to see that Clarisse has a hunger for knowledge. The imagery â€Å"sliding walk†and â€Å"dress was white†creates an image of Clarisse’s demeanor and general appearance in the reader’s mind. Using these words also gives the reader the sense that Clarisse is pure, like an angel, because a sliding walk and white garments are associated with angels. Bradbury’s praising and positive tone shows that he strongly identifies with her personality.In contrast to the tone he uses when describing Clarisse, Bradbury uses a dull, monotonous tone to talk about Mildred when Guy Montag sees her as he walks into their bedroom shortly after his encounter with Clarisse (11). The metaphor â€Å"felt no rain†and â€Å"felt no shadow†compares rain and shadow to the feelings that Mildred does not feel. With this metaphor, Bradbury revea ls to the reader that Mildred is apathetic, unfeeling. The diction â€Å"tamped-shut ears†and â€Å"ears all glass†suggests to the reader that Mildred is oblivious to her surroundings.These words create the effect that Mildred does not see and hear what is going around in front of her. The simile â€Å"like a snow-covered island†compares Mildred’s face to a snow-covered island. This simile leaves the reader with the impression that Mildred’s face is pale, almost lifeless. Bradbury’s apathetic, negative tone shows that he does not approve of Mildred’s obliviousness and lifelessness. Bradbury uses an admiring, awed tone to describe Clarisse when Guy Montag is remembering his encounter with Clarisse (8).The simile â€Å"face like the dial of a small clock†compares Clarisse’s face with the dial of a small clock. Bradbury goes on to describe the clock as the type giving off light in the darkness in the middle of the night . This comparison conveys the idea that Clarisse represents good early on in the book. The simile â€Å"how like a mirror too, her face†emphasizes the fact that Clarisse’s demeanor in general makes Montag reflect on his actions, thoughts, and words. Bradbury is trying to relay the message that Clarisse has the type of personality that makes other people reflect upon themselves.The simile â€Å"like the eager watcher of a marionette show†compares Clarisse to an eager watcher of a marionette show through a simile. This simile demonstrates how perceptive Clarisse is. Bradbury’s tone of disbelief and awe shows his admiration of Clarisse’s character. In Fahrenheit 451, Ray Bradbury uses contrasting tones towards Clarisse and Mildred in order to convey his opinion that one should not blindly the beliefs that are presented to them. Bradbury strongly believes that we should constantly question the world around us.
The Nitrogen Cycle Statistics Project Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 6250 words
The Nitrogen Cycle - Statistics Project Example As a result, the salinity gradient was different along Kinvara Bay in time point 1 in comparison to time point 2. The periplasmic reductase gene Napa and the membrane-bound narG were presented in the sediments where Napa had a high affinity for nitrate in comparison to narG. Moreover, it was identified the presented bacteria in the bay were rather similar to those in Colne Estuary sediments, United Kingdom, back in 2007. (Smith et al., 2007). In general, the presented bacteria were from gamma proteobacteria, which is strongly associated with Napa reductase gene. Overall, another extensive study is needed to fully understand the denitrifiers Napa and narG community and structure in the environment. Further, quantitative polymerase chain reaction is necessary to quantify gene copy numbers of these two genes (napA and narG) present in the environment. Sediments from time point 1 and 2 of all the three sites were heated in the oven overnight to ignite the carbon. Subsequently, the sample s were weighed to calculate the total organic carbon. Carbon source was considered as being crucial in the denitrification process. Water salinity was measured by a Refractometer. This is quite an easy type of measurement to account for salinity. Measuring the sediment salinity was accomplished through different steps. Primarily, distilled H2O was added to all sediments from the three sites from time point 1 and 2. The sediments were centrifuged and this allowed the salt in the sediments to be dissolved in the water. The dissolved salt was then filtered and evaporated in the oven overnight, weighed, and then calculated. The sediments salinity was represented the different gradients through the three sites, from both time points 1 and 2.
Wednesday, August 28, 2019
Clean Water Act regulate oil spills in the United States (LAW) Essay
Clean Water Act regulate oil spills in the United States (LAW) - Essay Example e section of CWA that prohibits the discharge of threshold amounts of oil or hazardous substances into navigable waters of the United States is Section 311(b)(3) (Oil Spills/SPCC 1). Section 311(j) of CWA reduces the chances of oil spill and prevents the accidental release of stored oil in navigable waters by mandating facilities to prepare Spill Prevention, Control, and Countermeasure (SPCC) plans by storing oil in significant quantities (Oil Spills/SPCC 1). The SPCC plans must be in accordance with the National Contingency Plan (NCP) (Chapter Eight 4). For facilities that have a greater risk of oil spills from storage are required to develop plans to respond rapidly in case of oil spills and clean up. The SPCC plans have to be implemented by the facilities that have the total oil product storage of aboveground greater than 1320 gallons or underground more than 4200 gallons or aboveground storage of more than 660 gallons (Pollution Control 4). The SPCC plans must be in agreement with 40 CFR 112.7 and reviewed and certified by Registered Professional Engineer (Pollution Control 4). It must be reviewed by the facilities every three years or every time there is a change in the operator (Pollution Control 4). The copy of SPCC plan must be available with the operator who is attending 8 hours/day (Pollution Control 4). Periodic training must be provided to facility personnel, operator, and management for the spill prevention and response to oil spills (Pollution Control 4). Above storage tanks more than 660 gallons must be provided with secondary containment (Pollution Control 4). Appropriate cleanup equipments must be used to prevent oil spills from reaching navigable waters (Pollution Control 4). For drained water from the diked areas, a control valve must be used to lock when in use (Pollution Control 4). In case of oil spill or discharge in navigable water or in waters of contiguous zone, it must be brought to the notice of management authority of the United
Tuesday, August 27, 2019
ISMG 3000 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 1
ISMG 3000 - Essay Example The strategic objective of this project is therefore to create dynamic business application portfolio, create a solid foundation for organizational portfolio governance that work in supporting each business process, and stimulate a strong understanding amongst the application effects and subsequent desired organizational goals. The proposed system will be essential in providing organizational decision makers with a basis for decision on issues relating to current portfolio and IT related needs in specific areas of business system functionality, related cost, system quality and overall benefit to the business. Proposed IT Strategic Objective: The new Information Services will enable MDCM’s business objective of creating a dynamic business of absolute commitment to delivering quality parts and assemblies on time by establishing strong IT foundation that continuously transform employees’ performance and creating a platform that guarantees customer efficiency and business operations that continuously builds on the realms of Horizon 2000. Within the organizational analysis, important application issues are of primary significance to this portfolio process and identified into; financial system with diverse legacy systems in financial reporting and handling, human resource administration system, sales and marketing, material planning, logistic, duty and irregular custom inspection, e-mail and communication, networking and interconnectivity and organizational database. An application portfolio process designed to determine continuously solutions to the identified issues. Within this respect, possible application portfolio projects include; designing and implementing ERP, creation of a company intranet, consolidating data centers and networks, standardization of the server hardware, improving group support systems, creation of a
Monday, August 26, 2019
Death penalty in the US Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Death penalty in the US - Research Paper Example Across the globe, the same practice continues to be observed, dating its inception to hundreds of years ago for countries that undertake the death penalty practice. By the end of the first quarter of the year 2008, up to 37 states in the U.S had embraced the death penalty practice, with 13 states and the District of Columbia remaining without this penalty (Mauer, Ryan & Malcolm 117). This practice was also upheld by the U.S military, and crowned by the fact that the federal government authorized its practice. Amid this pursuit, the ways through which the penalty is implemented remains diverse and dynamic over time. For the states in the U.S that uphold death penalty, the mechanisms used to actualize this penalty range from lethal injections to electric chairs (Campbell 78). Arguments for and against this practice remains evident, with the primary concern being human rights for the prisoners set for the capital punishment (Marquis 95). Around the globe different countries observe this form of punishment while others do not. There are countries that previously observed death penalty, but later revised their legal systems to alleviate the practice (Anckar 152). On the same note, there are countries that initially did not have capital punishment as a form of punishment according to their laws, but went ahead to formulate and implement legal provisions that allowed death penalty (Hodgkinson & Schabas 169-185). This implies that the global population remains divided for and against death penalty. This is the reason why there are countries that execute prisoners under the death provisions, while others fail to do so. In the U.S and the globe at large, decades ago realized exacerbating executions in accordance with death penalty laws. With the rising issues and agencies that promote human rights at all aspects, many countries, U.S included have embarked on a reform trail in relation to
Sunday, August 25, 2019
Consumer Behaviour Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words - 5
