Monday, September 30, 2019
Aphorism in Life
â€Å"Those who made sacrifices at first, earned happiness In the end†This aphorism came from my own experience and what I want to experience soon. My parents always told me â€Å"Nanas Kenton an Lang mackintosh aka rein, mastitis aka man†. Overtime I heard that, I always pray and talk to myself that â€Å"l know God loves me†. I have a lot of sacrifices made just to be here, to study and to reach for my dreams. My parents can't afford to send me to school that's why I stopped one year after I graduated high school.I worked for nine months and after that by God's grace an acquaintance of my ether told me that he wants to support my study. I was really glad because of that opportunity, but of course I need to do my part to them. I worked for their pharmacy every summer and when the school year started I will work for them as the housekeeper, cleaning and washing the clothes and dishes. I have a lot of sacrifices done Just to reach my dream and to help my family. There are times that my allowance is not enough but I didn't complaint for it. I will Just say to myself that all of the bad things happening to my life have a reason.Sometimes unexpected things name on our way. But all we need to do Is be patient, pray and sacrifice whenever we want to achieve something. And when the time comes, happiness will come on our way without noticing it. Don't look at the other's people state in life if they are rich; set that as the inspiration to be like them. If you are poor, don't make yourself down. It's not your fault to be born poor; but it's yours if you die poor. We should not hesitate to take risks, because if we know how to take risk and know how to sacrifice, the fruit of those sacrifices will be sweet.If we want to reach something In our life, we better prepare for the future and study hard. We should work for It and not depend on luck. Believe me, all the sacrifices and patience have a good result. Never ever give up when we think that we can 't do it anymore, that's why we have family and friends to help us in our struggles. Life is just a matter of choice, giving up or fight for what you want. As the oldest sister in the family, I have to fight for my dreams and help my family. I really want to give them a comfortable life that we are not experience until today.My father needs to work hard because If not, my younger sisters and brothers will not be able to go to school. I saw and feel their sacrifices for us and I put up In my mind that time will come their sacrifices will bear. I will let them experience how life is full of happiness and not only suffering. They are my inspiration, the reason why I stay strong and do not surrender in any kind of challenges I have faced. Like what we said, â€Å"The rain will stop and the sun will rise again†. We should not lose hope because blessings will come right on our way without noticing It.Because In all rills and challenges, there are good things that will happen. If at first things will not doing well we should learn to be patient and call God's name. Of course, we should also do our job and responsibilities to achieve our goal. Let's not waste our time doing nothing or doing bad things because, the result will not be good also. While we're young we should know the true meaning of life, it's not Just about being a happy-go-lucky ones, it's about knowing what Is the true meaning of life and learn how to sacrifice with Just simple things, appreciate what we have and see the true.
Sunday, September 29, 2019
Staff Nurse Appraisal
OVERCOMING APPRAISAL INTERVIEW DIFFICULTIES: There is a greater chance that the performance appraisal will have a positive outcome if certain conditions are present before, during, and after the interview. Before the Interview * Make sure that the conditions mentioned previously have been met (e. g. , the employee knows the standard by which his or her work will be evaluated), and she has a copy of the appraisal form. Select an appropriate time for the appraisal conference. * Be prepared mentally and emotionally for the conference yourself. * Schedule uninterrupted interview time. * Plan a seating arrangement that reflects collegiality rather than power (placing the chairs side by side) During the Interview * Greet the employee warmly, showing that the manager and the organization have a sincere interest in his or her growth. * Begin the conference on a pleasant, informal note. Ask the employee to comment on his or her progress since the last performance appraisal. * Avoid surprises in the appraisal conference. * Use coaching techniques throughout the conference. * When dealing with an employee who has several problems select the major ones. * Listen carefully to what the employee has to say. * Focus on the employee’s performance and not on his or her personal characteristics. * When delivering performance feedback, be straightforward and state concerns directly. Never threaten, intimidate, or use status in any manner * Let the employee know that the organization and the manager are aware of his or her uniqueness, special interests, and valuable contributions to the unit. * Use terms and language that are clearly understood and carry the same meaning for both parties. Avoid words that have a negative connotation. * Mutually set goals for further growth or improvement in the employee’s performance. * Plan on being available for employees to return retrospectively to discuss the appraisal review further. After the Interview Both the manager and empl oyee need to sign the appraisal form to document that the conference was held and that the employee received the appraisal information * End the interview on a pleasant note. * Document the goals for further development that have been agreed on by both parties. * If the interview reveals specific long-term coaching needs, the manager should develop a method of follow-up to ensure that such coaching takes place. Reference: Leadership Roles and Management Functions in Nursing Theory and Application: Marquis & Huston, 2012. Related article: â€Å"Ati RN Community Health Online Practice 2016 Bâ€
Saturday, September 28, 2019
The Strauss Car Rental Company. Reward management strategy Essay
The Strauss Car Rental Company. Reward management strategy - Essay Example In addition, it does not appear that a viable reward management system can be established by the human resources department, which is supposed to be in charge of matters concerning the treatment of workers, before changes are made in terms of communication between the senior management and ordinary workers. Kevin Pietersen, who has been in charge of the human resources department at Strauss, has not been emphatic in insisting that the company’s Board begin to consider the human resources company as a serious contributor to the goals of the company. From the information provided, human resources officials are not even invited to any meetings held by the board in which members consider serious issues and decide on regulations that will be followed in the organisation. For instance, the Strauss Car Rental’s Board is seriously considering redundancy programs and yet has not even elected to let the human resource department, which will be tasked with carrying out the practical aspects of this suggestion, know about the suggestion. Additionally, none of the workers have been informed about this, yet their lives will be irrevocably changed once this program is implemented. Kevin Pietersen, who runs the human resources department, also confirmed that the Board has decided on implementing plans without consulting the workforce, or the human resources department.
Friday, September 27, 2019
Explain the terms span of control and control loss. Are these concepts Essay - 1
Explain the terms span of control and control loss. Are these concepts useful in understanding the design of organizations - Essay Example The early researchers have given a great consideration towards the ideal specific number of span of control and it has been generally assumed that small span of control maintains close control. It is believed that if the manager fails to achieve the control over its subordinates, then the issue of control loss may arise. Control loss is another important concept in the organisations. Actually span of control gives a control to managers over their subordinates. When the span of control is wide and organisation has a decentralised structure, the managers have less control over their subordinates and they encourage their employees to work in more independence. Galbraith and Williamson argue that decentralisation in organisations reduces the information costs and enhance the organisational efficiency however; it can contribute to control loss (Stevens, 1993, pp. 10). In this essay, the importance of the concepts of span of control and control loss has been discussed to understand the org anisational designs. Span of control is very important when it comes to design the structure of the organisations. Span of control is of the major determinants of the organisational structure. A relatively wide span of control and few hierarchical levels form a flat organisational structure. ... It means that span of control, control loss and organisational design are interrelated concepts and organisations have to consider the role of span of control and control loss in the organisational designs. Ivancevich, Konopaske, & Matteson (2008, pp.540) argue that creation of organisational design involves four major decisions including the decision of division of labour, the decisions of delegation of authority, the decision of departmentalisation and decision of span of control. Actually span of control is a major determinant of organisational design because it creates the number of hierarchical levels in the organisations. Span of control not only defines the relationships of formally assigned subordinated but it also considers those who have access to manager. To achieve the defined organisation objectives, designing the right organisational design and structure if very important. The process of development of organisational design with setting the goals and objectives of organ isational design and the next step is to group or relate the various functions, in which the concept of span of control is very important (Amrine, Ritchey, Moodie & Kmec, 1993, pp.88). For example, if few functions logically relate to each, they can be groups under one group and through span of control the reporting of the employees can be determined like who will report to whom. The researchers have always been interested in determining how an ideal span of control contributes to a good organisational design. Fisch (1963 cited in Dive, 2004, pp.115) argues that if the number of subordinated reporting to each manager is too small (in other words, if the span of control is narrow), the company will be too heavy, costly to run,
Thursday, September 26, 2019
The role of Multinational Corporations in Developing Economies Essay
The role of Multinational Corporations in Developing Economies - Essay Example On the other hand, Maheshwari (2006, p.53) generally postulates six characteristics of a multinational corporation: (1) operates and carries direct investment to several nation-states; (2) formulates and maintains an industrial organization; (3) widely functions on the basis of globally owned assets; (4) largely transfers capital, goods, and services from home to host countries; (5) transfers resources but does not trade such resources; and (6) manages not its local subsidiaries but the nationals or people from the host country. Maheshwari (2006, p.52) notably provides several examples of MNCs such as Goodyear, Pepsi, and Nestle Corporations. These multinational corporations function and operate in numerous nation-states -- particularly those so-called Third World nations such as Indonesia -- as their host countries. Many of the MNC’s home countries are highly industrialized nations of which the United States is highly prominent. Multinational corporation fundamentally originates from a humble beginning, so to speak: firms. When firms firmly decide to become multinational corporations, there are necessary factors that they systematically fill-up or comply to. Maheshwari (2006, p.53) strongly argues that the underlying reason why certain firms become multinational corporations is because of their desire for vertical expansion. It implies that these firms wanted to substantially expand their business enterprise from production towards distribution. In setting up subsidiaries in other nation-states, these firms -- which ultimately become multinational corporations -- greatly endeavor either to accumulate raw materials from the resources of their host countries or to acquire global markets for the distribution or sale of their capital, goods, and/or services (Maheshwari, 2006). First, firms pursue an expansion business in order to acquire raw materials from the countries whose natural resources are exceedingly abundant. Normally, these firms are
