Wednesday, October 30, 2019
Explain what Weber meant by the distinction between formal rationality Assignment
Explain what Weber meant by the distinction between formal rationality and substantive rationality - Assignment Example Similarly, the article examines the two theories of scientific management and human relations. Consequently, the paper looks into whether the two methods exhibit either formal or substantive rationality. Max Weber developed the concept of formal rationality at a time when capitalistic forms of organizations were steadily on the rise. Essentially, that would explain why various sociologists and scholars have on several occasions associated the concept of formal rationality to organizational entities. According to Max Weber, characters, and various entities often have objectives, which they work towards realizing (Secchi 2011, pg. 49). Formal rationality, therefore, implies that persons of interest employ a means-ends coherent calculation in ensuring that they accomplish their aims. Weber argues that formal rationality demands that the steps being taken by an individual to achieve his or her objectives should be based on ones experience and observations. Similarly, the individuals should make their decisions based on science and logic. Contrary to the inter-civilizational and the excelling charisma of the practical, theoretical, and substantive types of rationality, formal rationality relates to scopes of life and a configuration of supremacy that acquired distinct and defined confines only with industrialization. Most significantly, the economic, legal, and scientific ranges, and the inflexible form of the command (Kalberg 1980, pg. 1149). In like manner, it can be concluded that whereas practical rationality always point towards a diffuse affinity to evaluate and to decipher repetitive hitches by means-end rational patterns of action in orientation to realistic self- interests, formal rationality in the end legitimates a similar means-end rational calculation by reference to comprehensively applied rules, laws, or regulations. Just as in practical
Monday, October 28, 2019
Methods of DNA Identification
Methods of DNA Identification To isolate DNA from blood, saliva, buccal swab and betel quid by phenol-chloroform method and chelex method and compare the efficacy of both the methods. To carry out restriction digestion of the DNA samples isolated from above mentioned sources using the restriction enzyme EcoRI (G|AATTC) and identify individuals based on the pattern of restriction banding and to ascertain the applicability of the restriction digestion in forensics MATERIALS AND METHODS: Blood, saliva, betel quid and buccal swab were collected from 15 patients and DNA isolation was done by phenol-chloroform method and chelexmethod. DNA fingerprinting was carried out using EcoRI restriction enzyme. RESULTS: DNA could be extracted from residues of saliva, DNA fingerprinting done with the isolated DNA was able to match with those of individuals. Chelex method was found to be more efficient than the Phenol-chloroform method KEY WORDS: Betel Quid, Chelex method, DNA,DNA fingerprinting,Phenol chloroform method Introduction DNA fingerprinting has ascertained an increasingly imperative role towards decision making in judiciary. DNA tests have helped convict suspects, to exonerate suspects or overturned previous convictions. Scientific evidences such as fingerprints, blood, semen, shreds of clothing, hair, weapons, tire tracks, and other physical evidence at the crime scene can be a more riveting to a tribunal than the testimony of an eyewitness. DNA is more suitable because DNA remains scathe lessin challenging environments where such evidence is found. The DNA molecule holds an impressive dependability to withstand time. 1 DNA profiling compares the DNA fragment lengths and patterns. The isolated DNA from the samples is fragmented using a restriction enzyme. Then the length of the resulting fragments is determined by electrophoresis and comparedby a visual interpretation of the pattern of DNA bands. 2 DNA can be sourced from freshblood, fresh or dried human buccalswabs, soft tissue, saliva and salivary stains. Optimizing the methodology in DNA extraction from various sources have been tried by many studies. Minute quantities of saliva allows establishing DNAprofile. 3DNA has been proven to be isolated from cell samples from objects that was in contact with the body and from sources like chewing gums, cigarettes, bite marks in foods, among others. Restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP) analysis provides details of the DNA which is referred as a DNA fingerprint. As DNA is unique to every individual, analyzing the sequence helps in identification of specific patterns of each individual. DNA profile is considered as valid evidence in the court of law for paternity disputes and human identification. Standardization of DNA extraction technique will improve the reliability and speed up sample processing time. 4-6 Limited availability of biological samples in a crime scenechallenges the procedure of extraction , characterization and analysis of DNA. Furthermore, difficulty arises in retrieving DNA from stains and degraded samples which provide contaminated or poor qualityDNA. Hence, purification of DNA from samples is still a significant step in obtaining useful genotypes. Notwithstanding, tremendous advances have been made in the recent times in DNA testing. 7 Chewed betel quid (BQ) stains are encountered frequently on crime scenes in Southeast Asian countries. Though the quid presents as an important biological evidence, the forensic analysis using betel quid as an evidence has been impeded due to difficulty in extraction of human DNA . Hence, constituting a definite method for extracting DNA from chewed Betel quid residues is of paramount importance. 8 Saliva found on victims of several violent crimes is a potential source of DNA. They can be recovered from bite marks, cigarette butts, betel quid, postage stamps, envelopes and other objects. However , salivary stains usually dry up easily becoming invisible, making recognition and collection difficult. Among the various biological sources available, salivary analysis have great discriminatory power and can be incorporated into a criminal investigation . Improvisation of DNA extraction procedures will improve its reliability and also help to expedite the process. The present study aims to isolate DNA from blood, saliva (under different conditions) by phenol chloroform method and chelex method and to find the efficacy of these methods in extraction of DNA from traces of saliva. 9,10 ISOLATION OF DNAFROM BLOOD AND SALIVA BY PHENOL CHLOROFORM METHOD : The DNA was extracted with an equal volume of phenol: chloroform: isoamyl alcohol. This mixture was centrifuged at 10000rpm for 5 minutes. The aqueous phase was collected and extracted with chloroform: isoamyl alcohol mixture and centrifuged at 10000rpm for 5 minutes. The supernatant was transferred to a new microfuge tube and 0. 6 volume of isopropanol was added. The spongy white precipitate was transferred to a microfuge tube and added equal volume of ethanol was added. Then it was centrifuged at 10000rpm at room temperature for 10 minutes. The supernatant was drained and to the pellet 100 µL of TE buffer was added stored at 4 °C. ISOLATION OF DNAFROM BLOOD AND SALIVA BY CHELEX METHOD: 0. 5 ml of whole blood was collected in 2 ml tube and the cells are harvested by centrifugation at 3000 rpm for 3 min. at 4 °C. The supernatant was discarded. 0. 8 ml TBP buffer was added to the collection tube, vortexed gently, then centrifuged at 3000 rpm for 3 minutes, supernatant was discarded. The next stepwas continued if the blood pellet looks mauve 0. 5 ml of TBM buffer was added to the tube, and vortexed followed by addition of 3  µLof proteinase K and incubated at 55 °C for 30 minutes. The sample was centrifuged for 2 minutes at 5000 rpm and the supernatant saved to 2 ml tube and then added 260  µL of absolute ethanol. The mixture was applied to EZ-10 column, centrifuged at 8000 rpm for 1 minute; discarded the flow in the collection tube. 500  µL of wash solution was added and centrifuged at 8000 rpm for 1 minute. This step was repeated spin at 8000 rpm for an additional minute to remove residual amount of wash solution. The column was placed into a clean 1. 5 ml microfuge tube and 30  µL of elution buffer was added into the center part of membrane . The tube was incubated at 50 °C for 2 minutes centrifuged at 10,000 rpm for 1 minute to elute the DNA from the column The standards and samples were removed from the freezer and thawed. In a separate sterile 1. 5 ml microfuge tube for each standard/sample, 10  µl of DNA was mixed with 990  µl of D. I. water and vortexed . The solution was allowed to stand for 10 minutes to ensure the complete diffusion of DNA throughout the solution. This represents a 1:100 dilution of the standards and the DNA samples. B. DNAquantification The DNA sample was briefly vortexed and the solution wastransfered to the cuvette of the spectrophotometer with care not to create bubbles. The cuvette is inserted into the spec ensuring the correct face of the cuvette is in line the light beam. . An absorbance reading appears on the screen . Reading is continued until all standards and samples have been quantified. The concentration of DNA in the sample is determined according to the conversion factor (A260 of 1. 0 = 50  µg ml-1 DNA). The concentration of DNA in the sample can be read as  µg/mL using the conversion factor and dilution factor . RESTRICTION DIGESTION: Restriction enzyme buffer was vortexed before pipetting to ensure that it was well-mixed and was added to the tube . Appropriate amount of DNA to be cut wasvortexed before pipetting to ensure that it was well-mixed and was added to the tube. After vortexingthe enzyme to ensure that it was well-mixed 1 ÃŽ ¼L of enzyme EcoRIwas added. The mixture is placed in thermal cycler (Eppendorf) for2-3 hour incubation at 37 °C . To heat inactivate the enzyme the mixture is maintained at 80 °C for 20 min. The mixture is kept at 4 °C until the reaction mixture is out of the thermal cycler. Agarose Gel Electrophoresis Protocol Preparation of the agarose gel 1. 