Consumer Behaviour - Essay Example the report is limited to the discussion and analysis of psychological and consumer environment factors and their impact of consumer purchasing decision of Red Bull energy drink. The case study of Richey & Michaels (2001) has been used to study the various marketing activities and strategies of Red Bull. In consideration to the consumer behaviour models and theories, the marketing practices of Red Bull have been discussed. In the first section, the consumer decision process has been discussed. In the second section, the impact of psychological core factors on consumer decision process has been studied and in the last section, the impact of consumer environment factor on consumer decision process has been discussed. As shown by Schiffman & Kanuk in the model of Consumer Decision Making, the three steps are very important in decision making process. These steps shape the psychological core factors of consumers, which directly influence the decision of the consumer; therefore, the three steps are very important for the companies to influence the consumer behaviour. A consumer recognises a need when he faces a problem. For example, the need for a drink may arise when an athlete has exhausted after playing a game, a spectator in the audience is lacking energy to fully participate in the concert, a truck driver is staying at the rest area on highway after long driving, a working person is back home from office, a student is lacking energy to keep a pace in studies etc. Out of the two states of consumers for problem recognition including actual state or desired state, the need for a drink will be the desired state of the consumer. After recognising the need, the repurchase research beings, if the consumer perceives that purchasing or consuming a particular product can satisfy his need. In most of the decision making process, the consumer recalls his past experiences however, when the consumer does not have any prior experience, he may need to conduct an extensive
Saturday, August 24, 2019
Five Effective Leadership Qualities Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
Five Effective Leadership Qualities - Assignment Example Lastly, a leader can only be regarded as effective if he/she is able to achieve the organizational aims and objectives. In order to become an effective leader and influence others, an individual requires certain leadership qualities including the quality of being courageous, emotionally intelligent, and able to motivate others, open to challenges and a sound communicator. Body Courage is defined as an individual’s ability as well as willingness to counter fear and taking steps that may seem difficult. Courage is one of the most important qualities a leader should possess as courage is the quality that helps a leader in conducting most of his/her task. A leader is required to perform various activities such as taking risks, getting involved in unknown scenarios, communicating a positive vision of change to followers and without the quality of courage a leader cannot perform any one of these tasks. Any individual can perform tasks and make decisions that are taken on routinely basis and that comply with the culture of an organization. But a leader is one who has the courage to face unforeseen circumstances and take decisions that are novice. A leader has to show courage as a tool to motivate his/her followers because it is the followers who look up to their leaders and if they fail to spot courage in their leader, they will be de-motivated. Winston C hurchill is highly regarded for being a courageous leader. He once stated that that courage is the quality due to which an individual is able to stand up and speak for him and for others and it is this quality that enables an individual to take retaliation and face criticism in a positive manner (Warrell, 2013, p.92). Churchill is highly renowned for being a person who had the quality of moral courage as he knew what should be done in a particular scenario, but due to his moral courage he chose to perform activities that are morally correct. Another key quality that individuals need to possess in order to become effective leader is emotional intelligence. Emotional intelligence is a quality that an individual is said to possess when he/she has the ability to not only be aware of his/her own emotions, they should even be aware of emotions experienced by others and he/she should have the ability of controlling emotions and responding to the emotional issues experienced by others. In c ase of leadership, an emotionally intelligent leader is one who recognizes his/her own emotions and can control those emotions while making decisions and the leader even needs to be aware about the emotional issues experienced by followers in order to help solve those issues in order to motivate followers. According to a research conducting by Bommer during the period of 2005, an emotionally intelligent leader has the ability to positively change the attitudes and behaviors of other individuals. Emotional intelligence is qualities that can help leaders conduct various tasks that are required of him (Ciulla, 2008, p.88). A leader is expected to be a conflict resolver in conflicts that arise between lower level of employees and conflicts that arise within the employees who work at the same level. Emotional intelligence can help leaders identify the grievances that employees of the lower level of the organization have with the decision making level of employee
Friday, August 23, 2019
Recruitment selaction process of officers Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Recruitment selaction process of officers - Essay Example Most police departments for instance require a certain level of education attainments to qualify for the recruitment process. More than four of every five police departments in the US, demand for a high school diploma, with at least 15 per cent of others requiring a minimum level of college training, and preferably a two year course work, with only about 1% requires that the participants have at least a four year college degree (National Institute of Justice & United States, 2005). Physical traits that include height and weight which have previously been quite crucial trait required for the selection process have been dropped or relaxed in favor of women who would have the urge to join the force. The levels of education it is assumed is essential for the next level of the recruitment process which involves a written examination. The examination is basically set to gauge the some degree of skills necessary for the making of a competent officer. Some of these skills include: map reading, decision making skills, reading abilities, report writing and written communications skills and skills that tests ones intelligence quotient (I.Q). The background of the person to be recruited is also important to shield individuals with questionable characters from gaining access to join the police force; a polygraph may be used to ascertain the truthfulness of the answers provided for most of the questions asked. A physical ability test that gauges the endurance levels of those who wish to join is also important as the police are subjected to intense conditions in the day to day work life. A polygraph may also be required to further ascertain or gauge the level of truthfulness in the answers provided by the respective candidates. A psychological and medical examinations is also important to rule out the possibility of recruiting individuals who are sick and thus unfavorable and enabling the recruitment of individuals with sound minds. Each and every state in
Thursday, August 22, 2019
Church Split During Middle Ages Essay Example for Free
Church Split During Middle Ages Essay Ultimately, the cause of the Great Schism of 1054 was a question of who was the highest authority. The underlying reasons why there was a split, however, developed in earliest beginnings of the Church. In those days the Church was never completely unified, and several of the original organizations, such as the Coptic Orthodox and Oriental Orthodox Churches, which date from ancient times, still exist as separate entities. By far, the largest body of the Church was the one centered in Rome, which from ancient times was made up of two main groups of people, one speaking Latin and one speaking Greek. Latin was the language of the administrative center in Rome. Greek, however, was the original language of much of the New Testament. The linguistic difference was part of a foundation of a split that developed more, and not always for reasons that had anything to do with religious doctrine. Like the Church, the Roman Empire was divided between Latin and Greek areas, and the common understanding of this is skewed. The date we are accustomed to assign to the fall of the Roman Empire was not actually the date of a sudden destruction of a country. In fact, what happened that year was the abdication of the last emperor of the Roman Empire of the West, with authority being reunited in the hands of the emperor of the Roman Empire of the East. And in theory, the Roman Empire continued with what we call the Byzantine Empire today, but what called itself the Empire of the Roman People at the time. For group of people in the East, who considered themselves the rightful administrators of law and Justice, to admit that they had lost control over the West was difficult enough, but in addition to that, the popes were demanding that they acknowledge the spiritual leadership of Rome, with increasing demands for political leadership as well. When Pope Leo Ill crowned Charlemagne Emperor of the West, in 800, it was not a religious issue, but it was a political issue that made the Greeks very upset. From the Greek perspective, Charlemagne and the Pope were usurping the authority of Empress Irene, who was ruling the empire at the time. When Emperor Michael Ill deposed the Patriarch Ignatius of Constantinople in 858, the Pope, Nicholas l, declared the action illegal and acted on his own authority to return Ignatius to his position. This caused further problems, and this time it was within the Church itself. In 1014, the Pope again tried to exert authority over the ishops of the East, interfering in a change they were making to the to the Nicene Creed. Right or wrong, this created more strain. The time of continual, simmering resentment continued, as the Popes continued to try to get the Greek bishops to accept the supreme authority of Rome, and the Greek bishops always tried to avoid doing this. Finally, in 1054, a group of legates excommunicated the Patriarch of Constantinople because he would not take an oath to acknowledge the supremacy of the Pope, and he retaliated by excommunicating them. Church Split During Middle Ages By brandyHK
Wednesday, August 21, 2019
Cannabis and Food Service Essay Example for Free