Wednesday, September 25, 2019
Produced Water Treatment Term Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words
Produced Water Treatment - Term Paper Example This water must be treated prior to discharge or re-injection. Produced water has a complex composition, but its constituents can be widely grouped into inorganic and organic compounds, including dissolved and dispersed oils, grease, heavy metals, and radionuclide’s, treating chemicals, formation solids, salts, dissolved gases, scale products, waxes, and microorganisms and dissolved oxygen. More than 40% of the 250 million barrels of water produced in a daily basis from both gas and oil are emancipated into the environment. This clearly shows its effects in the environment and globally making it to be considered instead of clearing it as waste. Environmental concerns have driven research into the treatment of produced water. Current conventional treatment technologies are targeted at removal of heavy metals, oil and grease, and desalination, which often lead to the generation of large volumes of secondary waste. Produced water treatment also represents challenges for major oil-producing projects, especially in India, where special treatment requirements to meet the discharge norms for disposal or injection into spent oil wells have not yet been met. This affects the environment to which it can be reversed by being treated and become useful to the people. From recent researches, The USA and China have been quoted the leading disposers of produced water worldwide as seen in the previous years. This is a result of increased demand in oil and petroleum products worldwide in many non-oil producing countries. In 1995 the American Petroleum Institute, (API), made its recommendation on the Best Available Technology for Produced Water Management on Offshore Gas and Oil Installations. The following were identified by the report as the water toxicity contributing factors. The discharge of untreated water into fresh water bodies such as streams presents a toxic level that is highly lethal to aquatic life. In addition,
Tuesday, September 24, 2019
Art Class Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Art Class - Essay Example American art tend to be more inclined towards presenting self-determination, achievement and liberation of the colonies. However, American art was always overshadowed by the European art and was popular at that time contrary to popular belief. Consequently, Romanticism focused more on emotions, paint textures, and highlights to truly capture the heart of action and emotion. American art is more modern compared to the Renaissance art and European art. The American colonial period consisted of portraits as colonists wanted to establish their identity in the new world. Undoubtedly, this picture is not achromatic as it uses very light colors. From my perspective, it seems as if it is American art since it is very cosmopolitan. There are countless ways of describing a work of art and great depths of one’s expressions and mines of creativity In this particular image, the artist clearly has been extremely creative from every angle and touch. This graphic is a great image as it depicts a typical hand brush that is utilized for cleaning purposes. The brush itself is painted in a very elegant manner with amazing finish. Every bristle is clear and gives the feeling of cleanliness to the audience. Furthermore, the bristles variation in color is a clear depiction of a unique style that the artist has embraced. From my perspective, it seems that the bristles are made using very thin rods of sheets that are strong and durable. The most interesting aspect about this image is the fact that the bristles are very clear. The dustbin in this image is blue and resembles the one that is used for regular housecleaning purposes. The background colors are very solid and in essence truly bring the hue of light and dark c olors. The assimilation of colors is truly the embodiment of modern day art with clear pixels and each color dot being unique. Truly, the brushing was conducted in an elusive manner which
Monday, September 23, 2019
Dynamic of Machines Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Dynamic of Machines - Essay Example Racing car drivers require as quick a shift as possible. Not only is there a change in characteristics of the modern race engine, there is also an increasing awareness of the importance of transmission in a racing car. In order to make Formula 1 Racing more environmental friendly, transmission firms Torotrak and Xtrac are developing a highly efficient transmission system capable of capturing, storing and reusing kinetic energy from racing cars. The new technology with the help of a flywheel, will recover and store kinetic energy during deceleration that can then be used for acceleration; thus providing highly efficient kinetic energy recovery systems (KERS) for motorsport. â€Å"Torotrak’s patented Toroidal Traction Drive Variator provides a continuous and variable ratio connection between the flywheel and the vehicle driveline via the gearbox†(PE 2007, p.14). Mechanical efficiency greater than 90% is obtained by advanced construction of the flywheel. The system not only optimizes performance, but also cuts carbon-dioxide emissions. According to Griffo & Lauria (2005), increasing stability-related aspects is essential for achieving improved generation and transmission structures. For improving the dynamic behaviour of electrical power systems, transmission-line reclosure is an efficient structural action. The new technique for computing the optimal reclosure time of a transmission line is based on optimal control strategies for switched dynamic systems. This method allows the use of high-order modelling, including control-system and relay action. Numerical simulations substantiate the effectiveness of the proposed strategy which increases system stability and improves damping oscillations. In applications where elevated transmission ratios are required, especially in the automobile field, continuously variable transmissions (CVTs) have developed significantly. Their advantages are high in terms of car handling and
Sunday, September 22, 2019
Social Work - Family Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Social Work - Family - Essay Example The acculturation process which we all have experienced, and probably continue to, introduces us to the rules and protocols particular to each of these systems. The fact that we learn them and are able to successfully negotiate our way from one system to the other, and form healthy relations in each, is evidenced by the fact that our home behaviour is markedly different from our school behaviour. Our socialisation into each of these systems and the process of acculturation we experienced therein have effectively taught us to change our behaviour and method of communication in accordance with the system within which we are operating at any point in time. The fact is, however, that systems are not stable but ever-evolving and changing. Accordingly, and as shall be illustrated through reference to the family system, it is often contingent upon each and every one of us to adjust ourselves to the changes within the system, so as to attain equilibrium once again. The family system is not only the first into which we are embraced as valued members but is the system which introduces us to all others. The implication here is that it is both the founding system and the most enduring one. It is enduring in that the greater majority of us remain members of the family system throughout our lives. This is not the case with the community system, for example, or even the religious system as affiliations change. The family system, however, is stable and only through dramatic circumstances does our membership terminate, as in through the deaths of the other members of the nuclear family. In other words, while the family system is both enduring and our membership in it stable, that does not mean to imply that it is static. As with all systems, it continually changes and evolves. In order to better explain the implications of the aforementioned, it is necessary to explore the meaning of system stability, change and equilibrium. The stability of a system can have a significant effect on how readily it engages in change. Systems are most stable when they experience being in equilibrium with their environments. In this context, equilibrium is defined as a system receiving the resources it needs from its environment in exchange for what is produced by the system. Prigogine and Stengers described this condition as "the stable, predictable behavior of systems tending toward the minimum level of activity compatible with the fluxes that feed them" (1984, p. 139). The exchange process flows smoothly and the system does not experience tension arising from the exchange. Occasional fluctuations in this exchange process are not assumed by the system to be a basic change in a stable relationship with the environment. More significant fluctuations may cause some concerns about the relationship. Prigogine and Stengers referred to this condition as near-equilibrium. The situation is still rather stable but, from this exchan ge process, a degree of tension is introduced into the system. The focus of the system is on maintaining stability rather than seeking change. The above stated can be related and applied to personal experiences within the family system. As a member of that system, I am fully aware of the way in which it functions and my relationship with each member within is determined by the status if that person within this system. For example, my relationship w
Saturday, September 21, 2019
Megger’s Article Response Essay Example for Free
Megger’s Article Response Essay Betty J. Meggers article, Environmental Limitation on the Development of Culture, examines how environmental habitats directly affect and influence culture. Meggers discusses the differing environmental types and its resulting effect on the people and their cultural development. Her theoretical framework is grounded on the idea that the relationship between culture and its environment is not only based in terms of subsistence (802), but largely to a culture’s experience with diffusion (822). Diffusion can best be defined as a process in which a cultural trait, idea, or behavior is spread from one society to another. While she does believe that the relative strength or weakness of an environment to provide a suitable means for food production affects the adaptation and advancement of a culture, she also believes that cultural diffusion plays a vital role as well. According to Meggers, the general belief is that environmental potentiality is the sole conditioner of cultural development (801). The span of environmental habitats into classified into 4 environmental types, ranging from Type 1 environments, which have the least agricultural potential, to Type 4 environments, which have unlimited agricultural potential. Meggers does generally seem to agree that the environmental type can set limitations on the level of development a culture is able to obtain (816). Because Type 1 environments have the least agricultural potential, tribes must subsist mainly by hunting, fishing, and gathering. Cultures that live in Type 1 environments are relatively small in population size and tend to lead more of a nomadic lifestyle, a necessary part of life because they must continually follow their food source. As a result, their existence is noticeably simplistic because their primary focus is on satisfying only their very basic needs such as shelter and food. This type of environment results in a culture where social organization and technology is very limited in scope. The nomadic lifestyle necessitates that tribes remain relatively small, therefore making the single family the basic social unit. Additionally, technology remains limited to only the most essential tools and utensils due to the limited resources available. According to Meggers, Type 1 and Type 2 environments seem to prohibit cultural advancement because of the limitations imposed on a culture by the environment and the general lack of a suitable source of diffusion. Conversely, Type 4 environments have unlimited agricultural potential because they possess all the ideal conditions necessary for sustaining agriculture. Meggers calls Type 4 environments the â€Å"cradles of civilization†(804) because of their ability to develop and implement the technology necessary to sustain an agriculturally based lifestyle. Type 4 environments are typified by their complex social organization and cultural advancements. Meggers states that Type 4 civilizations are elaborate due to their intensive production of food and the necessary means of distribution. However, Meggers also believes that success of Type 3 and Type 4 environments to advance culturally is also heavily influenced by diffusion across cultures, or a cultures relative exposure and adoption of differing cultural norms, beliefs, and behaviors.