25 g Agarose powder was taken in 500 ml flask and 125 ml of TAE Buffer was added to it. The mixture is melted in hot water bath till a clear solution forms. The solution is allowed to cool to a temperature of 50-55 °C by periodic swirling to achieve even cooling. To it ethidium bromide solution was added. The ends of the casting tray are sealed with two layers of tape. The combs are placed in the gel casting tray. The melted agarose solution was poured into the casting tray and allowed to cool until it is solid. The comb and the tape are removed carefully. The gel is placed in the electrophoresis chamber. 2-3 mm of TAEBuffer is added over the gel. Loading the gel 6 à ¯Ã‚  l of 6X Sample Loading Buffer is added to each DNA sample containing tubes. 20 à ¯Ã‚  l of each sample is pipetted into separate wells in the gel. 10 à ¯Ã‚  l of the DNA ladder standard is pippeted into one well of each row on the gel. Running the gel The lid is place on the gel box, the electrode wires are connected to the power supply. The power supply is turned on to about 100 volts. To ensure the correct direction of the current, the movement of the blue loading dye is checked. The power supply is continued till the blue dye approaches the end of the gel. The wires are disconnected from the power supply. The lid is removed from the electrophoresis chamber. Using gloves, gel is carefully removed and observed in a transilluminator for the DNA bands. RESULTS: Isolation of DNA was done from blood ,fresh saliva, saliva stored at -20 °C, saliva stored at 37 °C for 24hrs ,buccal swab and betel quid by both the phenol-chloroform method and the chelex method. . Gel electrophoresis of the isolated genomic DNA was carried out on 0. 8% agarose gel. (figure 1) After restriction digestion electrophoresis gel is prepared to run and to identify the number of bands. DNA samplesobtained from blood were labelled as Aband subsequently as Bb,Cb, DbEbas shown in table 2. DNA obtained from fresh saliva were labelled as As,Bs, Cs, Ds,Es. DNA obtained from saliva stored at -20 degree were labeled as AfsBfsCfsDfs. Efs. DNA obtained from saliva stored at room temperature were labelled as Ads,BdsCdsDdsEds DNA obtained from bloodof 5 individuals was made to run in the well marked 1 to 5 in a uniform manner ie DNA obtained from the first individual named as Ab, was made to run in well No. 1 . DNA obtained from second individual named as Bb was made to run in well No. 2 DNA obtained from third individual named as Cb was made to run in well No . 3. DNA obtained from fourth individual named as Db was made to run in as well No- 4. DNA obtained from Fifth individual namedEbwas made to run in well No. 5. (table 2) But while running DNA obtained from saliva of different sources the order was changed randomly. For example DNA isolated from fresh saliva for the first individual (As) instead of being run in the first well ie well No -6 was made to run in the third well( well no 8) and DNA isolated from saliva stored at -20 degree for the first individual(Afs) instead of being run in the first well ie well No-11was made to run in the third well (well No. 13)and DNA isolated from saliva stored at room temperature for the first individual(Ads) instead of being run in the first well ie well No-16 was made to run in the fifth well (well No. 20). Likewise DNA isolated from different sources of saliva of different individuals made to run in different wells and the number of bands produced is identified . From the figure 1 it could be identified that the well number 1,8 ,13,20 corresponding to DNA isolated from the first individual from various sources named Ab AsAfs Ads identified by the yellow arrow has uniformly three bands. For the well number 2,7,14,19 corresponding to DNA isolated from the second individual from various sources named BbBsBfsBds identified by the blue arrow has uniformly 6 bands . various DNA isolated from the fifth individual from various sources namedEbEsEfsEds identified by the green arrow has uniformly 4 bands . From the above figure itcould be identified that the well number 1,10 corresponding to DNA isolated from different source for the first individual named Ab,AbS,identified by the yellow arrow has uniformly four bands. For the well number 2 and 6 corresponding to DNA isolated from second individual from blood and buccal swab named BbBbSl identified by the blue arrow has uniformly 6 bands . For the well number 3 and 7corresponding to DNA isolated from third individual from blood and buccal swab namedCbCbS identified by the red arrow has uniformly 5 bands . For the well number 4and 8 corresponding to DNA isolated from fourth individual from blood and buccal swab named DbDbs,identified by the aqua arrow has uniformly 7 bands. For the well number 5and 9 corresponding to DNA isolated from fifth individual from blood and buccal swab named EbEbsE identified by the green arrow has uniformly 8 bands . This shows that DNA obtained from an individual from blood and buccal swab produce uniform banding pattern. This shows that DNA obtained from an individual from various source produce uniform banding pattern . Identification of individual from traces of saliva which could be used for forensic application -Extraction of DNA from Buccal swab. Restriction digestion with Ecor-1 from extracted DNA obtained from above mentioned source has been done for identifying individuals. Blood was used as a control and compared with DNA bands from buccal swab. A total of 10 wells were created. DNA obtained from blood wer e labeled as Ab, Bb,Cb, Db,Ebas shown in tab 3. DNA obtained from Buccal swab were labeled as Abs,Bbs, Cbs, Dbs, Ebs. DNA obtained from blood from 5 individuals was made to run in the well marked 1 to 5 in a uniform manner. But while running DNA obtained from buccal swab the order was changed randomly. For example DNA isolated from buccal swab for the first individual (Abs) instead of being run in the first well ie well No -6 was made to run in the fifth well( well no 10). Likewise DNA isolated from buccal swab of different individuals was made to run in different wells and the number of bands produced is identified Different methods of DNA extraction is been followed in that, most widely used is phenol chloroform method . Many new methods of DNA extraction have been tried. The chelex method is one among then . To know the efficacy of the chelex method it was compared with that of phenol chloroform method. Of the two methods studied the chelex method proved to be more easy to handle and less time consuming in addition to yieds higher amount of DNA and is proved by quantification with U. V spectrometer as shown in fig. 2. DISCUSSION: Forensic odontology is a branch of forensics which analyses stains and organic liquids from the oral cavity or its contents, bite mark comparison, investigation of trauma and oral injuries such as personal injury cases, and dental malpractice. The fundamental requirement of a criminal investigation is that the victim and aggressor should be positively identified. Forensic dentistry aids in the forensic process by comparing the deceaseds dentition with that of previous dental records or by facilitating to shape the profile of an individual in terms of age at the time of death, sex and phylogeny to aid in identification. 11,12 Saliva has been a potential source of identification and is usually found in bite marks, cigarette butts, betel quid, postage stamps, envelopes and other objects. The first phase of the study intended to isolate DNA from saliva (under different conditions), by phenol-chloroform method and chelex method and compare the yield with that of blood . The second objective was to find out efficacy of these methods in extraction of DNA from traces of saliva ie from Buccal swab, and from Betel quid and which could be used for forensic application. 8 The presence of residues are considerably important as biological evidences, but forensic analysis of such evidences has been hindered by failures in extraction of human DNA. Consequently, it is indispensable in forensic science to establish a reliable method for extracting DNA from samples collected at the crime site. The most important objective was whether individuals can be identifed from samples of different source and to ascertain the applicability of the restriction digestion in forensics. 13,14 Blood was taken as control, saliva was divided into 3 parameters ie from fresh saliva, from saliva stored at -20 degree for24 hr from saliva stored in room temperature for 24 hr’s were obtained . Identification of individual has been done with restriction enzyme EcoRI. . The isolated DNA was digested using the restriction enzyme EcoRI(G|AATTC)The digested DNA was run on 1% agarose gel electrophoresis and the bands produced in each individuals DNA were scored and is proved that identification of individual can also be done by DNA fingerprinting or profiling. Agarose gel electrophoresis separates DNA fragments according to their size. The most important objective was whether individuals can be identified from samples of different source and to ascertain the applicability of the restriction digestion in forensics. 16 DNA fingerprinting is a technique that is used to represent like and unlike DNA that is present in different individuals. Nucleotide sequences which show significant variation from one individual to another are taken into consideration. 17The most important objective of the study was to ascertain whether individuals can be identified from samples of different source and to ascertain the applicability of the restriction digestion in forensics and the last objective was toCompare the DNA yield from manual and kit method. To prove that DNA could be extracted from traces of saliva , Buccal swab and Beetal quid was used . DNA could be extracted from buccal swab,beetal quid and quantification was done with U. V spectrometer. Comparison of DNA isolated from all the samples collected from all the individual using two different procedures has been done and comparison of yield of different sources showed the kit method to be more effective . Use of biological evidences like saliva, buccal swab and betel quid are compromised due to the quandary in extraction of human DNA. The present study had proved to establish a reliable method for extracting DNA from samples collected from different sources of saliva and from traces of salivary stains which was comparable to bloodin proving identification. Samples collected from different sources of saliva and from traces of salivary stains can also be assessed by DNA fingerprinting or profiling which is based on the fact that DNA is unique to every individual .