Cannabis and Food Service Essay Introduction I.Attention-Grabbing introduction: According to the National Institute on Drug Abuse, a recent government survey shows that over 98 million Americans over the age of 12 have tried marijuana at least once in their lifetime. II.Preview of 3 Main Points: Today I am going to give you information about marijuana legalization. There are three main points to touch on. First, what is marijuana and how does it affect humans. Second, when and why did marijuana become illegal? Third and finally, I will speak about the trend of states legalizing marijuana for medical purposes. Thesis/Specific Purpose Statement: Using these three points, I am going to attempt to inform you about marijuana and the movement to legalize it. Body I.Point One: What is marijuana and how does it affect humans? A.Sub-point A: According to WebMD, marijuana, or cannabis sativa, is a naturally occurring plant that contains several psychoactive ingredients, including delta-9 tetrahydrocannabinol (THC). B.Sub-point B: When THC reaches the brain, it induces relaxation and a feeling of euphoria. It also typically heightens the senses and relieves pain. Transition Now that we know what marijuana is, let’s look at when and why it became illegal in the United States. II.Point Two: When did marijuana become illegal in the United States? A. Sub-point A: According to an article published in Fortune magazine, marijuana has been utilized by human civilizations for thousands of years. It has been a part of western medicine since the early 19th century. B. Sub-point B: Starting in the early 1900’s, states began outlawing cannabis because it had become associated with violence and psychosis. C. Sub-point C: In 1937, through the Marihuana Tax Act, the federal government effectively outlawed marijuana, in spite of objections by the American Medical Association. Transition: So, we have looked at what marijuana is, as well as when it became illegal in the United States. Let’s finally look at the current trend of states legalizing marijuana for medicinal purposes. III.Point Three: More and more states are enacting legislation that legalizes medical marijuana. A. Sub-point A: According to the USA Today, when New Jersey passed medical marijuana legislation in 2010, it became the 14th state to legalize marijuana in some form. B. Sub-point B: In addition to this, there are another 14 states that are currently considering legislation that will either legalize medical marijuana or decriminalize possession of personal amounts. Conclusion A.Summary Statement / 3 main points thesis: In review, first we looked at what marijuana is as well as its effects on the human brain, second we saw when and how marijuana was prohibited in the U.S. and third, we looked at the growing number of states that have legalized or decriminalized marijuana. B.Statement tying introduction to conclusion: With a large portion of Americans having tried marijuana, and more and more states considering legislation, it seems that the time has come for a serious debate about the legality of marijuana. Sample Outline Goal: To convince listeners that the often-criticized Campus Food Service is really quite good. Introduction I. How many times have we, as students, complained about Campus Food Service and decided to order in or go out after having previewed that day’s menu? II. By showing how the Food Service on campus keeps costs to a minimum, keeps offering a good variety, and keeps maintaining high quality standards, I am going to prove that Campus Food Service is the best meal program for students. Thesis/Specific Purpose Statement: Campus Food Service is vastly underrated. Body I.Cost is not a valid complaint. A. According Myer Tempel, an outside review company, no one is getting rich off Food Service, since proceeds are divided among utilities, labor, wages, and the cost of food. B. An informal survey shows that Campus Food is comparable in price to local restaurants. Transition: Now that we’ve talked about the cost of the food, let’s move to quality of the food itself. II.Taste is not a valid complaint. A. According to Matt Davis, the Campus Foods coordinator, and supported by Myer Tempel, all foods served are Grade A, fresh daily, and never reused under any circumstances. B. Every Friday night, Campus Foods has an â€Å"international dinner night,†taking us from Latin America to Italy to China. Transition: In addition to preferring tasty food, students also wish for a variety of foods to choose from. III.Lack of variety is not a valid complaint. A. Every day, Food Service offers three entrees and a vegetarian meal, not to mention a salad bar option, breads, soups, and a dessert bar. B. Although Food Service serves a lot of chicken and fish, Myer Tempel says this is because students have requested healthier sources of protein. Conclusion: I. Through consistent efforts to charge students a low price, maintain fresh, tasty standards, and offer a wide variety of food, Campus Food Service is a fair, affordable way for students at the university to dine. II. We are just left with one problem: now that we know all the benefits of eating at Food Service, what are we going to complain about at dinner?
Examine The Distinctions Between Theories Of International Relations Politics Essay
Examine The Distinctions Between Theories Of International Relations Politics Essay Critically examine the distinctions between explanatory and constitutive theories of international relations, illustrating your argument with insights from a variety of theoretical perspectives The distinction between explanatory and constitutive theory is a contested issue that has emerged as a result of the contemporary way of framing issues in International Relations. I will argue that this is an ambiguous and superficial distinction that when pressed to categorise theoretical concepts requires an oversimplification and carries a danger of negligence. I then offer an alternative categorisation; that put forward by Robert Cox ( 1981): problem-solving and critical theory. I conclude by arguing that the act of categorising in itself is highly problematic. Explanatory theory views the world as something external to our theories, indentifying a number of key factors and then predicting a range of outcomes on the basis of a few important causal factors. (Kurki Wight, 2007, p.28) In contrast, constitutive theory argues that our theories help construct our world and that we cannot separate subject and object as a causal relationship; but instead theory and practice are embedded. The epistemology of explanatory theory is positivist, arguing that we can have authentic value- free knowledge based upon sense experience and methodologically using empirical data to produce universal conditionals. (Baylis et al., 2008, p.177) Constitutive theory rejects this epistemological and methodological approach, arguing that human knowledge is not based on neutral foundations, but rather upon human conjectures. Instead, constitutive theory is concerned with the study of how norms, rules and ideas are constituted in social objects; preferring to study from a meta-theoretical perspective. (Kurki Wight, 2007, p.29) Realism, an orthodox theory, is regarded as a classic example of explanatory theory. (Kurki Wight, 2007, p.28) Realism claims that politics and society are governed by objective laws based upon a fixed conception of human nature. (Morgenthau, 1967) The Realist conception of human nature has its roots in the Hobbesian man; a creature of self-preservation, countless appetites and desires; when added to the anarchical state of nature the life of man is solitary, poor, nasty, brutish, and short. (Hobbes, 2008, p.84) This image of man is then extrapolated into the state and world order, giving Realism a rational outline that concludes that states are by nature power maximizers. (Rosenberg, 2001, p.17) This concept of power imposes intellectual discipline upon the observer, infuses rational order into the subject matter of politics (Morgenthau, 1967) and produces the idealistic [1] conception of a balance of power. Overall, Realism advocates a broad positivist scientific epistemolog y by a determinate causal relation between the object and subject i.e. the fixed objective nature of man into a subjective social power relation between states. Another orthodox explanatory theory is said to be Liberalism, which sets out a common positivist epistemology and ontological emphasis on human nature. The Liberal perspective accepts the Realist ontology of human nature and state-centricity, but differs by emphasising the rational qualities of individuals and a faith in the progress of social life. Despite the fixed conception of human nature, man is able to cooperate and construct a peaceful society. (Russett, 2007, p.96) Although not denying the international system is anarchical, there is a disagreement as to what this means and why it matters. (Baldwin, 1993, p.4) Liberalism has a belief in democratic governments, economic interdependence and international law and institutions, in a series of feedback loops each factor strengthening the other and leading to a self-perpetuating peaceful system. (Russett, 2007, p.107) In a sense Liberalism breaks from away from the Realist conception of man, to a more central role of rational indi viduals cooperating and constructing a peaceful society. Once more Liberalism applies a positivist methodology by relating the agency of human nature as the ontological basis and predicting structural power relations between states. So far I have focused upon two generalised orthodox theories and argued that both categorise neatly within the explanatory bracket. However, when moving to the third paradigm of International Relations theory Marxism we find that the distinctions become obscure and potentially misleading if operated negligently. Marxisms methodology operates on a dual basis of dialectical and historical materialism; if taken separately I believe Marxism can wrongly be defined as explanatory theory, whereas, taken in its correct dual sense Marxism bridges the gap between explanatory and constitutive theories. Firstly, dialectical materialism is a theory of struggle and must be understood as in direct opposition to idealism. Contrary to the orthodox theories, dialectics does not regard nature as an accidental agglomeration of things, independent and isolated such as the ontological basis of power and human nature but a connected and integrated whole, in which things are organically interdependent. The dialectical methodology is holistic and therefore holds that we cannot understand the phenomena in nature, if isolated from surrounding phenomena. Contrary to orthodox theory, human nature is not in a state of rest, fixed and immobile, but in a state of continuous movement and change. This dialectical approach has important implications for the way in which Marxism studies social life, removing it from a simple object and subject split, whilst also distinguishing its methodology from orthodox theory. As Marx himself put it, as soon as this active life-process is described, history ceases to be a collection of dead facts as it is with the empiricists. (Marx Engels, 1970, p.48) Nevertheless, Marxism still retains an element of explanatory quality, as dialectical materialism envisages a process