Friday, September 20, 2019
Materials for Constructing a Multi-Storey Bulding
Materials for Constructing a Multi-Storey Bulding When dealing with a multi-storey building it is important to get the right materials as these materials will hold the structure together, the multi-storey building itself is very large and will be constantly in use as it is a hotel so the building will be subjected to different loads and situations. Loadings on beams, columns, frames, pads and floors can cause many structural differences the behave and performance of the material may change due to stress and strain on them, the materials I am going to look at are steel and concrete, these materials are used throughout the construction industry and loads on these materials are important as if the material is not up to the job and does not fulfil the need the beam, column, frame, pad or floor could collapse and cause many injuries and be a health and safety danger so it is important to use the materials in the right way. both materials steel and concrete have the advantages and disadvantages when used, when dealing with a multi-storey building it is important that the material can withstand the pressure it is put under so it would not collapse or break, if this does occur the knock on effect would result in the building to collapse and cause large injurys to civilians within and around the building, to stop this the materials which are used and put under a subject of tests such as being compressed and stretched rapidly any faults such as the material does not meet to the UK standard would be out lined and amended or discharged from use on site, this is also done for health and safety reasons. First looking at concrete it is used often through put construction it is used due to its durability and workability, to get to a workable mix the concrete needs to be cured and portioned first, it is important that the concrete meets the needs this could be the concrete is used to construct a concrete beam and this beam is put under a lot of loads; therefore the beam would need to be able to receive the load and distributed. Every material has Strength this is the ability of the material to resist the forces set up within them by the applied load, when a load is applied movement is made so therefore Stability is needed stability is the ability of the structure to resist overall movement, any load (force) tends to move to a downward direction for the material to keep to its state it should maintain a equilibrium this is done by the material resisting the equal and opposite force, any load that is applied is called a active force, this force can also be distributed this is when the load is applied over full length or area of a structural member this would be used in a pad foundation, also other loads may be called can be concentrated or point where the load is put to a single point or over a very restricted area this is used with conjunction of columns and beams. When the load is put to a material in a form of a beam, column, frame, pad or floor the structural material may be affected in the following ways: Stretch called the tensile force, tend to stretch the material Compress called the compressive force , which tends to squeeze a material Shear force when the force causes one part to slide past the other force which tends to make surfaces of a material slide. Torsional force causes the member to twist If the load is not distributed this can result in the beam could form cracks and collapse due to the load it is receiving this works in vise versa if the beam is being crushed for example the building could encounter an earth quake and the beam is being crushed the beam needs to withstand this to help keep the structure of the building; so therefore tests are made up such as a crushing test this is at the stage where the concrete is being made/ produced (mixing/curing), the concrete is mixed and cured (curing can take weeks) depending on the ratio used in the mix, the crushing test is the mix is set into cubes and at different curing stages, each cube is put under a load at which could be put on the multi-storey structure, once the results of each cube are collected the results are analysed and then a decision is made in which grade of concrete to work with for the build, the formula for the test is: These tests are made to find of the: Shear forces Bending moment Deflected shape Reactions at supports As you can see from the example I have given as time goes on the crunching load has increased, this shows that the concrete cube has become more diverse in strength by every week, from these crushing loads the different concrete grade can be used at different points in in construction. Stress is derived by dividing the load applied by the cross-sectional area of the member Stress (f) = Load/ Area = W/A= N/mm2 Strain is measured by dividing the change in length by the original length Strain = change in length Original length The purpose of beams, columns, frames, pads and floors are to: Resist loads imposed upon it. Transfer loads to the foundation. Provide vertical and lateral stability to the structure. Resist bending. A Beam is a horizontal structural member resting on two or more supports. Beams can be in many forms such as: Simply supported  where the beam is resting on two supports. Fixed where the ends firmly built in and do not move Cantilever  where one is  firmly built in at one end and the other end is free Continuous  where the beam is resting on three or more supports. A Column is a vertical structural member used in the construction industry to transmit imposed loads to other members or to the foundation. Compression, Tension and Shear When the force on a structural member stretches called the tensile force tends to stretch the material. When a force squashes or compresses the member, this is called compressive force , which tends to squeeze the material When the force causes one part to slide past the other force which tends to make surfaces of a material slide. This is called a shear force Bending, Buckling and Deflection this is most common in columns, columns are mostly made of concrete or steel due to their strength properties, timber may also be used but if a large load it put on the Colum buckling could occur (bend sideways). A beam could be affected by defection if a large load is put on it, the beam could be made of either steel or timber. A bending moment is occurs when the material resists a force this occurs with beams. concrete is a mixture of cement, fine aggregate, course aggregate and water when these are mixed at a good ratio to each other when set it will form a hard solid mass or artificial stone, there is a rule which is used in construction the greater the proportion of cement, the stronger strength of the aggregate , but the water content in the cement is important this process happens in curing the cement over a couple of weeks, as there is more water the cement may not be able to be at its full strength, due to the strength, workability and density of concrete it can be easily made and humans have the ability to create concrete with very specific properties, therefore this material is used allot in design and construction where the manufacture produces a mix when set concrete produced will have desired properties needed. The multi-storey building is made of concrete would consist of: Slabs Columns Shear walls Foundations Reinforced concrete suspended floors Ribbed floors Hollow pot floors Beams Precast concrete floors Concrete is easy to maintain, the first and up most important thing to do is to allow proper curing of the mix as this will allow maximum design characteristics of the concrete mix to be achieved, the concrete when set can be covered in a water resistance paint this will protect the set concrete from water as water is concretes worst enemy; if water sits on the concrete this can stain the surface, allow cracks to form and mold spores to develop making the concrete slippery, this could cause major defects in the construction itself, the most important thing is to look at temperature when dealing with concrete as concrete can expand and contract, which can force cracking and leave the concrete exposed to increased water intrusion so if crakes do occur these should be filled in and dealt with straight away. Concrete helps to minimise the amount of energy that a building consumes and ensure that the building maintains a level of thermal comfort that is appropriate for its occupants. C oncrete helps buildings to achieve this, as a heavyweight material, concrete acts as a store (or buffer) during the heating season by utilising free heat gains, concrete can It can only be renewed if it is crushed down and grinned into sand. Steel is made up of alloy of iron and carbon, steel can be very useful to the industry of construction, it is used from protective shoes to large beams to small nails, the material is so versatile due to its melting and strengths properties but yet it is lightweight for easy handling this means economical shipping. Precise measurements can be taken meaning very precise cuts of steel can be made so less wastage is made, steel acts as Great protection against the worst weather conditions, Installation is fast and simple, Steel is also recyclable so it is environmentally friendly the steel can be easily malted down and re used for another purpose, to maintain steel it would need to be cleaned regularly and checked for any defeats, when using steel in construction it is important to take in account energy efficiency; if a whole home was built of steel it would be less energy efficient than a wooden house, insulation would be needed to keep in heat this is because metal transfers heat to a colder area more quickly than wood sometimes up to 400 times more rapidly steel studs can create a thermal bridge to the outside of the house, to stop this when the house is being constructed the steel can be warped in insulating board this would help to keep in heat and reduce the thermal bridge, but also one adv antage of steel is the fact that steel can be recycled with ease it can be melted down with not a lot of hassle and the steel can be used to make other things. The sustainability of steel is very good as this material allows, rapid construction on site (therefore reducing site activity) and disruption to neighbors, steel can be precut and delivered in so a system called just-in-time can be used this will reduce site congestion, steel structures are inherently adaptable and extendable, and also steel is multi-cyclable, being 100% recyclable without down cycling. Steel is located in the ground so it would need to be dug out to be used as it is made of carbon and iron, When it is all finished there will be no more. That is why recycling steel is so important. Steel is widely used in construction, due to its properties it is used for mostly columns frames , these would be made of entirely of steel; this is good as steel is very strong but when a load is but on steel from both ends such as a column the column could compress and buckling effect could happen, also if the load is great enough column could break (snap) .Â
Thursday, September 19, 2019
Field Project :: essays research papers
Field Project      To start off my discussion about inequality in the world I asked my sister four questions. 1) What is your American Dream? 2) Do you think there is an exit for children who live in poverty? 3) What is your idea of â€Å"makin it†? 4) As a citizen what do you feel you can do to help? I wanted to get an idea of her overall thought before telling her the brutal truth if she doesn’t already know.      Answers: 1) My American Dream is the quote â€Å" Happiness is positive cash flow†. It symbolizes having a good job that provides me with plenty of money so I can have most of what I want. With a lot of work and perseverance, I think it would be possible to provide your children with a better life than you had. 2) The majority of children who live in poverty will remain in poverty. The way you are brought up is the way you’re going to stay. 3) My idea of â€Å"makin it†is to become successful and happy. 4) As a citizen and as my job I feed the children everyday and make sure they eat and that they are happy. I asked her to explain to me what she does everyday.      My name is Suzanne Michelle Boily and I am a Food Service Manager for the Board of Education. I work in Williamsburg Green point, Brooklyn. Previously, I worked in the South Bronx in District 7 at PS 29. I work in the school’s cafeteria. I was the only white girl in the area. When I first got the job I was very intimidated to be the minority. The children screamed to me â€Å"Hey whitey what are you doing here†. After a couple of months of getting used to it the children offered me to walk me to my car when school was out because they new it was dangerous. There used to be all kinds of pornography flyers left on my car. The neighborhood is called the projects. There were many open fields with rats running around and I always saw packs of stray dogs in the neighborhood. The children in school sometimes, which was usually never, came to school; they would drop out or come stoned. They didn’t care about school; they would just come into eat as fa r as I saw. I asked, Could anyone off the streets come in and eat?