Friday, October 25, 2019
Successful Management of a Diverse Workforce Essay -- essays research
Successful Management of a Diverse Workforce Being successful at managing workforce diversity involves attracting and retaining the highest quality individuals in the talent pool. For managers it means learning how to manage human potential sensitively. It requires an ever-increasing awareness of how people from different backgrounds deal with authority, communication, overall business etiquette, and relate to their communities of affiliation. Successful management of workforce diversity is a process that takes place in many stages and on many levels. It requires managers to first recruit a competent and qualified staff, then to accommodate individual needs within the context of the work team and the organization. However, the key to successfully building a diverse, high-quality workforce for tomorrow begins with a strong leadership commitment and knowledge of where the organization is today. Moreover, experience has demonstrated that successful diversity initiatives depend on positioning the organization first. (Department of Personnel Management, 2002) Diversity Initiatives: What They Are. A "diversity initiative" is a company's strategic response to diversity. The initiative looks at the company's needs in the area of diversity and responds with a strategically aligned approach. The initiative should have a long-term focus, as well as very specific goals and objectives. It should also be easily measurable and tied to the organization's overall business strategy. In terms of implementing the initiative, the entire organization - from the top down - should be held accountable. (U.S. Office of Personnel Management, 2004) Once the vision has been developed, the organization should then develop a diversity plan. The plan outlines the goals and objectives for diversity. Many companies see fit to appoint a diversity committee, comprised of a wide variety of people and perspectives, to help implement the plan. The plan may call for training on diversity, enhancing recruiting efforts to attract and retain women and people of color, or looking at succession planning, among other issues. Leading a Diverse Workforce Today we are more likely to encounter, interact with, work with, report to, or manage numerous individuals of different backgrounds, races, ethnicities, religions, belief systems, and cultures. While we all may have the same values, ... manages diversity is critical as organizations attempt to attract, motivate, and retain employees from a workforce that is growing in variety and complexity. American business will not be able to survive if we do not have a large diverse workforce, because those are the demographics. The company that gets out in front of managing diversity will have a competitive edge. References Stoner, C., & Russell-Chapin, L (1997). Creating a culture of diversity management: moving from awareness to action. University of California. Retrieved April 8, 2005 from University of Phoenix, InfoTrac Copeland, L. (2004). Valuing Diversity training series. Reprinted with permission from the NOAA Training manual, Silver Spring, MD. U.S. Office of Personnel Management (OPM). (2000, June). Building and Maintaining a Diverse and High Quality Workforce. Retrieved April 7, 2005 from: U.S. Census Bureau (2003). 2003 American Community Survey data. Retrieved April 10, 2005 from:
Thursday, October 24, 2019
Example of Db Post
Christian Ethics Project #2 1. From a Christian perspective, why did Marxist communism fail? From a Christian point of view, Marxist communism failed due to people not being offered a choice of whether or not to distribute riches to everyone. The author states: â€Å"Beginning in the Garden, God gave men and women the freedom to choose to do what is right. This is the heart of democracy†(Stapleford, 2009, p. 98). Clearly, it is Godly for people to have freedom of choice; communism was not Godly and therefore, failed. 2. Which is a more Christian form of government, democratic capitalism or democratic socialism?Current history demonstrates that the majority of countries are progressively supporting democratic capitalism along with reduced government involvement (Stapleford, 2009). From a Christian standpoint, Mr. Stapleford writes: â€Å"the individual comes first – before the state or the social order†(Stapleford, 2009, p. 98). He goes on to say, â€Å"Christi ans are to resist the temptation to use the coercive power of the state to bend society into conformity with our view of the kingdom†(Stapleford, 2009, p. 98). Biblically speaking, we are advised not to be wasteful with what we have, and we should be happy to give freely to those in need.Basic guidelines such as these give biblical confirmation to support democratic capitalism (less government involvement), as opposed to democratic socialism with much more government involvement. 3. What functions does government have to undertake because of fallen human nature? Due to the sin nature of human beings, government has needed to impose taxation on the people in order to implement government spending to help those in need. Government spending to help the needy may include giving food or shelter to the poor, discounted or free child care, health care for our seniors and the poor.Again, Christians are called to help those in need. In this case, the government stepped in to do the sa me thing that we are commanded to do (Stapleford, 2009). 4. Should Christians concern themselves with the regulatory activities of government? If so, what areas of regulation are most significant? Yes, Christians need to be concerned with the regulatory activities of the government. One of the most significant areas of regulation is the prevention of (and prosecution of) discrimination based on economic status, â€Å"gender, race, ethnicity, or age†(Stapleford, 2009, p. 01). Secondly, a significant area of regulation is defending employees from business owners that may force them to work in harmful conditions or â€Å"would steal from their pension funds†(Stapleford, 2009, p. 101). Additionally, we need to ensure that the government is mindful of its regulation and does not over-regulate, as this would be catastrophic to our democratic society. Works Cited Stapleford, J. (2009). Bulls, bears and golden calves. (2 ed. ). Downers Grove, IL: InterVarsity Press. [pic]
Wednesday, October 23, 2019
Relationship between Theory and Practice Essay
Cognitive development indicates growth of the ability to reflect and explain. Lev Semionovich Vygotsky and Jean Piaget were greatly contributed to the cognitive development section of Psychology. The way small kids discover surrounding environment and psychologically develop plays a key role in their learning processes and skills. By learning the process of cognitive development supervisors give themselves a chance to great extent meet the requirements of the individual demands of each separate child. Vygotsky and Piaget were considered to be constructivists. Constructivism is a method of training and learning based on the idea that cognition is the consequence of â€Å"psychological construction†. To put it differently, children obtain knowledge making compatible their previous experience and new fresh information. Constructivists believe that learning is influenced by the situation in which a concept is delivered also by children’s attitudes and values. Another common feature between Vygotsky and Piaget is that they both think that the limits of cognitive development were set by societal influences. Unfortunately, this is the point where the correspondence between Vygotsky and Piaget comes to an end. There is a great difference between both theories of highly indicated scientists. Piaget claimed that mental growth came from activity. He believed that students learn by means of communicating with their surroundings and that learning takes place after growth. On the other hand, Vygotsky held that knowledge takes place prior to the growth that can occur and that children learn because of history and symbolism. Vygotsky also claimed that students appreciate effort from their surrounding environment and from other people such as teachers and parents as well. Piaget did not consider the latter to be true. Vygotsky’s and Piaget concepts on cognitive development also have different attitudes. School systems and teachers have been practicing the cognitive development theories of Vygotsky and Piaget for quite a while. A good illustration of Piagentian training could be arranged in a preschool environment. Through the preschool period Piaget considers students as being at the Preoperational level and as a consequence they are more likely to be self-centered. Consequently, it would be fair to discuss things with preschool age children from their own points of view as they will feel their experiences are unique and precious. During classroom activities one student might say the glass of milk that another student brought to classroom to share is half empty while the student who brought the glass may consider the glass to be half full. Neither student is wrong in this example, the glass can be characterized by both descriptions but they may believe it due to the fact that each accordingly likes or dislikes milk. Application of Vygotsky’s cognitive development theory could occur in a first grade classroom. First grade children are frequently characterized by having varying stages of knowledge. Some students may already know letters and how to read while others are still making attempt to improve this process. An optimal option to assist the students who are not reading as well as the others includes ensuring these children aid speaking out a word when they get stuck while reading a text. With these preliminary considerations in mind it would be well to conclude that cognitive development plays a central part in learning and thinking approaches of students. Vygotsky and Piaget provide valuable knowledge and data into the possible ways students learn and by employing these concepts it is possible to design a more advantageous learning context for each student. To get deeper understanding of Vygotsky’s theory it would be useful to visit the web-site http://www. newfoundations. com/gallery/Vygotsky. html. It suggests a number of approaches provided by in-depth studies and research of the scientist. Vygotsky tries to find answers to questions such as â€Å"What is a human being? †, â€Å"What is knowledge? †, â€Å"What is learning? †, â€Å"What is society? †, or â€Å"Who is to be educated? †. One more web resource that provides valuable insight into the researches conducted by Piaget is http://webspace. ship. edu/cgboer/piaget. html. To apply theory into practice we may observe that preoperational stage includes symbolism which means that the child already understands parallel notions of objects. For instance, to develop business skills from the early age it would be very useful to set an activity where objects replace real things: paper instead of money, books instead of TV-sets to be sold, etc. These two particular web-sites were chosen because besides the theory itself they also include practice and illustrations. They describe how the results of the studies may be applied in learning and teaching processes.