of development; where qualitative changes occur not gradually, but rapidly and abruptly, leaping from one state to another; not accidently, but as a natural result of gradual quantitative changes in the unfolding of contradictions inherent in nature. (Stalin, 1938) This dialectical process results in Marxist methodology to scientifically predict the eventual downfall of capitalism to a higher stage of communism. The mistake often made with Marxism is to highlight the objective factors as primarily driving revolutionary change. Instead, by incorporating a reading of Marxist historical materialism, we begin to understand that objective factors inevitably give rise to revolts and not revolution; i.e. objectively the stock market will crash due to the structure of capitalism, giving rise to a subjective revolt. By incorporating historical materialism, Marxism focuses on the subjective factors alive within an epoch of history and seeks to measure the factors for revolution and the factors against; objective factors can include unintentional structures of exploitation and alienation; giving rise to subjective necessity to find a job, or join a union. It is this dialectical interrelation of object and subject that informs the Marxist methodology. Contrary to explanatory theory, which asserts that theory can be separate from practice, and that value-free knowledge is possible due to our sensations, ideas and perceptions; Marxist materialism holds that matter is primary, since it is the source of our ideas, and that our theory is derivative, a reflection of matter and practice. One cannot separate the thought from matter which thinks. Matter is the subject of all changes. (Marx, 2001, p.167) Whatever the material conditions of life of a society, such are the ideas and theories about them it is not the consciousness of men that determines their being, but, on the contrary, their social being that determines their consciousness. (Marx, 2001, p.425) In summation, Marxism has scientific qualities and foundational epistemology similar to explanatory theory; yet, by its break towards a more holistic methodology and historical materialist ontology, marks a nascent stage of constitutive theory. The Marxist ideological hypothesis marks a transition towards Post theoretical concepts. Post-structuralism claims that interpretation is void of any objectivity and as such political leaders, social activists, scholars and students all actively engage in a interpretation of the world that is ideological. Post-structuralism attacks the Realist foundational approach, highlighting how state-centric ontology results in predetermined practice; i.e. balance of power emerges as Realism marks a border between inside/outside, sovereign/anarchic, us/them (Campbell, 2007, p.216) and post-structuralism is concerned with how this inside and outside relation is mutually composed. Post-structuralism argues that these interpretations are made from a particular ideological vantage point and hence representation cannot be abstracted from our identities; therefore post-structuralism is concerned with the discourse of identity politics. (Campbell, 2007, pp.214-16) Post-structuralism is essentially conc erned with the deconstruction of truth claims; for example, Realism, Liberalism and Marxism all have a normative position and therefore claim to have uncovered some fundamental truth about the world. (Baylis et al., 2008, p.185) Overall, post-structuralism has a devastating critique and deconstruction of the normative element of traditional theories. However, I would argue that this meta-theoretical critique is useful in retrospect, yet, pacifying and un-politicizing by an failure to change the concrete conditions of society; otherwise contradicting its anti-normative perspective. The distinctions between explanatory and constitutive appear to be problematic and I believe this due to the construction of explanatory theory using a framework of Realist ontology, epistemology and methodology. This forces a superficial distinction to be drawn in the shape of constitutive theory, which directly opposes Realism. Yet, when placing Marxism and to a degree Liberalism within these inflexible categories, an element of overlap is necessary. Instead, using Robert Coxs more flexible categorisation; problem-solving and critical theory helps to show clearly the points of departure and encourage reflection on the process of theorising itself; i.e. to achieve a perspective on perspectives. (Cox, 1981, p.88) Realism and Liberalism would be defined as problem-solving theory due to its negation of the prevailing social and power relationships, as well as institutions and economic structure. The second category is critical theory, it is critical because it refuses to except the exi sting order as a non-historical occurrence, but question how that order came about and how it is maintained. (Cox, 1981, pp.88-89) Overall, the problem-solving and critical distinctions offer more flexibility and clarity between theoretical perspectives. Nevertheless, the distinctions made are on a normative basis and subsequently complicate the positioning of post theoretical perspectives. To conclude, I would argue that the distinctions of Explanatory and Constitutive theory are highly problematic since the act of categorisation, in itself, leads to the creation of new discourses that can dangerously disregard important underpinnings of major theories. As Marx once famously recalled if this is Marxism, then I am not a Marxist (Engels, 1890) and Foucaults effort to escape any fixed identity through his writings, (Gutting, 2005, p.10) illustrates the discomfort of categorisation as practice in political theory.
Tuesday, August 20, 2019
Themes of Morality and Racism in Adventures of Huckleberry Finn Essay
The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn by Mark Twain is a novel full of racism and hypocrisy of the society that we know. Huck continually faces the many challenges of what to do in tough situations dealing with racism and what the society wants him to do. With the novel being written in the first person point of view gives us insightful information into the challenges the Huck is facing and gives us a look into Huck’s head. Huck uses many different techniques to deal with his problems and he gets through them with the end result always being what Huck believes is right. Through Huck’s perspective we see how he deals with all of the racism and hypocrisy of society to form him into the character that he is and to serve the themes of the novel. Huck in many instances has a conflict from the racism that society has put forth and he has difficulty deciphering what is right by his heart and what is right by society’s standards. In the novel you find Huck lying on many occasions to help protect his slave friend Jim. In one instance Huck poses as a girl in a town down the river to see the response to Huck’s fake death and Jim’s disappearance. Huck finds out that â€Å"Before night they changed around and judged it was done by a runaway nigger named Jim†¦ The nigger run off the very night Huck Finn was killed. So there’s a reward out for him-three hundred dollars†(86). With a reward being out for Jim’s capture Huck knows that people are going to be looking for Jim. Huck quickly created a story to protect his slave friend Jim from the feared slave catchers. Huck hides his identity numerous times to protect his friend Jim from danger and possibly death. It takes an extraordinary high moral person to take these kinds of personal risks to prote... ... could not stand such indecency and it bothered him to see that. "It made my heart ache to see them getting fooled and lied to so." (183). Huck in those passages shows a special person, almost a hero, that was uncanny for the time period, showing emotions towards slaves where the rest of the society either didn’t think anything of it or just thought of slaves as property with no feelings. With all the issues of right and wrong, Huck tries to do the right thing even though most people in the society around him wouldn’t view them as correct. Huck breaking Jim out of slavery and Huck’s feelings of sickness of slave trading, give the reader insightful information on the characters perspective. Through Huck’s perspective we see how he deals with all of the racism and hypocrisy of society to form him into the character that he is and to serve the themes of the novel.
Monday, August 19, 2019
A Stereotypical Media :: essays research papers
The media of today’s society plays the peddler to the stereotypes that plague our country. However, the media is not solely to blame. Susan Sontag states in her essay â€Å"The Image World†: â€Å"Through being photographed, something becomes part of a system of information, fitted into schemes of classification and storage†(Sontag 196). Through our own demand as consumers, the use of advertising in television, newspapers, and especially magazines relays to the public an erratic system of stereotypical information. The system of information relayed through photographic imagery in advertising directly affects the thoughts of society, on how a woman should look and feel. Thus, mixing the stereotypical woman of delicacy, and grandeur with sex and sexuality. The vast amount of stereotypical advertising today is directed at the middle-class, American worker. This specification in advertising is due to the fact that the middle class workers are the main consumers. This idea is represented in the magazine, Newsweek. Printed on April 3, 2000, Newsweek prints numerous articles of news that are not so focused and in-depth, but still contains valid consistency. The magazine is M/C Phillips, Page 2 truly tailored to the middle class and so is its advertising. In the midst of clutter, from articles of political power, to the rise of the doughnut culture, sits an ad of poise and content. Posted by the Target Corporation, a store tailored to the middle class, the ad displays, a very young, beautiful woman covered shoulders to toe in ivy, holding a rayon handbag. She is poised, illustrious and elegant, a mirror image of a statue. The backdrop of the image is calm, organized and serene. The ad reads â€Å"ivy plant $6.99, rayon crochet bag $14.99†(Newsweek 7). However, the ad’s imagery at first glance does not fully portray the stereotypes within it. The appearances of stereotypes in this serene ad are hard to find, but are found deep in the t ext of the image. The apparent purpose of the ad is to sell items such as a handbag, and ivy plants. However, the apparent does not relay the reality. The use of a woman’s stereotypical sexuality covers up the real with the fantasy. A stereotype as defined by the Module, â€Å"Images of Women and Men†, â€Å"is viewed today as a process that distorts reality†(Unger & Crawford 219). So in essence this is what the image, or the advertisement has done. Advertising takes the process of photography, and distorts its reality by applying such methods as stereotyping.