Wednesday, September 18, 2019
Environmental Problems :: essays research papers
The world today is vastly different from what it was before urbanisation and industrialisation had taken its toll on the world. Since the turn of the new millennium the issue of the environment has suddenly evolved into a widespread issue which is greatly discussed throughout the world. No longer are humans living in a world where the environment is serene or stable but much rather becoming unrecognisable and diminishing before our eyes. The plants, trees and flowers are life forms which God has created for us to enjoy its beauty but it is now solely up to us and many other organisations to protect preserve and respect how fragile our environment really is. One of the most evident problems associated to the environment is the issue of the logging of trees, mainly in undisturbed places such as the Amazon basin. Trees are considered the lungs of the Earth. They recycle all the polluting carbon in the air and return oxygen back into our atmosphere, creating a stable cycle of carbon in our atmosphere. However, the impeccable rates which trees are being cut down in our forests have grown to ever increasing and alarming rates. Trees that are made way for farming are burnt up releasing deadly amounts of carbon and thus leading to the problem of global warming. As its names suggest the world is slowly warming up and without any notice the environment which God has gave us will be slowly eradicated. The daily lives which humans carry on about every day are also a factor influencing on our environment and global warming. By driving cars that have a thirst for petrol we are releasing carbon dioxide and furthermore impacting on the world?s climat e. In Australia environmental impact has always been evident. Land clearing especially in places such as Queensland has caused land to lay dry and lifeless where all forms of life is destroyed. By clearing land we are not only affecting our climate but are also destroying animal habitat and the usage of the land. Senseless actions by commuters in Australia, emitting tons and tons of lethal gases vulnerable to the atmosphere are starting to take its toll on our climate. We are seeing a harsher climate and at the same time less rain. If we want to preserve our world we must take a stance on this issue and take action for what is right, not carrying on the actions that will lead to a desolate, destroyed Earth.
Tuesday, September 17, 2019
The Internet, Technology, and Privacy Essay -- privacy on the web, grow
Privacy on the Web has become a growing concern among Americans' due to tracking and social profiling of users' and their online habits. Government, businesses, web platforms and their advertisers are collecting users' online data on a daily basis through various techniques which could be used for study, security, and economic advantage. According to â€Å"The Danger of Big Data: Social Media as Computational Social Science,†smaller bits of user shared data can potentially be combined together to reveal information that could be damaging to a group or individual in which they may view as an invasion of their privacy. The capacity to collect and analyze such data can become a concern when that information is made available to businesses and government. With a lack of disclosure on how the users' data is being gathered and analyzed with a difficulty in knowing which pieces of the data shared could later prove damaging, many users' may not be aware of the potential adverse effects of the information they share online. [1][2] Social media networks gather and analyze large amounts of data on their users' to build a detailed social graph to better target advertisements, which can create an ethical dilemma in what constitutes as sensitive user information and how that could vary between different users'. In one case that called for class-action lawsuits in the U.S was how Facebook would keep track of its users and the websites they visited via the â€Å"Like,†and â€Å"Recommendations,†buttons that many web sites include for social and sharing purposes. Facebook was notified every time a user would access a website that had a â€Å"Like†button, even if the button wasn't clicked or the user logged into their Facebook account. [3] Due to the accuracy... [9] The Day The World Fought Back [10] Information Commissioner's Office: Cookies [11] All About Cookies [12] Target retail Additional references used in study. The Future of Big Data Younger Generation Embracing A New View of Privacy How Companies Learn Your Secrets
Monday, September 16, 2019
Challenges Of Minority Groups In Cambodia Education Essay
IntroductionCambodia is a underdeveloped state, which is located in South East Asia, and most of the citizens are Buddhist and Khmer is their female parent lingua. On the one manus, there are diverse states populating together such as: Chinese, Cham, Vietnamese and others including cultural minority groups who are populating in the northeasterly states of Cambodia. ( UNESCO & A ; CARE, 2005 ) . Recently, 34.5 % of instructors in distant countries and 6.4 % in rural countries have non attended higher instruction. Many rural households depend on agribusiness for a life, and instruction costs are the highest disbursal they are confronting. Basically, they are impossible to direct all of their kids to school, particularly misss because of the personal security, and long distance between schools in rural and distant countries ( UNESCO, 2010 ) . This survey besides mentions that kids who do non go to school and who probably bead out are the kids with disablements, misss and kids from rural , distant and boundary line countries ( p. 29 ) . It is truly hard for them to analyze because of their linguistic communications use, finally bilingual instruction is incorporating and accommodating into communities. Teachers from the local communities are trained to run into the educational demands of the kids in the communities, clip tabular array are adapted base on farming seasons, and the schools are run by Community Boards ( UNESCO & A ; CARE, 2005 ) . The intent of this research is concentrating on the undermentioned inquiries: What are the better schemes to better minority groups ‘ instruction to run into MoEYS ‘s aims and vision? Does the bilingual instruction undertaking help minority groups to make higher and better instruction? What can MoEYS, Cambodia Government every bit good as NGOs contribute to develop minority group instruction? Ministry of Education, Youth and Sport of Cambodia As the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sport ‘s vision in the Education Strategic Plan 2009-2013 ( 2010 ) stated that â€Å" in order to develop a knowledge-based society within Cambodia it has to set up and develop human resources with the highest quality and moralss †( p. 1 ) . To accomplish this vision, MoEYS has the mission of taking, managing and developing the Education, Youth and Sport sector in Cambodia in response to the socio-economic and cultural development demands of its people and the world of regionalization and globalisation. Meanwhile, a long-run aim of the MoEYS is to accomplish the holistic development of Cambodia ‘s immature people for all sectors and an immediate aim is besides to do certain that all Kampuchean kids and young person have equal chance to derive quality of instruction consistent with the Constitution and the Royal Government ‘s committedness to the UN Child Rights Convention, irrespective of societal position, geographics , ethnicity, faith, linguistic communication, gender and physical signifier ( p. 2 ) . To win in accomplishing the above aims and vision, MoEYS has defined three chief policy precedences and two are mentioned as follows: Ensure just entree to educational services by constructing schools every bit near as possible to abodes, diminishing the figure of uncomplete primary schools, increasing operational budgets to schools, increasing the supply of instructors, supplying houses to instructors and edifice residence halls for pupils in deprived countries, particularly misss, disablements and minority groups ( p. 13 ) . In order to accomplish this policy, there many schemes raised in this Education Strategic Plan 2009-2013 by MoEYS and some are showing here. The first scheme is to guarantee entry of all six twelvemonth olds into primary school including kids from hapless households, kid labourers, kids in deprived countries, kids with disablements, kids affected by HIV/AIDS, and cultural minority groups. The 2nd aim is to increase chances for just entree to higher instruction through increasing the figure of scholarships for prioritized pupils from hapless households, females and pupils from distant countrie s ( p. 15 ) . Similarly, the Education Sector Support Program 2006-2010 by MoEYS ( 2005 ) besides stated that â€Å" the secondary schools scholarships plan aims will be to guarantee increased instruction chances for pupils with high academic virtue from the poorest and deprived households, particularly misss and cultural minorities, through a gradual addition in the figure of targeted scholarships for the hapless †( p. 27 ) To better the quality and efficiency of educational services by increasing the proviso of school instructional stuffs, libraries and research labs, and go oning to further develop the course of study, increasing acquisition hours and supplying scholarships ( hard currency and nutrient ) to hapless pupils, heightening instruction and direction capacities, beef uping the instructors ‘ codification of behavior, bettering schools ‘ environment, spread outing vocational orientation, increasing review of disposal, finance and instruction quality confidence ( MoEYS, 2010, pp.13-15 ) Economic state of affairs of minority groups Peoples who are populating in the rural and distant countries do non hold easy entree to all the possibilities markets, particularly concerns. Their lives are depending on the season, and when the planting clip come most people are working in the Fieldss. They have to pass most of their clip in the Fieldss in order to gain higher income to back up the households and communities. Their incomes come from selling rice, handcrafts and veggies but it is still really low. They can gain about eighty seven thousand riel or under 20 two dollars per month per family. Before acquiring this money they have to go to markets to sell merchandises to Kampuchean bargainers and purchase something that they on a regular basis need such as: baccy, coffin nails, medical specialties, apparels and some nutrients. Therefore, there is really small clip left for them to believe of instruction or directing their kids to schools particularly misss who are non literate at all. Additionally, merely a few work forces are literate ( UNESCO, 2005 ) Basic information of minority groups instruction Duos to the conditions of life are far off from the business districts, minority groups do non hold easy to schools. Harmonizing to UNCESO ( 2005 ) , â€Å" instruction degrees were higher for males than females ; no female aged 15 and over had completed primary school, and merely 8.2 % have had any instruction at all. The bulk of villagers were 77.8 % nonreader in Khmer, and aged 15 and over spoke small or no Khmer 83.5 % †. ( p.22 ) Races and ethnicity groups in Cambodia Recently, Cambodia is developing all sectors particularly education sectors in different finishs including urban and rural countries, which are located far off from towns. Examples include the rural parts of Ratanakiri and Modulkiri which have higher rates of non-enrollment compared to national norms. Childs who are populating within minority groups are non reached because of their poorness state of affairs and rural location. So far, â€Å" there are 36 cultural minority groups in Cambodia accounting for about 4 per centum of the population †( World Bank as cited in UNICEF, 2007, p.6 ) Bilingual instruction for minority groups To learn bilingual instruction to minority groups is hard because many are illiterate both in speech production and composing in Khmer. As a study from Chap & A ; Thomas, ( 2003 ) mentioned that â€Å" the spread is widening as ethic minority people fail to derive entree to instruction and development enterprises. The lingual barrier is the first challenge to accessing development and instruction as few people particularly adult females and kids from the cultural minority communities speak the national linguistic communication †. Chap and Thomas ( 2003 ) besides stated that about all-ethnic minority females and over 80 % of the males were illiterate and most kids had ne'er attended school. â€Å" The bilingual instruction pilot undertaking uses a theoretical account of direction that begins in the slang and progresses