Tuesday, October 22, 2019
The Xia Dynasty of Ancient China
The Xia Dynasty of Ancient China The Xia Dynasty is said to have been the first true Chinese dynasty, described in the ancient Bamboo Annals called the Ji Tomb Annals, dated to the late third century BCE; and in the Records of the Historian Sima Qian (called the Shi Ji and written about 145 BCE). There is a long-standing debate as to whether the Xia Dynasty was myth or reality; until the mid-20th century, no direct evidence was available to support stories of this long-vanished era. Some scholars still believe that it was invented in order to validate the leadership of the Shang Dynasty, for which there is abundant archaeological and written evidence. The Shang Dynasty was founded in about 1760 BCE, and many of the attributes ascribed to the Xia are different from those ascribed to the Xia. Legends of the Xia Dynasty According to the historical records, the Xia dynasty is thought to have lasted between about 2070–1600 BCE, and it was said to have been founded by a man known as Yu the Grea a descendant of the Yellow Emperor, and born about 2069. His capital was at Yang City. Yu is a semi-mythical figure who spent 13 years stopping a great flood and bringing irrigation to the Yellow River Valley. Yu was the ideal hero and ruler, said to have been assisted in his work by a yellow dragon and a black turtle. Many of the tales about him are cast in mythology, which doesnt necessarily rule out the possible reality of a sophisticated society predating the Shang. The Xia dynasty is said to be the first to irrigate, produce cast bronze, and build a strong army. It used oracle bones and had a calendar. Xi Zhong is credited in legend with inventing a wheeled vehicle. He used a compass, square, and rule. King Yu was the first king to be succeeded by his son instead of a man chosen for his virtue. This made the Xia the first Chinese dynasty. The Xia under King Yu probably had about 13.5 million people. According to the Records of the Grand Historian (the Shi Ji, started around the second century BCE (over a millennium after the end of the Xia Dynasty), there were 17 Xia Dynasty Kings. They included: Yu the Great: 2205–2197 BCEEmperor Qi: 2146–2117 BCETai Kang: 2117–2088 BCEZhong Kang: 2088–2075 BCEXiang: 2075–2008 BCEShao Kang: 2007–1985 BCEZhu: 1985–1968 BCEHuai: 1968–1924 BCEMang: 1924–1906 BCEXie: 1906–1890 BCEBu Jiang: 1890–1831 BCEJiong: 1831–1810 BCEJin: 1810–1789 BCEKong Jia: 1789–1758 BCEGao: 1758–1747 BCEFa: 1747–1728 BCEJie: 1728–1675 BCE The fall of the Xia is blamed on its last king, Jie, who is said to have fallen in love with an evil, beautiful woman and become a tyrant. The people rose up in rebellion under the leadership of Zi Là ¼, the Tang Emperor and founder of the Shang Dynasty. Possible Xia Dynasty Sites While there is still debate over how much the texts can be relied on, there is recent evidence has increased the likelihood that there really was dynasty predating the Shang. Late Neolithic sites which hold some elements suggesting Xia dynasty remains include Taosi, Erlitou, Wangchenggang, and Xinzhai in central Henan province. Not all researchers in China agree to the connection of archaeological sites with prehistoric semi-mythical polities, although scholars have noted that Erlitou in particular had a high degree of cultural-political sophistication at an early period. Erlitou in Henan Province is a massive site, covering at least 745 acres, and occupations between 3500–1250 BCE; at its heyday about 1800, it was the primary center in the region, with eight palaces and a large cemetery precinct.  Taosi, in southern Shanxi, (2600–2000 BCE) was a regional center, and had an urban center surrounded by large rammed-earth walls, a craft production center for pottery and other artifacts, and a semicircular rammed-earth structure which has been identified as an astronomical observatory. Wangchenggang in Dengfeng province (2200–1835 BCE) was a settlement center for at least 22 other sites in the upper Ying River valley. It had two connected small rammed-earth enclosures built about 2200 BCE, a craftproduction center, and many ash pits some containing human burials. Xinzhai, in Henan Province (2200–1900 BCE) is an urban center with at least fifteen associated sites surrounding it, with a large semi-subterranean stru cture interpreted as a ritual structure. In 2016, an international group of archaeologists reported evidence of a great flood in the Yellow River at a site called Lajia, dated about 1920 BCE, which they claimed provided support to the great flood in the Xia Dynasty legends. The Laija townsite in particular was found with several residences with skeletons buried within the deposits. Wu Qinglong and colleagues admitted that the date was several centuries later than the historical records state. The article appeared in Science magazine in August of 2016, and three comments were quickly received disagreeing with the dating and interpretation of the geological and archaeological data, so the site remains an open question like the others. Sources Dai, L. L., et al. An Isotopic Perspective on Animal Husbandry at the Xinzhai Site During the Initial Stage of the Legendary Xia Dynasty (2070–1600 BC). International Journal of Osteoarchaeology 26.5 (2016): 885–96. Print.Han, Jian-Chiu. Comment on Outburst Flood at 1920 BCE Supports Historicity of China’s Great Flood and the Xia Dynasty. Science 355.6332 (2017): 1382–82. Print.Huang, Chun Chang, et al. Comment on Outburst Flood at 1920 BCE Supports Historicity of China’s Great Flood and the Xia Dynasty. Science 355.6332 (2017): 1382–82. Print.Liu, Li. State Emergence in Early China. Annual Review of Anthropology 38 (2009): 217–32. Print.Wu, Qinglong, et al. Outburst Flood at 1920 Bce Supports Historicity of China’s Great Flood and the Xia Dynasty. Science 353.6299 (2016): 579–382. Print.Wu, Qinglong, et al. Response to Comments on Outburst Flood at 1920 BCE Supports Historicity of China’s Great Flood and the Xia D ynasty. Science 355.6332 (2017): 1382–82. Print.Wu, Wenxiang, et al. Comment on â€Å"Outburst Flood at 1920 Bce Supports Historicity of China’s Great Flood and the Xia Dynasty†. Science 355.6332 (2017): 1382-82. Print.