Sunday, August 18, 2019
Sir Gawain and the Green Knight :: Sir Gawain Green Knight Essays
Sir Gawain and the Green Knight Sir Gawain and the Green Knight is a Middle English romance poem written by an anonymous West Midlands poet also credited with a lot of other poems written during that time. The protagonist, Sir Gawain, survives two tests: a challenge, which he alone without the assistance of King Arthur's knights accepts, to behead the fearsome Green Knight and to let him retaliate a year later at the distant Green Chapel; and the temptation to commit adultery with the wife of Lord Bercilak--in reality the Green Knight--in whose castle he stays in en route to the chapel. This story is emblematic of life; how it issues tests and challenges and the consequences rendered as a result of failing or succeeding these challenges. Sir Gawain is a very symbolic character; symbolic in the sense that he represents innocence in life. He was not afraid to accept a challenge because it meant saving the kingdom from the affects of anarchy as a result of not having a king. Sir Gawain accepting the challenge from the Green Knight instantly represented one of the things that knighthood represented, fearlessness. People accept those kind of challenges everyday. This could possibly be where the term "sticking your neck out" could have come from. When people accept challenges, most do not want to accept the consequences as a result of being unsuccessful. Gawain was not like this. When the year passed he gallantly mounted his horse and set off for the Green Chapel. This showed that Gawain was brave. This was preceded by the warning "Beware, Gawain, that you not end a betrayer of your bargain through fear." Along this journey Gawain faces peril and self-reluctance in the form of the elements and the never-ending search for the chapel respectively. These feeling can be characterized as the inner turmoil suffered as a result of dealing with one's conscience. The journey also tested his faith in the sense that he was constantly in prayer during his journey, and not once did he curse or renounce the name of God. It seems as if the prayers were what kept Gawain sane and focused on the purpose of his journey. Gawain's prayers were answered when he rode along and finally came upon a place that he could petition for possible rest.
Saturday, August 17, 2019
Appointment with Love
Appointment with Love This is a short romantic story about a young lieutenant Blandford and a lady, Hollis Meynell, who had fallen in love with each other. The author shows us the possibility of existence of a real strong relationships even through a great distance and the fact that two people can be very close to each other even having never seen one another. The young lieutenant Blandford served during the war time in the air forces , while once he run across some witty notes made by a woman in the book which he had taken from the army library .He contacted her later and it so happened that she had had the power to reach inside of him through writing and renew his strength even from a far. They had been in touch, through writing, during thirteen month. This time the woman, who was 30, supported and inspired the lieutenant and they both trusted their true inner feelings to each other. At last the young people decided to meet ,personally, when the lieutenant was back from the Army, a t the train station in New York city.They both agreed that Hollis would identify him through the book â€Å"Of Human Bondage†and Hollis, would wear a red rose in her suit lapel, because actually, they did not know how which one of them looked like. Now the young lieutenant was waiting for this woman in Grand Central Station and worried a lot. They knew about each other only from their own words. The first woman he saw was a beautiful lady, wearing a green suit but unfortunately, she had no red rose on her jacket, as it was in their agreement.Then he turned around and saw a middle aged and unattractive woman who had, to his disappointment and chagrin, a red rose in her jacket’s lapel. For the young lieutenant that was the moment of truth. A lot of thoughts and feelings had flown throughout his mind and his heart like a hurricane during that dreadful moment but at last he somehow managed to control himself and moved towards her. He decided that no matter what would beco me with their relationship to stay friends with that woman , thinking that if so, their good friendship, for that matter, could be more valuable than love.He approached and greeted the lady and then asked for permission to take her to dinner. But was pleased to hear that she is not the one he was waiting for. She told him that Hollis had asked her to be her substitute for a little while and to wear the rose in her suit lapel so that she could test whether Blanford's feelings and intentions were really sincere. The main idea of the story is that if you love someone, you should love them for what they really are, and not for what they look like.
Friday, August 16, 2019
All About Kesha
Singer, songwriter. Born Kesha Rose Sebert on March 1, 1987, in Los Angeles, California. She was exposed to music at an early age through her mother Pebe, a songwriter. Her mother's biggest songwriting success was â€Å"Old Fames Can't Hold a Candle to You,†which was a hit for Joe Sun and Dolly Parton. The first few years of Kesha's life were a struggle for her family. Her mother had difficulty earning enough to support Kesha and her older brother. â€Å"We were on welfare and food stamps,†the artist explained on her website. â€Å"One of my first memories is my mom telling me, ‘If you want something, just take it. †When she was 4, Kesha moved to Nashville with her family, where her mother had landed a songwriting contract. Sometimes tagging along with her mother, Kesha spent a lot of time in recording studios during her early teens. Her mother encouraged her interest in singing, allowing Kesha to work on some of her song demos. Kesha also went to a music school, where she learned about songwriting. Deep in the heart of the country music scene, she was inspired by the likes of Johnny Cash and Patsy Cline. At 17, Kesha left high school to pursue a music career. She changed her name to Ke$ha and moved to Los Angeles to work with producer Dr. Luke, who had worked on hit singles for Katy Perry and Kelly Clarkson among others. â€Å"I thought her voice was distinctive, and I fell in love with her personality,†Dr. Luke explained to Entertainment Weekly. â€Å"She had the same sass and irreverence she has now. †Ke$ha was determined to break into the business. According to one story, she paid off a gardener to get inside music legend Prince's house to leave one of her demos for him. She landed a few gigs as a back-up vocalist as well, performing on songs by Britney Spears and Paris Hilton. But her big break came from an uncredited and unpaid cameo on rapper Flo Rida's 2009 No. hit â€Å"Right Round. †She told Allure magazine that she wasn't upset about not receiving any payment for the song. â€Å"You have to pay your dues,†she explained. Soon after her work with Flo Rida, Ke$ha landed a record contact with RCA. She released her first single, â€Å"Tik Tok,†later that year. The party anthem developed quite a following, soon becoming one of the most downloaded songs in America, and then reaching the top of the Billboard pop charts in January 2010. Because she has attracted many young fans, Ke$ha has been criticized for some of her lyrics, especially those ocused on drinking and alcohol. â€Å"I'm not a babysitter,†the singer said. â€Å"It's their parents' responsibility to take care of them. †For Ke$ha, her life provides much of the inspiration for her songs. â€Å"I'll go out with my friends and get rowdy . . . I'm not sorry, and I will write about it. †Her debut album, Animal, reached the top of the charts after its release in January 2010. In addition to â€Å"Tik Tok,†Ke$ha has scored two more Top 10 hits: â€Å"Blah B lah Blah†and â€Å"Your Love Is My Drug. †Her first headlining tour will begin this spring. What me and MOST people think of Ke$ha Ke$ha is very different yeah its true but its good. If she wasn’t so different she probably would not be where she is now. She insires a lot of people to be themselves and free. Some may think this is bad but its not it just how you take it small, moderate, or, extreme. She is very original and unique she captures up beat and catchy songs that anyone would like. She is also not one to make up things and act like someone she is not. There is no point in pretending to be someone eles. Because being you is something very important in making you, well†¦ you.
What Does Fitzgerald Establish in the Opening of the Great Gatsby?