to Khmer so that pupils learn to read and compose both linguistic communications. Base on the undertaking, five minority linguistic communications now have alp habets utilizing the Khmer book, and the Kampuchean authorities has late approved all five alphabets. †( p.1 ) . In add-on, the same study provinces that current bilingual attempts are concentrated on five linguistic communications in northeasterly Cambodia, with extra lingual research in several other linguistic communications which have populations scattered throughout the county. The Kampuchean governmental ends are to assist local people to function in all sectors in their place small towns and states including an accent on cultural minorities, with particular schemes to run into their specific demands and challenges, many of which differ from those of the lowland Khmer populations. Furthermore, this study states that the bilingual instruction scheme is of import for run intoing Cambodia ‘s national Education For All ( EFA ) ends and fundamentally we know that the effectual manner is to get down from the known and travel to the unknown because Khmer is a foreign lin guistic communication for the cultural minority groups, therefore they need to get down with their ain linguistic communication in order to entree Khmer. Based on this, bilingual instruction helps highland populations prosecute more to the full in development and nation-building and helps them to do development programs appropriate to their communities in order to guarantee a positive hereafter ( p.3 ) Decision Although the instruction of cultural minority kids is really complicated, the plans that address these issues have been implemented with considerable success as the consequence of partnerships between the authorities, NGOs, local communities, and giver bureaus. Meanwhile, bilingual instruction undertakings have been piloted by CARE, ICC, SCN and others in the northern boundary line states ( Mondulkiri, Preah Vihear, Ratanakiri, and Stung Treng ) utilizing the female parent lingua languages including Kawait, Kreung, Phnorng, Pompuon and Kou. Furthermore, bilingual instruction is expected to be developed based on the pilot plans and particular offers have been provided for instructors who are employed to remote and cultural minority countries. The MoEYS is developing Khmer books for the above five cultural minority groups in order to promote them to larn both mother lingua and the national linguistic communication, Khmer, utilizing both formal instruction and life accomplishments curri cula ( UNESCO, 2010, p.30 ) . In add-on, the authorities continues to set up residence halls for female pupils, construct schools at all degrees, particularly in rural and distant countries and they are besides increasing scholarships for hapless pupils. ( p.34 )
Milton Friedman
Milton Friedman, recipient of the 1976 Nobel Memorial Prize for economic science, was born on July 31, 1912 in Brooklyn, New York. He was the forth and last child of Sarah Ethel and Jeno Saul Friedman. Friedman was known as an American economist and as a public intellectual who made major contributions throughout his lifetime to the fields that were related to macroeconomics, microeconomics, economic history as well as its statistics.Friedman’s family was a typical working class family of Jewish immigrants from Austria-Hungary. They lived in the United States and his family’s income was small and highly uncertain since it drastically varied from time to time. There was always a financial crisis at stake and change was a constant companion for them. However, there was always enough love, warmth, and food to feed the whole family.Along with his sister, he attended a public elementary and secondary school where he graduated from Rahway High School in 1928 before his 16th b irthday. Unfortunately his mother and two older sisters were in charge of supporting the family when Friedman’s father passed away during his senior year in high school. Friedman knew very well that his future was up to himself and he had to put double the effort to be able to finance everything himself.When he attended the Rutgers University, he was awarded with a competitive scholarship which helped him along the way allowing him to grate in 1932. Friedman personally states that he was, â€Å"†¦financing the rest of his college expenses by the usual mixture of waiting on tables, clerking in a retail store, occasional entrepreneurial ventures, and summer earnings.†[1] At first when the attended the university, he was specializing in mathematics with the sole purpose of becoming an actuary, but after failing several examinations, he started becoming more interested and intrigued in economics and eventually, he ended up majoring in both fields.It was later on in 19 46 when the Columbia University awarded him a Ph.D, allowing him to serve as a Professor of Economics at the University of Chicago one year later. He contributed in building a helpful intellectual community that produced a number of Nobel Prize winners that were later known as the Chicago School of Economics. Friedman also developed the Theory of the Consumption Function and along with the assistance of Simon Kuznets, they joined together to public Incomes from Independent Professional Practice. This book served as his doctoral dissertation at Colombia University, but they were not allowed to publish it 1940 and they had to wait after the war because the book created controversy since it introduced the concepts of permanent and transitory incomes.Like mentioned before, Friedman won the Nobel Prize in Economics for, â€Å"his achievements in the fields of consumption analysis, monetary history and theory and for his demonstration of the complexity analysis, monetary history and theo ry and for his demonstration of the complexity of stabilization policy.†[2] He was married to Rose Director in 1938 and she was the co-author of many of his books. They also had two children named Janet and David. David is now a philosopher and an economist just like his father. Milton Friedman died on November 16, 2006, at the age of 94 in San Francisco, California because of a severe heart failure.Nowadays, he is known as one of two most influential economists of the 20th century. In 1962, he published another book titled Capitalism and Freedom, where he demonstrated his support for minimizing the role of government in a free market promoting political as well as social freedom. Friedman has explained how the free market works revealing and explaining to others that this system, as opposed to any other, has been able to solve both social and political problems that have been adequately addressed. His book was published worldwide reaching to the hands of people that lived in a communist country.Friedman’s strong passion for freedom and liberty has influenced a lot of people, more than what he could have even imagined. His writings along with his ideas and speeches have reached the ears and minds of many US presidents, leaders around the world, entrepreneurs, students, and citizens of many countries.He was a member of the Reagan’s Economic Policy Advisory Board and with his theory of monetarism; he showed everyone his moral vision of life. He clarified to everyone that nation should be composed of free men and women, with freedom of choice, where the government is not necessarily authorized to override citizens decisions. Despite the fact that Friedman knew that his theories was attacked by many traditional economists, he still showed that he strongly favored a policy of steady and moderate growth in the money supply of the economy. He also opposed wage and price controls and criticized the FED for trying so hard to tune the economy.Through out Milton Friedman’s lifetime, he was written many famous books and among some of them were: Price Theory (1962), Capitalism and Freedom (1962), An Economist’s Protest (1972), There is No Such Thing as a Free Lunch (1975), and Free to Choose (1979). He also won many aware such as the John Bate Clark Medal in 1951, the Nobel Prize in Economics in 1976, the National Medal of Science in 1988, and the Presidential Medal of Freedom the same year. It can be seen that Friedman was an outspoken economist that influenced the lives of many others by defending and promoting his true beliefs in what and how a successful economy should really look like.Work CitedMilton Friedman: Autobiography. The Nobel Foundation 1976 2006.Milton Friedman, Nobel Prize-Winning Economist, Dies at 94. The New York Times. November 16, 2006.[1] Milton Friedman: Autobiography. The Nobel Foundation 1976. 2006
Sunday, September 15, 2019
Hygiene and Food Essay
The food premises and food handler must also conform to certain minimum standards of hygiene or risk prosecution, considerable fines and even jail -The food act covers all aspects related to the handling of food and the maintenance of food premises -The act states the role and responsibilities of the environmental health officer -Environment health officers are authorised to seize and remove, or prevent the sale of, any item if they consider it necessary. They also have an absolute right to inspect any food premises they believe to be involved with the preparation, storage or handling of food designated for sale -If an environmental health officer inspects premises reports that they are not hygienic, they can apply to the department of health to issue a clean-up notice, ordering specific repairs or improvements that must be carried out -If the clean up is not carried out to their satisfaction of the environmental health office, then can order to close the premise or prevent the sale of any food from that premises. LegislationPurpose (WHY DOES IT EXIST? )Key FactsLinks to content (how you could use this in an exam answer) HYGIENE AND FOOD SAFETY Food Act 2003 (NSW) (as amended). The legislation covers the areas of food for human consumption and the general requirements which will ensure food sold to the public will be safe and suitable to eat in NSW-It is an offence to sell contaminated food or food that has been falsely described -The food premises and food handler must also conform to certain minimum standards of hygiene or risk prosecution, considerable fines and even jail -The food act covers all aspects related to the handling of food and the maintenance of food premises -The act states the role and responsibilities of the environmental health officer. -Environment health officers are authorised to seize and remove, or prevent the sale of, any item if they consider it necessary. They also have an absolute right to inspect any food premises they believe to be involved with the preparation, storage or handling of food designated for sale -If an environmental health officer inspects premises reports that they are not hygienic, they can apply to the department of health to issue a clean-up notice, ordering specific repairs or improvements that must be carried out. -If the clean up is not carried out to their satisfaction of the environmental health office, then can order to close the premise or prevent the sale of any food from that premisesIn your essay if you mention the key departments of hospitality you can mention the Food Act 2003 to refer to the quality of the food items, the premises that they are cooked in and consequences of not having a satisfactory premises to serve the food in which you would have a report from an Environmental Health Officer Food Regulation _______ (NSW) (as amended). This regulation, covers in detail, everything related to the handling of food, the food handler, premises, equipment and the transportation of food and food products -construction standards for food premises and food vehicles -Appliances used to handle food for sale to be clean and unbroken and not to be made out of certain materials -Packaging and labelling of food -Protection of food from contamination -Cleanliness and hyginene of persons LegislationPurpose (WHY DOES IT EXIST? )Key FactsLinks to content (how you could use this in an exam answer) HYGIENE AND FOOD SAFETY Food Act 2003 (NSW) (as amended). The legislation covers the areas of food for human consumption and the general requirements which will ensure food sold to the public will be safe and suitable to eat in NSW-It is an offence to sell contaminated food or food that has been falsely described -The food premises and food handler must also conform to certain minimum standards of hygiene or risk prosecution, considerable fines and even jail -The food act covers all aspects related to the handling of food and the maintenance of food premises -The act states the role and responsibilities of the environmental health officer. -Environment health officers are authorised to seize and remove, or prevent the sale of, any item if