Monday, October 21, 2019
Wilson Surname Meaning
Wilson Surname Meaning Wilson is a patronymic surname meaning son of Will, a popular name during medieval times. The given name Will may have derived from any of several names containing the Germanic element wil, meaning desire. The most common was as a short form of William. Wilson is the fifth most common surname in Australia, the eighth most common surname in England, and the tenth most common surname in the United States. Surname Origin: English, ScottishAlternate Surname Spellings: WILLSON, WILSONE, WILLS, WILLESON, WULSON Fun Facts About the Wilson Surname Wilson Sporting Goods, known well for its golf and tennis equipment, began life as the Ashland Manufacturing Company in Chicago in 1913, was later renamed the Thomas E. Wilson Company in 1916 for its president, Thomas E. Wilson Co. In 1931 the company became the Wilson Sporting Goods Company. Famous People with the Surname Wilson Woodrow Wilson - Twenty-eighth president of the United StatesBertha Wilson - first woman Justice of the Supreme Court of Canada ...Thomas E. Wilson - Wilson Sporting Goods was named for himAugust Wilson - American playwright Genealogy Resources for the Surname WILSON 100 Most Common U.S. Surnames Their Meanings: Smith, Johnson, Williams, Jones, Brown... Are you one of the millions of Americans sporting one of these top 100 common last names from the 2000 census?Common Australian Surnames: Wilson is the 5th most common surname in Australia.Wilson Surname DNA Project: Join other Wilson males in sorting out the various Wilson ancestral lines around the world through Y Chromosome DNA testing.How to Research English Ancestors: Trace your British roots back to England and beyond with the steps outlined in this English genealogy guide. Learn how to locate your ancestors county and/or parish in England, plus how to access vital records, census records and parish records.Wilson Family Crest - Its Not What You Think: Contrary to what you may hear, there is no such thing as a Wilson family crest or coat of arms for the Wilson surname. Coats of arms are granted to individuals, not families, and may rightfully be used only by the uninterrupted male line d escendants of the person to whom the coat of arms was originally granted. FamilySearch - WILSON Genealogy: Explore over 15 million historical records and lineage-linked family trees posted for the Wilson surname and its variations on the free FamilySearch website, hosted by the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.WILSON Surname Family Mailing Lists: RootsWeb hosts a free mailing lists for researchers of the Wilson - WILSON Genealogy Family History: Explore free databases and genealogy links for the last name WILSON.The Wilson Genealogy and Family Tree Page: Browse genealogy records and links to genealogical and historical records for individuals with the popular last name Hunt from the website of Genealogy Today. References: Surname Meanings Origins Cottle, Basil. Penguin Dictionary of Surnames. Baltimore, MD: Penguin Books, 1967. Dorward, David. Scottish Surnames. Collins Celtic (Pocket edition), 1998. Fucilla, Joseph. Our Italian Surnames. Genealogical Publishing Company, 2003. Hanks, Patrick and Flavia Hodges. A Dictionary of Surnames. Oxford University Press, 1989. Hanks, Patrick. Dictionary of American Family Names. Oxford University Press, 2003. Reaney, P.H. A Dictionary of English Surnames. Oxford University Press, 1997. Smith, Elsdon C. American Surnames. Genealogical Publishing Company, 1997.
Sunday, October 20, 2019
Learn About the Applications of Fiberglass Composites
Learn About the Applications of Fiberglass Composites The use of fiberglass started during the Second World War. Polyester resin was invented in 1935. Its potential was recognized, but finding a suitable reinforcing material proved elusive – even palm fronds were tried. Then, glass fibers which had been invented in the early 1930’s by Russel Games Slaytor and used for glass wool home insulation, were successfully combined with the resin to make a durable composite. Although it was not the first modern composite material (Bakelite - cloth reinforced phenolic resin was the first), glass reinforced plastic (‘GRP’) quickly grew into a worldwide industry. By the early 1940s, fiberglass laminates were being produced. The first amateur use – the building of a small dinghy was in Ohio was in 1942. Early Wartime Use of Glass Fiber As a new technology, resin and glass production volumes were relatively low and as a composite, its engineering characteristics were not well understood. Nevertheless, its advantages over other materials, for specific uses, were apparent. Wartime metal supply difficulties focused on GRP as an alternative. Initial applications were to protect radar equipment (Radomes), and as ducting, for example, airplane engine nacelles. In 1945, the material was used for the aft fuselage skin of the US Vultee B-15 trainer. Its first use of fiberglass in main airframe construction was that of a Spitfire in England, though it never went into production. Modern Uses Almost 2 million tons a year of the unsaturated polyester resin (‘UPR’) component are produced worldwide, and its widespread use is based on a number of features besides its relatively low cost: low technology fabricationdurabilityhigh flexing tolerancemoderate/high strength/weight ratiocorrosion resistanceimpact resistance Aviation and Aerospace GRP is used extensively in aviation and aerospace though it is not widely used for primary airframe construction, as there are alternative materials which better suit the applications. Typical GRP applications are engine cowlings, luggage racks, instrument enclosures, bulkheads, ducting, storage bins and antenna enclosures. It is also widely used in ground-handling equipment. Automotive For those who love automobiles, the 1953 model Chevrolet Corvette was the first production car to have a fiberglass body. As a body material, GRP has never succeeded against metal for large production volumes. However, fiberglass has a big presence in the replacement body parts, custom and kit auto markets. Tooling costs are relatively low as compared with metal press assemblies and ideally, suit smaller markets. Boats and Marine Since that first dinghy in 1942, this is an area where fiberglass is supreme. Its properties are ideally suited to boat building. Although there were problems with water absorption, modern resins are more resilient, and the composites continue to dominate the marine industry. In fact, without GRP, boat ownership would never have reached the levels it has today, as other construction methods are simply too expensive for volume production and not amenable to automation. Electronics GRP is widely used for circuit board manufacture (PCBs) – there is probably one within six feet of you now. TVs, radios, computers, cellphones – GRP holds our electronic world together. Home Almost every home has GRP somewhere – whether in a bathtub or a shower tray. Other applications include furniture and spa tubs. Leisure How much GRP do you think there is in Disneyland? The cars on the rides, the towers, the castles – so much of it is based on fiberglass. Even your local fun park probably has water slides made from the composite. And then the health club – do you ever sit in a Jacuzzi? That’s probably GRP as well. Medical Because of its low porosity, non-staining, and hard wearing finish, GRP is ideally suited to medical applications, from instrument enclosures to X-ray beds (where X-ray transparency is important). Projects Most people who tackle DIY projects have used fiberglass at one time or another. It is readily available in hardware stores, easy to use (with a few health precautions to be taken), and can provide a really practical and professional looking finish. Wind Energy Building 100’ wind turbine blades is a major growth area for this versatile composite, and with wind energy a massive factor in the energy supply equation, its use is certain to continue to grow. Summary GRP is all around us, and its unique characteristics will ensure that it remains one of the most versatile and easy to use composites for many years to come.
Saturday, October 19, 2019
Extra Cridets Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 2
Extra Cridets - Essay Example The code stipulates that anyone in violation of the law shall be liable to a fine of upto$500. The law affects individuals in the sense that, they make them aware of other pedestrians and motorists using the read; hence, ensuring that they protect them from any harm that may arise from dangerous driving. The law affects the business in Indiana in a positive way in that, in case people are not violating the law then it means that people get to their work places on time. Therefore, these creates a productive economic society; hence, improving the business in Indiana. In case, an individual was accused of violating the law the case would be a state case because the violation falls under the state laws of Indiana. The violation would also fall under public law, as it is a criminal offence to violate Indiana Code 9-21-8. In my opinion, I think the statute is a good law because it ensures motorist are aware of the laws; thus, making them careful about how they drive their vehicles. The law to some extent is effective although it has some loopholes, especially in the Indiana Code 9-21-8-59 when it comes to the confiscation or retaining of the cell phone. This is because besides texting there are many things that one can do with their
Friday, October 18, 2019
Elasticity of Demand Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Elasticity of Demand - Assignment Example When the price elasticity of demand for a good is inelastic (|Ed| < 1), the percentage change in quantity demanded is smaller than that in price. So, when the price is raised, the total revenue of producers rises, and vice versa. When the price elasticity of demand for a good is elastic (|Ed| > 1), the percentage change in quantity demanded is greater than that in price. Hence, when the price is raised, the total revenue of producers falls, and vice versa. As an example; Company W produces a product called a widget. Company W sells their widgets for $10 and there is a demand of 10. The company had tried to raise the price to $20 previously, and the demand lowered to 5 they also changed the price to $5 and the demand rose to 25. . Company W uses the mathematical formula for measuring the price elasticity of demand in order to determine which of these options is best for the company. The formula is PEoD = (% Change in Quantity Demanded)/(% Change in Price). (Moffatt) In order to determine the elasticity of demand, Company W must first determine the percentage change in demand and price. The formulas for determining the percentage change are: In order to determine the elasticity of demand, the values are inserted into the equation first for the price at $5 [ 5-10/5] which gives a percentage of change in the price of -.0025%. The values for demand are entered [25-10/10] which gives a percentage of change in demand of .025%. These values are inserted into the formula for the elasticity of demand [ (0.025%)(-0.0025%) ] and a resulting price elasticity of demand coefficient of -0.0000625 is reached. According to Mike Moffat, â€Å"we always ignore the negative sign when analyzing price elasticity, so PEoD is always positive.†Â