What does Fitzgerald establish in this opening? In the opening of The Great Gatsby, Fitzgerald establishes to readers that the book will be narrated by a man who supposedly ‘reserve[s] all judgments’.Through Nick, Fitzgerald establishes the hypocrisy and possible unreliability of the narrator – he makes judgments despite claiming that he ‘reserves’ them (saying ‘the intimate revelations of young men’ are ‘plagiaristic and marred by obvious suppressions’); the ambivalence of the narrator (and consequently the reader) towards life in the East, for which he has both an ‘unaffected scorn’ and fascination; and ultimately how the ‘foul dust’ that surrounded Gatsby, and indeed the American dream has diminished the ‘infinite hope’ of humanity to come to nothing.Fitzgerald immediately establishes that Nick is a privileged person, who has had ‘advantages’ that other people did not. He was educated at Yale, and as such he has connections to some ‘enormously rich’ people, among them being Tom and Daisy Buchanan. At the same time, however, readers are made aware that Nick chooses to ‘reserve all judgments’, which he claims has made him ‘privy to the secret griefs of wild, unknown men’.There are times when Gatsby, Daisy, and Tom share confidences in him, which consequently allows Nick to see both the hollowness of Daisy’s (and indirectly humanity’s) ‘sophisticat[ion]’, as well as the ‘extraordinary gift of hope’ that Gatsby possesses. This also makes readers aware of these different characteristics, and through Nick, readers can form their own judgments of the different characters. Although Nick claims to ‘reserve’ judgments, Nick makes or encourages judgments throughout the opening (‘the intimate revelations of young men†¦ are usually plagiaristic and marred by ob vious suppressions’).He boasts of his tolerance, and then immediately asserts that it has a ‘limit’, encouraging readers to question just how true his statements and claims really are. Fitzgerald establishes hypocrisy in Nick, the narrator, and forces readers to consider just how reliable he is in terms of telling his story. Throughout the book, Nick continues to make judgments about people (for example, referring to Gatsby’s partygoers as a ‘rotten crowd’), and readers must constantly ask themselves just how reliable what they read is. The theme of hope, of believing in something better, is established when Nick refers to reserving judgments. Reserving judgments is a matter of infinite hope’ illustrates the optimism that Nick hopes he can have, that by reserving judgments he hopes someone can better themselves. Perhaps it is this ‘infinite optimism’ that keeps Nick fascinated by Gatsby, and subsequently life in the East. N ick is at first ambivalent regarding these wealthy individuals, having an ‘unaffected scorn’ for everything that Gatsby represents, but also a borderline obsession (which he untruthfully claims as ‘casual’) for the lifestyle and people.He is disgusted by the moral decay of the East, but enjoys the fast-paced lifestyle; this is accurately described by how Nick was ‘flattered to go to places with [Jordan Baker] because†¦ everyone knew her name. ’ Despite this, Nick’s optimism and hope is reflected in Gatsby, who is ‘gorgeous’ and possesses a ‘gift for hope’. This hope however ultimately comes to nothing, as Nick realizes the hollowness and immorality of life in East, and wanted the world ‘to be at a sort of moral attention forever’.This letdown links closely to Gatsby’s dream of Daisy that has gone ‘beyond everything’; Gatsby had built an ‘illusion’ that had a â⠂¬Ëœcolossal vitality’, of which Daisy had no hope of satisfying (‘no amount of fire or freshness can challenge what a man can store up in his ghostly heart’). Nick states that ‘Gatsby turned out all right in the end’, yet Gatsby dies. This hints at the cynicism that Nick develops towards humanity after he sees the ‘foul dust’ that ‘floated in the wake of [Gatsby’s] dreams’ – the hollowness, the materialism, the moral decay.Daisy is eventually shown to be materialistic, and she chooses the ‘revolting’ Tom over Gatsby in a matter of minutes, causing Gatsby’s dream to fall apart irreparably. Gatsby had ‘added to his fantasies’, had poured so much into his single goal of winning Daisy, that when it was destroyed, he had nothing left to live for. Fitzgerald finishes the opening by hinting at how the people around Gatsby (the ‘foul dust’) and their actions led Nick to lo se faith in humanity and to ‘temporarily close out’ his interest in the ‘shortwinded elations of men’.In his opening, Fitzgerald establishes the questionable nature of the information transmitted to readers through Nick’s ironic statements, while also foreshadowing what is to come. The ‘intimate revelations’ and ‘scorn’ of Nick towards life in the East is overlapped with fascination, and it is ultimately established that despite his ‘tolerance’, the hollowness and immorality of the ‘foul dust’ that ‘preyed on’ Gatsby and the ‘last and greatest of human dreams’ made Nick lose faith in humanity.
Thursday, August 15, 2019
Compare of Cococolla and Pepsi Companies Financial Statements
Comp In our country textile companies are doing very well business. So many competitors are in this sector. Lots of new companies entered this market. From all of them we choose two cement company for our report. We collect their financial statement & analyze them within three methods & we identify their comparative advantage. 1. 1 Origin :This is the report comes from our FIN-245 subject. The course instructor Ms. Tarana Majid orally authorized the task of preparing the report to a group of student. She gave this report to learn the way to analyze the financial statements.To follow the syllabus of our subject so we have to do some relevant study based on our report. That’s why this topic comes forward. 1. 2 Scope :We worked on Ashraf textile mills ltd. & Saiham textile mills ltd for our report. 1. 3 Limitat ion:We are very happy because we made our report within some limitations and overcome it almost. For prepare this report we faced some barrier. When we prepare d this report all necessary data is not available. For this we assume some of the data to complete the report. On the other hand when we go to collect the financial statement we were unable to found our needed statement books.Finally, one limitation was on shortage of knowledge that was reduced to make this report a better one. 1. 4 Sour ce of Data:For our report we collect data for finding & analysis. At first we collected the annual report & take financial statements of two companies’. We also collected some data from the internet. 1. 5 Methodol ogy : As a rule, we had to follow a particular method for collecting data to complete the report accurately. At first we make Income Statement, Balance Sheet & Cash Flow on a excel sheet. Than we analysis the Income Statement & the Balance Sheet using the common sizing & indexing method.Finally we used the eleven financial ratios for our ratio analysis. 2 2. 0 Brief History of company: Saiham Textile Ltd. Late Sy ed Sayeed Uddin Ahmed & Begum Hamida Banu, in remembrance of whom, Saiham Textile Mills Limited has derived the name of the company; would have been proud to know how well their offspring have managed and extended the organization. Saiham Textile Mills was set up in Noyapara, Hobiganj district in the year 1982 with an annual capacity of 7. 5 m yards of finished cloth. It was equipped with modern and sophisticated machineries from Japan.Initially it was a weaving, dyeing printing and finishing plant. Saiham Textile claims to be the pioneer in introducing the concept of modern fabrics in Bangladesh. They were one of the first textile mills to start international standard polyester fabric, TC fabric, synthetic and Georgette sarees with cross border. The mother company of the present conglomerate is now comprised of different industrial concerns. The entrepreneurship of Saiham, consists of five directors, all from the same family. Although a company run and managed by relatives, the standard and efficiency of the management does not compromise on its quality.Ashraf Textile mills Ltd. Ashraf textile mills ltd is one of the another company which is run and managed by relatives, the standard and efficiency of the management does not compromise on its quality. Addressed: Ashraf Textile Mills Ltd. New DOSH, Mohakhali Dhaka – 1212 Ph : 9887051-53 Fax : 9887033 3 3 . 0 Findings & Analysis: According to our report subject our main objective is identifying the difference between two companies financial statement. Also we want to find out which company is more stable & which is not stable.From the financial statement we can find out our requirements. In below we give our finding & analysis in basis of company’s financial statement. 3. 1 Analyze of Income Statement, Balance Sheet between two companies’s: In below we are going to discuss about the two companies balance sheet, Income Statement & Cash flow comparison in a briefly : 3. 1. 1 Balance Sheet Comparison: Assets: From the balance sheet of the both companies we can identify that Ashraf textile had504,741,251 tk total assets in 2005 but on the other hand Saiham textile had only425,320,371 tk total asset in 2003-2004.Next year Ashraf textile companies total asset was decreased and Saiham textile company’s total assets increase and in 2007 Ashraf textile reached in167,726,578 tk whereas in 2005-2006 Saiham textile’s total asset436,650,516 tk. For the total asset volume we can say that Saiham textile has more powerful rather than Ashraf textile. Liability: The total liability we saw that Ashraf textile had623,823,012 tk liabilities in 2005 & Saiham textile had152,581,718tk only in 2003-2004. Both companies’ liabilities were also increased in next year. But clearly we can comments that Ashraf textile had least liability than the Saiham textile.How ever Saiham textile had the more Net asset than the Ashraf textile. share holder’s equity we can easily understand that Saiham textile had the more equity and it was 818,663,635 tk for 2004-06 & Ashraf textile had -1,123,244,182. So we can say that Saiham textile had the more investment in the market. 4 3. 1. 