they consider it necessary. They also have an absolute right to inspect any food premises they believe to be involved with the preparation, storage or handling of food designated for sale -If an environmental health officer inspects premises reports that they are not hygienic, they can apply to the department of health to issue a clean-up notice, ordering specific repairs or improvements that must be carried out. -If the clean up is not carried out to their satisfaction of the environmental health office, then can order to close the premise or prevent the sale of any food from that premisesIn your essay if you mention the key departments of hospitality you can mention the Food Act 2003 to refer to the quality of the food items, the premises that they are cooked in and consequences of not having a satisfactory premises to serve the food in which you would have a report from an Environmental Health Officer Food Regulation _______ (NSW) (as amended). This regulation, covers in detail, everything related to the handling of food, the food handler, premises, equipment and the transportation of food and food products -construction standards for food premises and food vehicles -Appliances used to handle food for sale to be clean and unbroken and not to be made out of certain materials -Packaging and labelling of food -Protection of food from contamination -Cleanliness and hyginene of persons LegislationPurpose (WHY DOES IT EXIST? )Key FactsLinks to content (how you could use this in an exam answer) HYGIENE AND FOOD SAFETY Food Act 2003 (NSW) (as amended). The legislation covers the areas of food for human consumption and the general requirements which will ensure food sold to the public will be safe and suitable to eat in NSW-It is an offence to sell contaminated food or food that has been falsely described -The food premises and food handler must also conform to certain minimum standards of hygiene or risk prosecution, considerable fines and even jail -The food act covers all aspects related to the handling of food and the maintenance of food premises -The act states the role and responsibilities of the environmental health officer -Environment health officers are authorised to seize and remove, or prevent the sale of, any item if they consider it necessary. They also have an absolute right to inspect any food premises they believe to be involved with the preparation, storage or handling of food designated for sale -If an environmental health officer inspects premises reports that they are not hygienic, they can apply to the department of health to issue a clean-up notice, ordering specific repairs or improvements that must be carried out. -If the clean up is not carried out to their satisfaction of the environmental health office, then can order to close the premise or prevent the sale of any food from that premisesIn your essay if you mention the key departments of hospitality you can mention the Food Act 2003 to refer to the quality of the food items, the premises that they are cooked in and consequences of not having a satisfactory premises to serve the food in which you would have a report from an Environmental Health Officer Food Regulation _______ (NSW) (as amended). This regulation, covers in detail, everything related to the handling of food, the food handler, premises, equipment and the transportation of food and food products -construction standards for food premises and food vehicles -Appliances used to handle food for sale to be clean and unbroken and not to be made out of certain materials -Packaging and labelling of food -Protection of food from contamination -Cleanliness and hyginene of persons LegislationPurpose (WHY DOES IT EXIST? )Key FactsLinks to content (how you could use this in an exam answer) HYGIENE AND FOOD SAFETY Food Act 2003 (NSW) (as amended). The legislation covers the areas of food for human consumption and the general requirements which will ensure food sold to the public will be safe and suitable to eat in NSW-It is an offence to sell contaminated food or food that has been falsely described -The food premises and food handler must also conform to certain minimum standards of hygiene or risk prosecution, considerable fines and even jail -The food act covers all aspects related to the handling of food and the maintenance of food premises -The act states the role and responsibilities of the environmental health officer -Environment health officers are authorised to seize and remove, or prevent the sale of, any item if they consider it necessary. They also have an absolute right to inspect any food premises they believe to be involved with the preparation, storage or handling of food designated for sale -If an environmental health officer inspects premises reports that they are not hygienic, they can apply to the department of health to issue a clean-up notice, ordering specific repairs or improvements that must be carried out. -If the clean up is not carried out to their satisfaction of the environmental health office, then can order to close the premise or prevent the sale of any food from that premisesIn your essay if you mention the key departments of hospitality you can mention the Food Act 2003 to refer to the quality of the food items, the premises that they are cooked in and consequences of not having a satisfactory premises to serve the food in which you would have a report from an Environmental Health Officer Food Regulation _______ (NSW) (as amended). This regulation, covers in detail, everything related to the handling of food, the food handler, premises, equipment and the transportation of food and food products -construction standards for food premises and food vehicles -Appliances used to handle food for sale to be clean and unbroken and not to be made out of certain materials -Packaging and labelling of food -Protection of food from contamination -Cleanliness and hyginene of persons LegislationPurpose (WHY DOES IT EXIST? )Key FactsLinks to content (how you could use this in an exam answer) HYGIENE AND FOOD SAFETY Food Act 2003 (NSW) (as amended) The legislation covers the areas of food for human consumption and the general requirements which will ensure food sold to the public will be safe and suitable to eat in NSW-It is an offence to sell contaminated food or food that has been falsely described -The food premises and food handler must also conform to certain minimum standards of hygiene or risk prosecution, considerable fines and even jail -The food act covers all aspects related to the handling of food and the maintenance of food premises -The act states the role and responsibilities of the environmental health officer -Environment health officers are authorised to seize and remove, or prevent the sale of, any item if they consider it necessary. They also have an absolute right to inspect any food premises they believe to be involved with the preparation, storage or handling of food designated for sale -If an environmental health officer inspects premises reports that they are not hygienic, they can apply to the department of health to issue a clean-up notice, ordering specific repairs or improvements that must be carried out. -If the clean up is not carried out to their satisfaction of the environmental health office, then can order to close the premise or prevent the sale of any food from that premisesIn your essay if you mention the key departments of hospitality you can mention the Food Act 2003 to refer to the quality of the food items, the premises that they are cooked in and consequences of not having a satisfactory premises to serve the food in which you would have a report from an Environmental Health Officer Food Regulation _______. (NSW) (as amended). This regulation, covers in detail, everything related to the handling of food, the food handler, premises, equipment and the transportation of food and food products -construction standards for food premises and food vehicles -Appliances used to handle food for sale to be clean and unbroken and not to be made out of certain materials -Packaging and labelling of food -Protection of food from contamination -Cleanliness and hyginene of persons LegislationPurpose (WHY DOES IT EXIST? )Key FactsLinks to content (how you could use this in an exam answer) HYGIENE AND FOOD SAFETY Food Act 2003 (NSW) (as amended). The legislation covers the areas of food for human consumption and the general requirements which will ensure food sold to the public will be safe and suitable to eat in NSW-It is an offence to sell contaminated food or food that has been falsely described -The food premises and food handler must also conform to certain minimum standards of hygiene or risk prosecution, considerable fines and even jail -The food act covers all aspects related to the handling of food and the maintenance of food premises -The act states the role and responsibilities of the environmental health officer -Environment health officers are authorised to seize and remove, or prevent the sale of, any item if they consider it necessary. They also have an absolute right to inspect any food premises they believe to be involved with the preparation, storage or handling of food designated for sale -If an environmental health officer inspects premises reports that they are not hygienic, they can apply to the department of health to issue a clean-up notice, ordering specific repairs or improvements that must be carried out -If the clean up is not carried out to their satisfaction of the environmental health office, then can order to close the premise or prevent the sale of any food from that premises. In your essay if you mention the key departments of hospitality you can mention the Food Act 2003 to refer to the quality of the food items, the premises that they are cooked in and consequences of not having a satisfactory premises to serve the food in which you would have a report from an Environmental Health Officer Food Regulation _______ (NSW) (as amended). This regulation, covers in detail, everything related to the handling of food, the food handler, premises, equipment and the transportation of food and food products -construction standards for food premises and food vehicles -Appliances used to handle food for sale to be clean and unbroken and not to be made out of certain materials -Packaging and labelling of food -Protection of food from contamination -Cleanliness and hyginene of persons LegislationPurpose (WHY DOES IT EXIST? )Key FactsLinks to content (how you could use this in an exam answer) HYGIENE AND FOOD SAFETY Food Act 2003 (NSW) (as amended). The legislation covers the areas of food for human consumption and the general requirements which will ensure food sold to the public will be safe and suitable to eat in NSW-It is an offence to sell contaminated food or food that has been falsely described -The food premises and food handler must also conform to certain minimum standards of hygiene or risk prosecution, considerable fines and even jail -The food act covers all aspects related to the handling of food and the maintenance of food premises -The act states the role and responsibilities of the environmental health officer -Environment health officers are authorised to seize and remove, or prevent the sale of, any item if they consider it necessary. They also have an absolute right to inspect any food premises they believe to be involved with the preparation, storage or handling of food designated for sale -If an environmental health officer inspects premises reports that they are not hygienic, they can apply to the department of health to issue a clean-up notice, ordering specific repairs or improvements that must be carried out -If the clean up is not carried out to their satisfaction of the environmental health office, then can order to close the premise or prevent the sale of any food from that premises. In your essay if you mention the key departments of hospitality you can mention the Food Act 2003 to refer to the quality of the food items, the premises that they are cooked in and consequences of not having a satisfactory premises to serve the food in which you would have a report from an Environmental Health Offis which will ensure food sold to the public will be safe and suitable to eat in NSW-It is an offence to sell contaminated food or food that has been falsely described. -The food premises and food handler must also conform to certain minimum standards of hygiene or risk prosecution, considerable fines and even jail -The food act covers all aspects related to the handling of food and the maintenance of food premises -The act states the role and responsibilities of the environmental health officer -Environment health officers are authorised to seize and remove, or prevent the sale of, any item if they consider it necessary.