Globalisation Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words - 5
Globalisation - Essay Example The terms became prominent during the 1990s with the end of the Soviet Union Cold war. This is a major change which is steady and is one which includes complete integration of various countries. Globalisation refers to the interaction among different countries in order to work together to develop the global economy. Here there is generally an integration of economies and societies across the world. Globalisation is an opportunity that opens us many different areas for more interaction among people across the world (Kose, 2003). In terms of social as well as business activities, globalisation opens up opportunities to allow better communication and interaction without the issue of locations or borders. Stephen Gill explains globalisation to be a method which helps in reducing the costs by means of transaction and Trans – border movements of goods as well as capital and other factors of production. Guy Brianbant has however explained globalisation to be a process which includes a number of different factors like the improvement of communication, financial markets, and also internationalisation of the companies and growth of the multinational companies along with better mobility of people and factors like capital, data, goods and ideas. He has however also taken into account the negative aspects of globalisation i.e. higher mobility of infections, diseases and pollution (Mooney & Evans, 2007). This provides an overall and well rounded explanation of the process of globalisation and takes into account all perspectives of globalisation. Globalisation as has been discussed has impacted almost every country in the world, either positively or negatively. Here in the case of UAE, the country has been of interest and the collaboration between the country and other international locations has played a major role in the development of the country (Patapan, 2007). The Government of
External Environment of Hospitality Industry Essay
External Environment of Hospitality Industry - Essay Example According to the research findings, it can, therefore, be said that considering the ever-changing environment for the coming generation, it is highly likely that these people may not provide that much business to the hospitality and tourism industry as compared to their parents. This is true because of increasing pressures on the next generation for hard work, the presence of more options to do at home with all the gadgets and challenging work life to maintain an acceptable level of lifestyle in the coming years. Therefore, the hospitality industry will have to cater to these customers by providing them with the most value in limited time considering their busy lives. Another possible socio-cultural factor would be the rise of ethical consumerism in the developed countries where consumers are looking for products and services whose practices are of fair-trade, green, ethical, sustainable and responsible. These consumers are often ready to pay premiums for the products and services of such companies and the same is true for the hospitality industry as well. This niche market has immense potential since it has grown from 13.9 billion pounds in the year 1998 to 40.2 billion pounds in 2010 in the UK alone. Without any doubts, the economic factors are the most defining and crucial external forces affecting the hospitality industry. Even as of today, the global economic system has not recovered from the recession that hit in the year 2007. In the United Kingdom, experts are hinting a fear of double-dip recession. The current economic outlook of United States is not healthy considering the fact that for the past couple of years, 2009 and 2010, the real GDP growth rate has been -2.7 and 2.9 respectively and the unemployment rate is at alarming high level of 9.1 percent. On top of these, the frustration and aggravation of the people of US are evident from the movements such as Occupy Wall Street and 99 percent.
Thursday, October 17, 2019
Development of an information technology (IT) project Essay
Development of an information technology (IT) project - Essay Example The project seeks to coordinate and maintain the records of the professional development of its employees spread across Colorado, Illinois, Texas and Florida. The project is estimated to cost the organization three hundred thousand dollars. This project charter formally authorizes the existence of the project and the Project Name. It seeks to provide resources to run the activities to the manager of the project. If there is a change in the project scope, the charter will be updated and submitted for re-approval. The development of the project aims to integrate all the four branches of the company allowing the extensive number of 30000 employees to locate and schedule professional development activities that relate to their positions. Most important is to facilitate coordination and manage a record of its employees and their progress. The project aims to build a system that allows location and scheduling of tasks, has an extensive search capability, and enable employees to schedule events (Bolles & Hubbard, 2007). Further, it should allow integration of a social network platform and incorporate a notification module for both the managers and the employees. The project will cover gathering the requirements for the system, building of the system, developing a guide for the user and making a presentation on the system and its functionality in general. However training the individual persons will not be done at this stage. A project manager is required to be ethical since they need to handle people of various calibers, a lot of cash, and most of all lead the staff to deliver the product. In this endeavor, they need to admit to doing wrong, making hard but necessary choices and centralizing blame in case it
Risk management Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3250 words
Risk management - Essay Example An assessment for each risk in terms of impact of the risk and probability of occurrence was made that prompted the formulation of strategies address the risks, to take advantage of the opportunities, or to control the identified threats. BAT’s main strategies basically facing the risk head on and go on with combatting the illicit trade and the increasing excise taxes or shock the may come from government initiate to raise taxes. For finance risks, hedging was the better strategy than not hedging. For the market risks which include inability to obtain required price increase, geopolitical tensions and major climate chance separate strategies at the corporate level were done and should give priority to those with high-level risks which include competition from illicit trade, excise shocks from tax rate increase or structure changes, and management of cost base. This paper aims to identify major risk factor faced by British American Tobacco plc (BAT) using appropriate models/classification. A discussion of possible opportunities or threats would follow the identification. This would be followed by a structure assessment, using a risk map or risk matrix of the impact of the particular risks and the likely occurrence of these risks. The third part would be to formulate strategies for taking advantage of the opportunities, or strategies for controlling the identified threats. The last part of the paper before the conclusion would be to respond to a statement hypothetically made by an executive of saying something about the uselessness of corporate governance. The respond would focus on the relevance of the corporate governance regulation. Illicit trade is defined as proliferation of illegal competition in the form of counterfeit products (Ortiz &. Tajes, 2009; Dandeker, 1992), genuine but smuggled products and even those of locally manufactured products on which applicable taxes are evaded (British American Tobacco, 2011). The
Wednesday, October 16, 2019
Development of an information technology (IT) project Essay
Development of an information technology (IT) project - Essay Example The project seeks to coordinate and maintain the records of the professional development of its employees spread across Colorado, Illinois, Texas and Florida. The project is estimated to cost the organization three hundred thousand dollars. This project charter formally authorizes the existence of the project and the Project Name. It seeks to provide resources to run the activities to the manager of the project. If there is a change in the project scope, the charter will be updated and submitted for re-approval. The development of the project aims to integrate all the four branches of the company allowing the extensive number of 30000 employees to locate and schedule professional development activities that relate to their positions. Most important is to facilitate coordination and manage a record of its employees and their progress. The project aims to build a system that allows location and scheduling of tasks, has an extensive search capability, and enable employees to schedule events (Bolles & Hubbard, 2007). Further, it should allow integration of a social network platform and incorporate a notification module for both the managers and the employees. The project will cover gathering the requirements for the system, building of the system, developing a guide for the user and making a presentation on the system and its functionality in general. However training the individual persons will not be done at this stage. A project manager is required to be ethical since they need to handle people of various calibers, a lot of cash, and most of all lead the staff to deliver the product. In this endeavor, they need to admit to doing wrong, making hard but necessary choices and centralizing blame in case it
Tuesday, October 15, 2019