2 Income Statement Comparison: From our income statement we can identify that Saiham textile has a profit 74,932,529tk in 2004 &52,001,246 tk in 2005 &57,295,427 tk in 2006. From this we can say that the profit is decreasing by next two years.And this shows that sale for Saiham textile decreasing during the next two year. On the other hand Ashraf textile is in a loss of-62,609,854 tk in 2005 & -122,738,787 tk in 2006 &-14,064,257 tk in 2007. They continue their business in loss where Saiham textile doing their business with profitability. 3. 1. 3 Analyzing Common Sizing & Indexing: In common size analysis we express the various components of a balance sheet as percentage of the total assets of the company. In addition this can be done for the income statement,but here items are releted to net sales.In Ashraf textile balance sheets over the three year span the percentage of current assets increased. On the other hand Saiham textile current assets fluctuated. We see that Ashraf textile account receivable showed a relative diccreased from 2005 to 2007. Saiham textile account receivable flactuated from 2003-04 to 2005-2006. On the liability & equity portion of the balance sheets, Ashraf textile total debt of the company decline on a relative basis from 2005 to 2007. but Saiham textile total debt diccreased in 2004-2005 & increased in 2005-2006.The common size income statement show the gross profit/loss margin from year to year. We see that Ashraf textile operating expenses increase year to year & in 2007 increases sharply. whereas Saiham textile operating expenses diccreased in 2004-2005 & increase again in 2005-2006. In 2005-2007 Ashraf textile’s net profit had negetive percentage, whereas Sai ham textile’s net profit increased. In indexes analysis all financial statement items are 100%. In 2006 & 2007 Ashraf textile current assets indexed is 91. 53 & 9. 95 whereas Saiham textile current assets s indexed is 116. 26 & 100. 3 in 2004-2005 & 2005-2006. The indexed income statements give much the same picture as the common size income statements – namely, fluctuating behavior. In Ashraf textile income statement total gross loss indexed are 100, 196. 037491 & 22. 46332822 in 2005 , 2006 & 2007. Whereas Saiham textile’s gross profit are 100, 69. 3974 & 76. 4626 in 2003-04, 2004-05 & 2005-2006. 5 4. 0 Financial Statement Analysis by ratio: For the performance measurement of Ashraf textile & Saiham textile mills Ltd. In below we are going to analysis about the two companies financial statement using ratio analysis.We used 11 methods to analyze the ratio. Here are belongs: 4. 1 Liquidity Ratio: i) Current Ratio: Current asse ts divided by current liabilities. It shows a firm’s ability to cover its current liabilities with its current assets. In below there is the graph of the two textile company’s current ratio: 0 0. 2 0. 4 ratio year current ratio(Ashraf textile) Series10. 32332 0. 13204 0. 16733 2005 2006 2007 01 2 ratio year current ratio(Saiham textile) Series11. 044 0. 764 0. 982 2003- 2004- 2005- From the graph we can see that Ashraf textile current ratio is 0. 32 times in 2005 and 0. 67 times in 2007. Here we see that current ratio has been decreased and go down in less than 1. On the other hand Saiham textile current ratio is 1. 044 in 2003-04 & next two year stay remain but it also be below the 1 and from the Ashraf textile. In the last year for both company we suggested that the current liabilities cannot be covered if existing current asset are liquated at their book values. 6 ii)Quick Ratio: Current assets less inventories divided by current liabilities. It shows a firms ab ility to meet current liabilities with its most liquid assets. 0 0. 05 0. 1 0. 15 0. 2 ratio ye arQuick ratio(Ashraf textile) Series10. 197173 0. 069725 0. 138913 2005 2006 2007 0 0. 1 0. 2 0. 3 0. 4 ratio year Quick ratio(Saiham textile) Series10. 2643053 0. 15642413 0. 38213114 2003-2004 2004-2005 2005-2006 From the graph we can easily identify that in 2006 Ashraf textile & Saiham textile quick ratio is decreased dramatically. We say that in the last year of the both company’s quick ratio increased. But Saiham textile has good position than the Ashraf textile. 4. 2 Financial Leverage debt ratio: i)Debt-To-Equity: Ratios that show the extent to which the firm is financed by debt. – 100 Ratio yearDebt to Equity(Ashraf textile) Series1-5. 239 -2. 17 -1. 253 2005 2006 2007 0 0. 51 Ratio year Debt to Equity(Saiham textile) Series10. 559443 0. 887395 0. 59995 2003- 2004- 2005- If we consider the year 2007 of Ashraf textile, the ratio is -1. 253 that creditors are provi ding for each tk 1. In the case of Saiham textile in 2005- 2006 the ratio is 0. 599 that creditors are providing. So we can say that Ashraf textile is in a better position than the Saiham textile. 7 ii) Debt-To-Total Asset Ratio: The debt to total asset ratio is derived by dividing a firm’s total debt by its total assets. 0246 ratio ear Sebt to Assets (Ashraf textile) Series11. 235926 1. 854987 4. 95805 2005 2006 2007 0 0. 2 0. 4 0. 6 ratio year Debt to Assets(Saiham textile) Series10. 358745 0. 470169 0. 374981 2003- 2004- 2005- From the graph we can realize that Ashraf textile ratio is more than Saiham textile in their last three year. We know that the higher the debt to assets ratio, the greater the financial risk; the lower the ratio, the lower the risk. So Ashraf textile has more risk than the Saiham textile. 4. 3 Coverage Ratio: i) Interest Coverage Ratio: Ratio earning before interest and taxes divided by interest charges.It indicates a firm’s ability to cover i nterest charges. It is also called times interest earned. 0 0. 51 1. 5 2 2. 5 3 ratio year Interest coverage(Ashraf textile) Series1 Series11. 7272998 2. 7067618 0. 3935626 2005 2006 2007 012345 ratio year Interest coverage(Saiham textile) Series14. 3453871 3. 1634257 2. 5946142 2003- 2004- 2005- This ratio serves as one measure of the firm’s ability to meet its interest payments and thus avoid bankruptcy. The higher the ratio the greater company could cover its interest payment without difficulty.So analyze after the two graphs we can said that Saiham textile has more interest coverage than the Ashraf textile Cement. Ashraf textile ratio is fluctuated highly in 2007. 8 4. 4 Activity Ratio: i) Receivable Turnover: the receivable turnover ratio provides insight into the equality of the firm’s receivables and how to successful the firm is in is collections. This ratio is calculated by dividing receivables into annual net credit sales. 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 Days year Receivable turnover(Ashraf textile) Series1 101 6 125 2005 2006 2007 0 10 20 30 40 50 Day Ye ar Receivable turnover (Saiham textile)Series1 14 6 42 2003-2004 2004-2005 2005-2006 From the graph we can say that Ashraf textile received their receivable money from the buyers within 101 days in 2005, 6 days in 2006 & 125 days in 2007. On the other, Saiham textile received within 14 day in 2003-2004, 6 day in 2004-2005 and 42 days in 2005-2006. Eventually we can say that Saiham textile was received money within short time rather than the Ashraf textile. ii) PAYABLE TURNOVER: There may be occasions when a firm wants to study in own promptness of payment to suppliers or that of a potential credit customer.This ratio is calculated by dividing purchase into total A/C payable. 0 50000 100000 150000 200000 250000 300000 350000 400000 Days year Payable turnover(Ashraf textile) Series1 138 276 360420 2005 2006 2007 05 10 15 20 25 30 35 Days year Payable turnover(Saiham textile) Series1 35 10 15 2003-2004 2004-2005 2005-2006 From the graph we can say that Ashraf textile paid their payable money to the sales within 138 days in 2005, 276 days in 2006 & 360420 days in 2007. On the other, Saiham textile paid within 35 day in 2003-2004, 10 day in 2004-2005 and 15 days in 2005-2006.Eventually we can say that Saiham textile was paid money within short time rather than the Ashraf textile. 9 iii) INVENTORY ACTIVITY: To help determine how effectively the firm is managing inventory and also to gain an indication of the liquidity of inventory. This ratio is calculated by dividing inventory into COGS. 0 100 200 300 400 Days year Inventory Activity(Ashraf textile) Series1 60 53 369 2005 2006 2007 0 50 100 150 200 250 Days year Inventory Activity(Saiham textile) S eries1 170 225 176 2003-2004 2004-2005 2005- 2006 The figures tell us how many days, on average, before inventory is turned into accounts receivable through sales.Here we see that Ashraf textile was faster than Saiham tex tile in case of inventory activity. iv) TOTAL ASSET TURNOVER: The relationship of net sales to total assets is known as the total asset turnover, or capital turnover. 0 0. 1 0. 2 0. 3 0. 4 0. 5 0. 6 0. 7 ratio year Total asset turnover(Ashraf textile) Series10. 6780095 0. 4476056 0. 05087134 2005 2006 2007 0 0. 1 0. 2 0. 3 0. 4 0. 5 0. 6 0. 7 0. 8 ratio year Total Asset turnover(Saiham textile) Series10. 77632571 0. 56348701 0. 5969018 2003-2004 2004-2005 2005-2006 The median total asset turnover for the industry is 1. 66.For this ratio analysis we saw that Ashraf textile & Saiham textile both are less efficient than the industry in this regard. On the other hand Saiham textile is in a better position than the Ashraf textile. 10 4. 5 Profitability Ratio: i) PROFITABILITY RATIO IN RELATION TO SALES: The ratio we consider is the gross profit margin or simply gross profit divided by net sales. 0 0. 51 1. 5 2 2. 5 3 3. 5 4 ratio year Profitability in ratio to sales(Ashraf textile) S eries12. 1829524 2. 6889593973. 648320722 2005 2006 2007 1. 74 1. 75 1. 76 1. 77 1. 78 1. 79 1. 8 1. 81 1. 82 1. 83 ratio year Profitability in relation to ales(Saiham textile) S eries11. 773060426 1. 820902862 1. 780171958 2003- 2004 2004- 2005 2005- 2006 It is a measure of the efficiency of the firm’s operations, as well as an indication of how products are priced. From the above graphs we saw that Ashraf textile has relatively more effective at producing and selling products above cost.ii)PROFITABILITY RATIO IN RELATION TO INVESTMENT: this profitability ratio relates profits to investment. One of those measures is the rate of return on investment, or return on asset. -2 -1. 5 -1 – 0. 50 ratio year Profitability in relation to investment(Ashraf textile) S eries1-0. 35798631 -0. 507839396 -1. 707107588 2005 2006 2007 0 0. 005 0. 01 0. 015 0. 02 0. 025 ratio year Profitability in relation to investment(Saiham textile) Series10. 023235772 0. 018004789 0. 023118956 2003- 2004 2004- 2005 2005- 2006 The standard ratio compares for this is nearly 8%. From our analysis we found that Saiham textile ratio simply fluctuates. Their percentage is not so good. On the other handAshraf textile had negative percentage from 2005- 2007. 11 5. 0Conclusion: We examine the analysis of Ashraf textile & Saiham textile mills ltd. We see that the liquidity position is nit good both of the company.Comparatively Saiham textile better than Ashraf textile mills ltd. Ashraf textile mills ltd. should change the credit policy & proper use of its assets. The profitability ratio of Ashraf textile mills ltd. Good than the Saiham textile mills ltd. The company should avoid the use of debt; otherwise company would be fall into bankruptcy. 12 6.Bibliography: i) Annual report- -Ashraf textile mills ltd. For the year of 2005, 2006 & 2007. -Saiham textile mills ltd. For the year of 2003- 2004, 2004-2005 & 2005-2006. ii) Fundamental of financial management (Twelfth editi on) -James C. Van Horne & John M