Saturday, September 14, 2019
Mentoring & Coaching Essay
Analyse and evaluate the use of Mentoring and/or coaching to support both your own and others,’ development of professional skills and knowledge. In ancient Greek mythology Mentor was the friend of Odysseus and tutor to his son. His name is well-known for a faithful and wise adviser. Today on the athletic field and in corporate offices a mentor or coach can help elevate performance. ( There are many definitions for coaching and mentoring. The commonality we can find in these hundreds of definitions of Coaching and Mentoring is that they both aim to support the Coached / Mentees (people that are in a relation with a Coach/Mentor) developing themselves in order to reach specific goals. Coaching is collaborative inquiry into the technical aspects of any activity, most often of work, as well as support for development and performance improvement. Of course, coaching applies to relationships in every setting. Mentoring provides a unique growth-oriented relationship which is the necessary context for risk taking, deep sharing, insights, and growth. Mentoring requires commitment and freely choosing to be held accountable for living out one’s intentions. It also includes coaching, but adds a wide range of strategies for discovering, supporting, and challenging personal, spiritual, and/or professional growth Both coaching and mentoring must be non evaluative, positive, and nonjudgmental if the process is to be authentic and genuine and the results are to be discovery, learning, growth, and improvement. Mentoring and coaching are an investment in another person’s success, you may have experienced this kind of empowering support from parents, a pastor, a teacher, an athletic coach, a friend, perhaps even a boss or your spouse. Often, people like these care so much about you that they will go the â€Å"extra mile†and do all they can to help you succeed. We might call this f orm of support â€Å"intuitive†mentoring or coaching because it is well meaning folks, doing the best they can, based on common sense and what they feel is best. A mentor can enter into a truly collaborative, trusting, positive, and support relationship . He can make you feel comfortable and make a person see the benefits of an open sharing of his feelings and dreams for his life, help to learn to see oneself more objectively and how to gain the personal insights one needs to succeed, assess one’s natural tendencies and gifts and how their interactions may create internal confusion and dissatisfaction. It helps a person to set goals and develop plans and the self discipline to achieve his goals and more over he helps to solve and understand the problems and conflicts one confronts and move on. Coaching and Mentoring are then aimed to promote the development of an individual in order to be successful in the fulfilment of their tasks (at school, at work or in their personal lives), reinforc ing and strengthening their competencies and self-confidence. Coaching and Mentoring are to be considered as the two extreme of the line. Between these two extremes exists many different and flexible possibilities for support, using Mentoring and Coaching as appropriate to the situation.
Friday, September 13, 2019
Moholy-Nagy Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Moholy-Nagy - Essay Example Moholy Nagy suggests that the only solution to deal with the nature of the contemporary economy is to innovate and design equipment that can produce large volumes of a particular type of homogenous product that can satisfy the needs of the people. Historically, the house representing the economy was not so complicated compared to today’s economy. The current economy is comprised of rising demand which means that a particular type of product can be demanded at the same time. This means that production of the same product has to be increased. Moholy-Nagy argues that it is not enough to improve the form of product but how the product is produced as a means of contributing to the performance of the entire economy. His contributions have influenced significant changes in the world of typography and design during the contemporary period. The current economy demands that we move towards mass production of the products that are demanded by the consumers. This has compelled the people to design new â€Å"prototypes†or rather equipment that can be used to produce the demanded products in large quantities. Moholy’s contribution has influenced the design of new technology to manufacture different goods meant to sati sfy the needs of different people. This mechanization has significantly contributed towards the development of the entire economy. This means that the new improvements have also played a pivotal role in improving the welfare of the people. Today, the economy is mainly determined by mechanization and mass production. We need to experiment with things in order to design prototypes that are meant to improve our entire way of life by means of economic production. As we move towards modernism, it is a virtue to harness art and design to come up with the best type of equipment that can enhance economic development. Our current economy demands effective and efficient means of production and this can only be possible through
Thursday, September 12, 2019
IT Personnel Management Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3750 words
IT Personnel Management - Essay Example The job market is becoming more and more competitive as people are acquiring more skills and expertise making it a rat race for those who can perform the best (Jones and George, 2007) The human resource department is one of the many divisions of an organization that combine and integrate to work towards the organizational aims and goals. The main purpose of the Human resource department revolves around the process of recruitment, training and the most efficient utilization of the personnel in order to give out maximum productivity while achieving the goals and objectives of the organization. It is claimed that manpower and workforce of an organization is its most significant resource. As the world progresses and technology evolves day by day, gaining competitive advantage with the help of a focused and well-motivated workforce is imperative. In addition, there is more flexibility seen in the labor market around the world as well-qualified staff is moved between businesses. Hence, it is more pertinent to attract the most qualified employees in order to gain differentiation. Due to the importance of the people of the company it is equal important and difficult for the managers to manage these people. (Robbins and Coulter, 2004) This paper will discuss the It Personnel management and how it is different from traditional human resource management. It would elaborate over the various aspects of Personnel management and its implications. Moreover, it would compare and contrast IT management in different cultures and different countries including Saudi Arabia and India. Activities Associated with HR Management of IT Personnel Recruitment and Selection The recruitment of the right person to the right job at the right time is vital to the success of a company and is a key element of what the human resource department does.The process of recruitment of IT personnel is not very different from that of non-IT personnel. There are additional skills that the IT personnel shou ld posses. The process of recruitment can be divided into three core stages starting with the definition of requirements, then the recruitment and then the selection process. (Amit and Belcourt, 1999) It is important to define the qualities, competencies and general requirements sought from the potential employee. For an efficient selection process and to avoid future problems (including high staff turnover, lack of satisfaction and wastage of resources), it is necessary to have a preset profile of the skills and abilities of the candidate. The process of defining the requirements should start with an analysis of the job. Job analysis is the collecting, analyzing and setting out information about a job under the headings of overall purpose, content, accountability, performance criteria, competencies, responsibilities and more. Job analysis is for internal purposes and it is important in terms of job evaluation for pay purposes, for planning training programs and for efficient and ef fective recruitment. The analysis is used for drawing up the job description which is referred to a statement that defines the purpose, duties and the
Wednesday, September 11, 2019
Employee Motivation Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
Employee Motivation - Assignment Example ly the monetary ones are resources that are highly desirable to the employees and in order to attain these resources employees try to meet the expectations of the managers. If an employee is work hard and meeting all his objectives and is increasing the productivity of the organization, then he/she should be provided with benefits in consistency with his work. If he/she is not provided with equitable benefits then he/she may perceive that his hard work is of low value in the eyes of the management and that is why the management is giving them lower benefits as compared to the benefits that are being offered to other employees. Managers need to make employees feel that whatever work they do is essential for the organization in order to motivate them to work hard on those tasks. One way of making employees feel that the work that they are doing is significant is by giving them higher benefits. This is because higher benefits will make the employee feel that he is being offered these be nefits because his work is valuable and the organization is paying him more in order to retain his services and do not want him to
Tuesday, September 10, 2019
Manchesters Bohemian Reminder Personal Statement
Manchesters Bohemian Reminder - Personal Statement Example Finally Mari looked up after replacing the hood of his backpack and boomed, "Hey J, care to show me around Manchester" Encountering the streets and the people, we affirmed how Manchester is famed for its tolerant, party-loving attitude and, Mari confessed from his experience at the university, the high-quality academic research. This bohemian character must have what made the city top the "Boho Britain Creativity Index." Demos' new league table is based on a ranking system invented by American academic Richard Florida, and it used three indices to reach its conclusion. One, the city has a thriving gay community, which boosts the establishment of creative businesses due perhaps to openness to radical ideas and considerations. Another factor is the city's large ethnic minority population, clearly manifested by the transcultural element of Rusholme's Curry Mile. And the city has more applications to register new inventions per head. I could not know how it was for him. To have walked our familiar streets then thinking that time would happen he would grow old here, and now knowing the same streets and realizing that he would be leaving it very soon. "That would be dreadful, my man. You must not leave then, if that's the case." I tried to lighten him up, but I knew that a million reasons in the world will not be able to postpone his trip any longer. A different life awaited him in another country. Had Mari been a tourist i... And the city has more applications to register new inventions per head. Manchester's richness in architecture can be verified looking at the structures of the Alcohol Information Centre, the Smithfield Buildings, the Dry 201 bar, the Caf Pop, The Big Issue in the North, Reminder 4 the No. 1 Dorsey Street, The Cord, and the Buddhist Centre, to name a few. Its three universities, namely, the University of Manchester, UMIST, and Manchester Metropolitan University cater to a large and thriving student population. It can thus be figured that the overall enhancement of the city has promoted a drive in creativity and communal confidence. Having now, and perhaps for the last time, tasted the bohemian air of the city, my roommate urged on towards the Northern Quarter, now known as the creative quarter of the city. I could not know how it was for him. To have walked our familiar streets then thinking that time would happen he would grow old here, and now knowing the same streets and realizing that he would be leaving it very soon. "I'm going to be sick," Mari proclaimed. "I'm very certain." And he continued to mutter as we combed the Arndale. "That would be dreadful, my man. You must not leave then, if that's the case." I tried to lighten him up, but I knew that a million reasons in the world will not be able to postpone his trip any longer. A different life awaited him in another country. Reminder 5 "But I can't stay, mum already protested about my prolonged stay." Had Mari been a tourist instead, our little sight-see would have had a different appeal, as we walked the stretch of the Northern Quarter, or N4, along Oak Street, Thomas Street and Tariff Street, sited between Picadilly
Monday, September 9, 2019
Micro & Macro economics Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words