Pharmaceutical Industry Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Pharmaceutical Industry - Essay Example This is to ensure the safety of administering a new drug to health volunteers and patients (Novartis 2004). Prior to the therapeutic trials in patients, which is the Phase 1 trials, the pharmaceutical company will need to have: the preclinical testing data and findings from the laboratory studies, the manufacturing information, clinical protocols and investigator information in the form of an Investigator's Brochure which will contain all the information about the study drug (MHRA 2006). This information will be required by the licensing authority, which in the UK is the Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency as part of the application for a Clinical Trials Authorisation which would enable a trial to be conducted in humans. In addition to this Authorisation, the pharmaceutical company will need to obtain a favourable ethical opinion and approval from the site where this drug will be tested. Once all required approvals are in place, the drug can be tested in a Phase 1 trial in healthy subjects. If the results of this trial are positive and no serious adverse events or suspected unexpected serious adverse events occur, then this progresses to a Phase 2 trial in subjects with the disease or medical condition. The key issues that
Monday, October 14, 2019
Punctuated Equilibrium Theory
Punctuated Equilibrium Theory Puppet With businesses becoming increasingly dependent on IT systems which are constantly becoming larger and more complex, its critical that they are managed efficiently. Systems administrators are tasked with the management of these systems, with a large amount of their time being spent on repetitive processes such as deployment, configuration and updates. Puppet provides an expansible configuration management platform that can be used to help automate these tasks, increasing the speed, reliability and auditability of the process. Puppet works by providing a language that allows you to define exactly how your infrastructure should be configured. This provides consistency across the infrastructure and increases security by ensuring all systems are configured correctly. If a configuration change is needed, the change only must be made once before it can then be pushed out and applied to the entire infrastructure. This also inherently improves the auditability of the infrastructure by ensuring all security and compliance policies are rolled out across the entire organization. A graphical dashboard allows the status all parts of the organizations infrastructure to be tracked and can generate reports, providing a quick and easy way to complete security and compliance audits. The Health industry has some of the most onerous compliance requirements to ensure the strict security of patient data. Implementing Puppet would allow system administrators to streamline the compliance process by pushing required configuration and software updates across their entire infrastructure quickly and easily. An important part of demonstrating compliance of security policies is ensuring users only have access to the systems they are authorized to use. Puppet includes role-based access control features which allow administrators to assign specific permissions to users on both an individual and group level and can be integrated with existing directory services such as Active Directory and OpenLDAP. Ensuring users have access to the systems and hardware they require to complete their respective roles without impacting productivity whilst maintaining security and compliance is key to ensuring a successful workplace. Larger Health organizations such as Ramsay Health Care which has over 220 hospitals and day surgery facilities across Australia, France, the United Kingdom, Indonesia and Malaysia (About Ramsay Health Care, n.d.) could take advantage of the high availability and scalability of Puppet. High availability configurations eliminate downtime by having multiple Puppet servers across multiple locations which provide failover and redundancy in the event of an outage at another location while also ensuring performance. Puppet can be configured to manage any number of nodes across any number of locations which can help consolidate staff and ensures consistency across all locations. The Punctuated Equilibrium Theory suggests that within the Information Technology industry, technology is primarily in a state of equilibrium, with only minor changes occurring. However occasionally technology can go through short revolutionary period that can disrupt the equilibrium and bring on large disruptive change, which will then become the basis for the next equilibrium period. Adoption of this technology offers to change how infrastructure is managed in a revolutionary way. The implementation and management of the underlying systems can be automated in a way that allows staff responsible for these tasks to spend less time on repetitive system configurations and fixing known issues. With business becoming increasingly reliant on on-premises, cloud and hybrid-cloud infrastructures its only a matter of time before automation platforms such as Puppet become commonplace. References Grudin, Jonathan. (2012) Punctuated equilibrium and technology change. interactions 19, 5 (September 2012) 62-66. doi: 10.1145/2334184.2334200 Krum, S., Hevelingen, W. V., Kero, B., Turnbull, J., McCune, J. (2013). Pro Puppet. doi: 10.1007/978-1-4302-6041-7 Puppet. (n.d.). Puppet The shortest path to better software. Retrieved March 11, 2017, from Puppet. (2016, August 2). How Puppet works.[Video file]. Retrieved from Ramsay Health Care. (n.d.) About Ramsay Health Care. Retrieved 15 March 2017, from
Sunday, October 13, 2019
Marijuana Should Be Legal :: Argument for Medical Marijuana
The purpose of this paper is to illustrate the importance of marijuana as a medicine and to propose a possible change in the federal laws prohibiting the medical use of marijuana. At the present time, thirty-four states ha ve laws that recognize the medical properties of marijuana and allow for its use when prescribed by a doctor. In fact, USA Today polls have shown that there is anywhere from 65% to 78% voter support for marijuana's medicinal use. (1) However, these laws cannot be implemented until there is a change in the federal laws. So why have these federal laws not been changed? First, there is a great misunderstanding of marijuana. There is also a significant lack of funding for marijuana research which could p rove its efficacy as a therapeutic drug. With proper funding, studies could help people understand marijuana so the long awaited and needed change can take place. Background Information on Marijuana What is Marijuana? Marijuana comes from the dried leaves and buds of the cannabis plant. (7) Although there are three varieties of the cannabis plant, cannabis sativa (the least potent of the three) is the most common form of the plant and is the mai n source of marijuana in the United States. Marijuana contains over 400 chemicals, although less than 100 are considered psychoactive. (7) Sixty-one of the chemicals found in marijuana are of the cannabinoid family and are only found in cannabis plants. The main active ingredient in marijuana is the cannabinoid delta-9 tetrahydrocannibinol, or THC. (7) THC has been shown to have many effects such as slowed reactions, increased appetite, released inhibitions, and impaired judgments and motor skills. M any of these effects are similar to the effects of alcohol, except that while alcohol causes a short temper and a propensity towards violence, marijuana does exactly the opposite. Marijuana induces a mellow state of relaxation. History of Marijuana as Medicine Marijuana has been used for thousands of years for its therapeutic value. The first known reference to the medical use of marijuana is contained in the 15th century BC Chinese Pharmacopoeia , the Ry-Ya. While there have been m any other reports on the value of medical marijuana throughout written history, the most noteworthy are the articles contained in many 18th century U.S. medical journals. Between 1840 and 1900, over 100 articles were published detailing the th erapeutic benefits and the safety of the drug. In fact, the federal government has used many references to these articles in health reports.
Saturday, October 12, 2019
Women Finding Their Voices in Jane Smileys A Thousand Acres :: Smiley Thousand Acres Essays
Women Finding Their Voices in A Thousand Acres "Women, just like nature or the land, have been seen as something to be used,' says Smiley.'Feminists insist that women have intrinsic value, just as environmentalists believe that nature has its own worth, independent of its use to man'" (Duffy 92). Larry Cook, the senile, old power holder and father in Jane Smiley's A Thousand Acres, is a prime example of a man who believes that women and land are nothing more than objects that exist on this earth only so that he can control them. Larry's obsession with control begins in his marriage. In Larry's mind the only thing his wife was necessary for was cooking and cleaning. Larry also becomes obsessed with controlling his daughters, not only through disciplinary actions but also through molestation. He continues to control Ginny and Rose well into their adult lives. Because of their mother's premature death, Ginny and Rose are forced to take over the household. Their main jobs are to look after their little sister, Caroline, and to cook and clean. Rose and Ginny continue to look after Larry on a daily basis well after they are both married and have lives and children of their own. Even though neither of the daughters really wants to cook and clean for Larry, both feel obligated to look after him because he has instilled so much fear into them. Ginny tells the reader of this obligation: "My job remained what it had always been-to give him what he asked of me, and if he showed discontent, to try and find out what would please him" (Smiley 115). Besides forcing his daughters to take care of him, Larry also controls Ginny and Rose through molestation. As one critic observes, "The implication is that the impulse to incest concerns not so much sex as a will to power, an expression of yet another way the woman serves the man" (Duffy 92). The women in this novel are fairly passive and tend to let the men manipulate them. According to Martha Duffy, Smiley sees a link between the exploitation of women and that of the land. The land is stronger than the women in this novel in that despite the fact that men manipulate and attempt to change it as much as possible, it is still its own entity. This presents a contrast to what occurs when the women are dominated.