Wednesday, August 14, 2019
Unit 64
Beth Mcpherson Unit 064 Context and Principles for Early Years Provisions. 064. 1. 1 The 4 different principles that the EYFS covers are a unique child, positive relationships, enabling environments and learning development. Every child is a unique child who is constantly learning and can be resilient, capable, confident and self-assured. Practitioners understand and observe each child’s development and learning, assess progress and plans for next steps. They support babies and children to develop a positive sense of their own identity and culture also identify any need for additional support.The practitioner will keep the children safe and value and respect all children and families equally. Children learn to be strong and independent through positive relationships. Positive relationships are warm and loving, and foster a sense of belonging, sensitive and responsive to the children’s needs and families. Supportive of the children’s own efforts and independence a nd also consistent in setting clear boundaries. Stimulating the child and built on key persons relationships in the early year’s settings.Children learn and develop well in enabling environments, in which their experiences respond to their individual needs and there is a strong partnership between practitioners and parents and carers. Enabling environments means valuing all people and value learning they offer stimulating resources, relevant to all the children’s cultures and communities. Rich learning opportunities through play and playful teaching and support for children to take risks and explore. 064. 1. 2 064. 1. 3 064. 3. 1 064. 3. 2 064. 3. 3 064. 3. 4
Tuesday, August 13, 2019
Hotel 267 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Hotel 267 - Essay Example One of the major problems facing this hotel is the way the guests are handled on arrival. The rates of greetings at the entrance and manner of paying attention to the guest socially has reduced since the year 2011 to the year 2014. This factor seems to be deteriorating as time goes by. Customers need to feel welcome when they arrive at a hotel. They need to know that their presence is accepted and appreciate d and that the employees are going to serve their needs. It would therefore be better for the hotel’s performance if the management urges their employees to exchange polite pleasantries with the guests at the hotel be it the driver or the cashier. It will enable the customer feel encouraged to come again another day. The quality of the knowledge that the concierge practice has seems to be deteriorating since the year 2011 to 2014 which reflect a steady decline in the knowledge ability of the concierge. Something like this could discourage a lot of guests from staying at this hotel despite the quality expressed in other services within the hotel. This is because a customer needs to be assured of quality medical treatment should anything go wrong with their health during their stay at the hotel. The management should ensure that they hire concierge doctors that are knowledgeable about health conditions and how to go about treating them. The working order of matters within the organization has reduced. This shows that there is poor coordination of activities within the hotel which may disrupt the kind of attention being given to the guests. It would be wise if the management fixed this problem through coming up with strategies of running the hotel in an organized manner. It should be clear the duties of each individual and how they should go about them to ensure that there is no confusion in the running of errands and customer
Monday, August 12, 2019
Human resource- motivation at sales company Essay
Human resource- motivation at sales company - Essay Example Statistics indicate that sales persons are motivated by tangible rewards as well as cash rewards. They acknowledge that cash do help them get the bills paid but it does not keep sales people going (32%). In fact 79% respondents to an Incentive Federation survey indicate that they find non-cash rewards more effective in motivating them achieve sales and marketing goals than cash rewards. Tangible rewards increase performance by 22% while team incentives increase performance by 44%. Moreover, sales people are more enticed by incentive programs including give-aways, travel opportunities, privileges, club membership or be part of the company’s elite group. Although companies have the potential to improve their organizational performances, they are at times unaware of the tools available to them. For most organizations, motivation is compensation; it is cash rewards given out to employees as incentives. However, this is not the appropriate or effective strategy for increasing employee performance, changing their attitude or even motivating them, especially for a sales workforce whose motivational factors differ from other employees. Organizations need to focus on stoking sales team spirit according to Greco (1994). Compensation is not the only motivating factor (Smith 2008). The University of Michigan identified communication as the key to understanding employees motives and a means to responding to their needs (Ford, McLaughlin, and Newstrom, 2003). Representatives need statistics to boost their performance. Statistics to track sales and profits include traffic, average sale, closing ratio, inventory, pricing trends, prospects lists, client information, industry statistics etc. Cash rewards are unpopular as compared to tangible rewards. Positive incentives which can be integrated at the workplace to motivate sales team include recognition program, awards, and respect for contribution. Marchetti (2006) indicates
Sunday, August 11, 2019
Quality Improvement Plan Term Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Quality Improvement Plan - Term Paper Example Quality improvement of a clinician should be present at every stage of his performance. Quality improvement strategy would contribute much to responsibility development among clinicians and their confidence. Goals/Objectives Quality improvement is very popular in America. It has been often claimed that professional improvement of clinicians and nurses is beneficial for the clients and hospital’s performance. Leadership, individual’s responsibility, activities engagement and many other facts are supported in American hospitals. Working in the direction of quality is a common strategy for American clinicians. Payers demand from hospitals improvements on internal and external levels and starting from 2003, when the voluntary Hospital Quality Initiative (HQI) was launched, hospitals inform their clients and stakeholders online about quality improvements. The main goals of quality improvement in American hospitals concern improvement of facilities reputation, excellent servi ce delivery of nurses and physicians and many other aspects. Scope/Description/QI Activities In order to report about quality improvements in hospitals, American hospitals discuss the results of educational programs involvement with their stake holders, clients. Florida Hospital located in Orlando, FL share its quality improvement activities and developments with the public in order to assess and measure reached goals. The improvement of quality patient care is one of crucial concerns for the American hospitals. Basing on mandatory and secondary data collection, the results of quality improvement processes can be considered by the public. In such a way, clients can self-manage their healthcare treatment, identify and indicate gaps in quality improvement process. Moreover, performance measure indicates quality improvements and specific data and criteria may be reached. This type of data is useful for further quality improvement process in any hospital. Another important indicator of quality is stakeholders’ feedback. It is helpful for current patient service improvement and future emergence of new services. Data Collection Tools Currently, a scope of data about quality improvements is presented online for the convenience of clients and stakeholders. There are secondary and mandatory data presented by hospitals. Stakeholders’ feedback is usually presented in a form of alternative suggestions concerning hospital activities improvement. A public response is also important for current and future improvement of client’s healthcare service. Written responses, comments, letters from clients can reflect a real situation concerning the necessity of quality improvement. It is more relevant to clients to express their opinion about changes they would like to introduce in the healthcare system. QI Processes and Methodology Currently, in accordance with quality management processes there are many options to perform quality improvement process. These are : control charts, lot sampling, process capability, and value analysis (Florida Hospital). Still, it is important to consider quality processes data collection in detail. Clients’ histories with medical information about them, details on their illnesses, family and personal background and other variety of data may indicate existent problems in the process of healthcare treatment. This approach shows quality improvem
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