Micro & Macro economics - Essay Example The response to the increase in APA is depicted in the figure below. The line is seen to shift leftwards and repositions the IS line such that the IS curve and the APE line continue intersecting at the original GDP line. Since the decrease in need for funding the APA is matched with an increase in the funding by the nation’s producers, hence the requirement for funding remains equal to the ASF supply. The present situation is APE This case is just opposite to the above case where there is decline in the funding supply (ASF). All decreases in the ASF includes a reduction in M x V in comparison to the price index (p). During the phase, the rates of interest would be rising, tracking the point of intersection of ASF and GDP lines as they move up across the IS line. The rates of interest would remain below its original level unless and until substantial concessions on costs are able to allow profitable operations at low prices which consequently compensate for the loss in output and unemployment. The fall in the supply of funds of the country (ASF) would trigger a dramatic rise in the interest level because producers would react to the fall in sales. This would be done by the price-output adjustment which involves deflation, output, employment, interest rates and profits, until the equality is restored among the ASF, APE and GDP lines. Output and employment are expected to continue declining unless and until prof its and prices rise to their original levels. The process will end with the fall in employment and output levels, rise of interest rates and thus unchanged outputs and profits (Ashby, â€Å"Case #5m – Money-and-Credit-Caused Recession†). The figure below would depict the cost push inflation. Due to a wide spread increase in the costs of production, the profit levels, employment levels and output levels would fall. This would be accompanied with the rise in the interest levels in the nation. The employment and output would continue to fall unless and until the negative economic profits can be eliminated completely and successfully. This would happen by allowing the reduction of output till the level that prices rise by the amount equal to the increase in cost (Ashby, â€Å"Case #5c - Cost-Push Inflation†). Growth problem in the economy can be explained in the diagram below. It is seen from the diagram that an increase in the output would be followed by an increas e in the rates of interest. Producers would immediately react to the low demand in the economy. The rates of interest would fall along with the employment and output levels until they reach their original positions. Since the initial fall would be compensated by an offsetting rise in price levels, they would be maintained at the original positions. After returning to the original position, the economy would suffer a shock which would push down the levels of output, employment and rates of interest below their original positions leaving the price levels at their unchanged positions (Ashby, â€Å"
Sunday, September 8, 2019
Soil Consolidation during Construction Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
Soil Consolidation during Construction - Essay Example Generally, any undrained loading or unloading will produce excess pore pressures in the loading area. Hence, construction of any type of infrastructure generates pressure on the soil on which the construction takes place. The excess pore pressures may be positive or negative, depending on the long term steady state pore pressures. In time, these excess pore pressures give rise to hydraulic gradients which cause seepage flow which then results to changes in the volume of the soil. Hence, the changes in soil volume are based upon the changes of effective stress as the excess pore pressures disperse. The gradual reduction in volume of a fully saturated soil of low permeability which is caused when stress is what consolidation refers to. More specifically, consolidation is the union of seepage caused by hydraulic gradients with compression due to the flow of the leakages and changes of effective stress placed against the soil. Consolidation leads to drainage of some of the pore water, which triggers the continuity of soil consolidation until the excess pore water pressure caused by the stress against the soil has completely dispersed. Through the test of time, consolidation leads to settlement of foundations or constructions due to the gradual softening of soil in excavations. Therefore, consolidation settlement is basically the vertical dislocation of the construction as a result of the volume change of soil during the consolidation. Hence, if a building is built over a layer of saturated clay, consolidation settlement will cause a stratum overlying a clay layer. Likewise, if an excavation is made in a saturated clay, crowding, the reverse of settlement, can be observed in the bottom of the excavation. This, on the other hand, is due to swelling of the clay resulting to a gradual increase in volume of the soil. The most basic case of consolidation is that of one-dimensional on which the strain generated against the soil is zero-lateral. One-dimensional consolidation occurs when all seepage flow and the effective stress placed against the soil is vertical. Hence, there should be no radial seepage or strain. If effective lateral stress is placed against the soil, the settlement will occur faster. This is because of the deformation of the soil under undrained conditions, in addition to consolidation settlement. Immediate settlement can be estimated using the results from elastic theory, which will be able to determine the elastic properties of the soil. Furthermore, before a structure is completely conceptualised, the magnitude and the rate of consolidation settlement should first be predicted using effective tools. One of the popular processes used in predicting the progress of consolidation is by setting up piezometers in order to document the change in pore water pressure with time. The scale of consolidation settlement can be determined by recording the levels of appropriate reference points on a construction and in the surface on which it will be built. In such measurement, levelling of the reference points should be accurate, working from a point of reference which is not subject to any type of settlement. During this process, every output should be documented, as this will determine the competence of theoretical methods to be used. The attributes of a soil during one-dimensional consolidation can be measured through oedometer test. This test, developed
Saturday, September 7, 2019
Racial Discrimination and Health Problems Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Racial Discrimination and Health Problems - Essay Example However, how much of this stands true for racism specific stress has also been the subject focus of many studies. Researchers found an association between perceived racism and ambulatory blood pressure in African American college students (Hill et al, 2007). Also at workplace, stressful racism places African Americans in a high probability group for the development of higher blood pressures (Health and Medicine Week, 2004). This clearly shows that racism can hasten the onset of hypertension even in younger age group and possible conclusion that can be drawn is that in an aging population the superimposed ill effects of stress induced by racism may be even greater. Similarly, women with higher stress scores who were subjected to high levels of internalized racism were at a higher risk of developing metabolic disorders such as obesity and diabetes due to altered hormone secretion (Tull et al, 2005). Studies have also attempted to assess objectively, mental and psychological implication s of racism specific stress (Chakraborty et al, 2009). Further research is required to reach a conclusion linking the association of stress per se resulting from experiencing racial discrimination per
Attitudes to Language Essay Example for Free
Attitudes to Language Essay Language clearly plays a major role in all aspects of society. The most obvious is its social role of allowing people to relate to each other in all facets of their lives: to share information, emotions and ways of life. We use language as a means of navigating our daily lives and it plays an integral role in most of our interactions. Perhaps for this reason, French is regarded as an elegant and romantic language, while German is considered to be guttural. Additionally, ever since mankind evolved into different language communities, it is commonplace for people to adopt various attitudes towards the language(s) spoken by others, as well as towards the dialects of the language they speak. These attitudes are motivated by different factors, including pride in or shame regarding one’s own language, confidence or embarrassment about how one sounds, nationalism and a sense of personal dignity, one’s status and values as well as the prestige some languages are given in international interactions. A well known attitude is the desire for foreign speech patterns; another is the rejection of certain dialects. People form impressions of your personality, emotional state, geographic origin, education, experiences, age or socioeconomic status from the language you use and the way you use it. We often witness the amusement of an audience when someone speaks in the creole, for not only does the system of sound evoke laughter, but the assumption that the speaker is an uneducated serf is then made. Ridicule and contempt for the vernacular, creoles and dialects are common responses from some members of society, even within the Caribbean society, where dialects are rich, strong and the first language. Dialects develop under various circumstances as well as geographical locations and are varieties of languages. A creole could be a dialect within a language. Because of our history, people of the region tend to place a high premium on the standard languages (the language of power and economic might). Many people believe that upward mobility is largely dependent on one’s ability to fit in with the predominant socioeconomic class, and language is the main signifier of this fit. Many Caribbean writers have described scenarios of people who went overseas, were generally expected to return with a new command of the target language and often demonstrated their new found ‘status’ by emphasizing their foreign accent of ‘twang’. While some might be impress ed by the ‘twang’, others view such pretensions with derision. Attitudes to language may vary from one sector of the society to another and some people demonstrate self-conscious behavior when speaking the standard language. This is largely a result of the fact that in most societies one is often judged on the basis of the variety of language that one speaks. This is even more prevalent in societies with a colonial legacy, like the Caribbean, where certain dialects are associated with the institution of slavery or conquest. Increasingly, educators are becoming aware that a person’s native language is an integral part of who that person is and marginalizing the language can have severe damaging effects on that person’s psyche. Many linguists consistently make a case for teaching native languages alongside the target languages so that children can clearly differentiate among the codes ( a term used synonymously with language or dialect but generally refers to a linguistic system of communication. A code can also be non-linguistic such as a dress code or code of conduct) and hence be less likely to mix the two. This approach has been adopted in Haiti, where schools teach both Standard French and French Creole (Haitian) and children are expected to be fluent in both. Additional prominence has been given to Caribbean Creoles with the publication of Creole dictionaries and with the translation of the New Testament from the Christian Bible into French Creole in St. Lucia. A similar project is under way in Jamaica. While attitudes to local dialects have been slowly changing, many people still associate the use of Creole with negative images and believe that its use should be relegated to specific circumstances and occasions. However, the fact that non-standard language varieties are the most widely spoken in the Caribbean makes them the choice of persons trying to get information to large sections of the society. For example, many advertisers use the Creole language to ensure that their message appeals to most people. At the same time, because of the prestige attached to the standard language, it tends to be the language of choice on formal occasions, like church services. A language variety is usually chosen because of its perceived social functions. You may have noticed that, the more formal the occasion, the more likely the use of the standard language, while for everyday interaction, popular music or emotional appeals, people tend to gravitate towards the non-standard varieties. You would have noticed that, even in a formal situation, non-standard dialect might be used for anecdotes, to inject humour or in a quotation. In the Caribbean, people switching from one code of language to another, often without thinking. However, there are times when the use of standard langue would seem totally out of place and would even interfere with semantics. For example, folk stories, folk songs and proverbs seem to lose a certain essence when translated into standard. The role of language as a vehicle for sharing culture is indisputable. Caribbean writers, singers and oral poets have played a major part in fostering acceptance of the Creole languages of the region, by incorporating them into their work and exposing them to the world. Nonetheless, negative attitudes to these languages persist in the minds of many.
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