Friday, October 11, 2019
Technology-Enhanced Learning In Education
The Internet is a timely tool for pedagogues who are reforming instruction. If we believe information is the bedrock of cognition, understanding and power, so cosmopolitan entree, to worldwide databases and latest, planetary information and people-to-people networking, is important to supplying pupils with educational challenges. †Children and striplings in modern societies are turning up in a universe where engineering is present everyplace. The extended usage of Information and Communication Technologies ( ICT ) by striplings in their day-to-day life for leisure, amusement and societal interaction is doing a great impact on their acquisition demands, demands and outlooks. They need to larn accomplishments and competencies, for self-development, engagement in society every bit good as for future occupations. Furthermore, they are besides progressively utilizing ICT for any learning intents, frequently outside the schoolroom. This gives rise to new ways of acquisition, including informal 1s which are shaped by new ICT tools, offering exciting larning chances that are basically different than earlier tools. This is the ground why instruction is sing a major invention and the instrument in this development is the computing machine. Computers and cyberspace installations are nowadays available in all our province schools: from primary to secondary and besides at the third degree. It is expected that instruction will see ICT as a major instruction and larning tool across all educational establishments. With its power of interactivity, multimedia and communicating, the computing machine proves an first-class tool for instruction. Psychologists believe that the best feedback is that which comes instantly after the event. What can be more immediate than ‘surfing ‘ the cyberspace and acquiring the consequences wished for within seconds? Of class, the usage of ICT in instruction brings along the demand to larn how to utilize this medium decently because there are legion ways in which the computing machine can be integrated within the learning procedure. Therefore new learning methods need to be explored, equipment has to be purchased, installed, on a regular basis maintained and instructors require preparation. This finally leads to consequences which decidedly need to be evaluated and reviewed for farther betterment.1.1.1 Virtual Learning EnvironmentRecent old ages have seen a considerable scope of tools and programmes that support online acquisition. One such type is a practical acquisition environment which is a web-based information-rich acquisition environment that provides a scope of tools and installations for scholars and instructors to work together. INSPIRAL, a undertaking in the United Kingdom, defined practical acquisition environments as follows: â€Å" VLEs are web-based toolkits that facilitate larning through the proviso and integrating of online instruction and acquisition stuffs and tools. †INSPIRAL ( 2001 ) This brings about a displacement in the important function of the instructor, from that of ‘gatekeeper ‘ of cognition to that of ‘facilitator ‘ and ‘manager ‘ of the acquisition environment, in order to run into the demands of the pupils. Therefore, the pupil, through the counsel of the instructor, sets precedences and accomplishable ends and takes on the duty for making the set ends. Students have the chance to prosecute in autonomous acquisition experiences and activities that promote self-expression, co-operative acquisition and interaction non merely with their immediate environment but with the outside universe every bit good.Aims of the ProbeThere is a sense of urgency for instruction establishments to happen ways to move in favor of the new larning coevals in order to enable new ways of larning guaranting that the accomplishments for future occupations are acquired. It is indispensable to do certain that 21st century acquisition in Europe, p articularly in Malta, becomes more efficient, just and advanced than it of all time was in the yesteryear. The European 2020 scheme high spots of import tendencies, which will take to a extremist transmutation in instruction taking up new accomplishments needed for new occupations. In this regard, e-learning has many assets to offer so as to reenforce and do more accessible educational facets. Teachers hence need to go go-betweens between pupils, cognition and engineering while internet-based societal networking will be a complimentary characteristic to practical acquisition. This scheme aims at sharing best patterns on e-learning undertakings across Europe with a peculiar accent on mobility, quality criterions, instructors ‘ preparation and games. At the European Council held in Lisbon in March 2000, 15 European Heads of Government set a end for Europe to go the most competitory knowledge-based economic system in the universe, capable of sustainable economic growing with more and better occupations and greater societal coherence. Due to the fact that ICT and other related policies play a cardinal function in accomplishing the ends of the Lisbon scheme, the renewed Lisbon ends of 2005 included programs to ease invention through the execution of ICT and higher investing in human capital. Brian Restall, ( 2008 ) in the study ‘The Development of eServices in an Hypertrophied Europium: eLearning in Malta ‘ , presents the consequences of a research on e-learning in Malta. The authorities invested well in ICT in public schools in the last decennary. This has allowed the Maltese instruction sector to be ranked as one of the most technologically connected in the universe. All province schools are networked, connected to broadband cyberspace with a computing machine and an enterprise has been launched to utilize ICT across the course of study. However it is worthy of note that the deficiency of expertness and practical support in seting into pattern e-learning in the course of study, together with appropriate preparation both for instructors and pupils, is still lending significantly to the restrictions of consumption. In fact, most of the attempts that have been noted locally were in most instances consequences of independent attempts at the integrating of ICT in instruction. E-learning is non about taking classroom-based acquisition and forcing it down a wire. Rather, e-learning nowadayss a new position on how engineering can be applied to heighten what instructors do good now, and to present new advanced ways to maximize the handiness, enjoyment and the effectivity of larning for the person. Indeed, online acquisition can besides let educational experiences to be tailored to the demands of persons or groups of persons. Other societal groups, such as scholars with household committednesss and with disablements, can besides profit if the physical and temporal obstructions to instruction are removed with the aid of engineering. â€Å" A major challenge which the present instruction system faces is the effectual and efficient operation of the different educational services in order to supply quality instruction ‘for all kids to win ‘ , a taking aim of the Ministry of Education. The educational substructure and system has grown to such an extent that it requires a more timely and effectual bringing of services and support. †Although the research carried out in this peculiar country has non been conclusive, the ‘laptop for instructors ‘ enterprise, and other similar attempts[ 1 ]hold proven to lend to instructors ‘ betterment of ICT literacy. In secondary schools particularly, holistic attacks to ICT integrating should go the norm instead than the exclusion. The ICT accomplishments that Maltese pupils are geting during their ICT lessons need to be used in other topics in order to implant the accomplishments gained. Some schools are already trying inter-disciplinary and cross-curricular classs and are gaining the potency of ICT ; nevertheless more schools need to do such a measure. On the other manus, a recent â€Å" cognition function †exercising conducted by the World Bank ‘s Information for Development Programme ( InfoDev ) ( Trucano, 2005 ) revealed that, despite decennaries of big investings in ICT to profit instruction in Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development ( OECD ) states, information to back up the theoretical benefits from ICT are limited. After gaining the job that occurred within the past old ages where merely classroom-based acquisition was taking topographic point without instructors doing usage of ICT tools, as described in this subdivision and as summarised below, the chief aims that this thesis will try to make are: How to outdo integrate the usage of ICT with the acquisition of Mathematics, viz. the subject of Algebra Derive an penetration and hence compare the interactions that happen in the schoolroom and on-lineStructure of the ProbeThe first portion of this thesis gives a reappraisal of different literatures and surveies that have taken topographic point global. Emphasis is put on those coming from the United Kingdom, besides those from Malta. This is because, Maltese instruction has invariably moved, someway, in conformity with British instruction. The method of how the research was carried out will so be explained in item and eventually the informations and consequences obtained will be analysed and compared. The thesis will reason with some recommendations given to instructors who would wish to better, with the aid of ICT, the mathematical acquisition experience offered in Maltese schools.
Thursday, October 10, 2019
Essay on Mark Twain a+ Grade Essay
Few people across america have not more than once come across the name of Mark Twain, a name spoken throughout the country for the 100 years since his death. Mark Twain is the best example of a great american author, foremost for his book The Adventures of Tom Sawyer. Few people past the sixth grade have not at least heard of Tom sawyer and Huckleberry Finn, Proving the impact this piece has had on America. Life wasn’t always peachy for Mark Twain though, Born Samuel Langhorne Clemens, Twain went through a cacophony of hardships on his way to fame. His father died when he was only eleven, and he was sent off to apprentice for a printer named Ament. He later got a job as a journalist which got him on his way to becoming an esteemed writer. Life after fame however brought more heartbreak than good with the death of his wife and later his wife. He took much pleasure in his four-legged friends however, and is well know as an avid cat lover. Twain is most well known for his piece The Adventures of Tom Sawyer. It is an american classic, portraying young Tom sawyer and his friend Huck Finn in an adventure, ending in the capture of Injun Joe, a man who murdered the doctor and who had a cave full of treasures. Mark Twain pulls the reader in whilst keeping attention with chapters teeming with action, adventure, suspense and romance. The Adventures of Tom Sawyer was followed by The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn, an exciting sequel that received just as much if not more praises from readers across america. Some may wonder what possessed Mark Twain as to why he became a writer, when the answer is quite clear. Upon his father’s death in 1846, Young Samuel Clemens was sent off to apprentice for a printer named Ament, in exchange for board and clothing. He then became a typesetter, setting the print for various newspapers in his hometown.He did that for another four years before writing small articles for his brother Orion’s small newspaper. Clemens moved to Nevada and worked as a miner in Virginia City before finding work at the local paper, The Territorial Enterprise, where he first used his pen name. â€Å"Mark Twain†was taken from the steamboat man’s measuring cry that signaled water was deep enough for safe passage. Life after Fame was both sweet and sour for Mark Twain at this point. Though he rarely ever invited visitors into his home, Mark Twain truly enjoyed the company of his cats. It was even noted in an ad from Royal Crown Cola in the 1940’s about Twain’s disposition and his love for his cats. It is stated that he lived with up to nineteen at one time. In 1905 one of Mark Twain’s cats, a big gorgeous black cat named Bambino, ran away and Twain was devastated. He offered a reward seeking the return of his cat. The cat was found by Twain’s secretary. Sadly, Twain’s last years were marked with depression, brought on by the death of a daughter, his wife and close friends. He began his autobiography in 1906, and it is unsure when it was actually finished after its recent discovery. He died of a heart attack on April 21, 1910, in Redding, Connecticut, where he was buried on his wife’s family plot. It is indisputable the impact Mark Twain’s writing has had on society as a whole, his name scattered across america and known by millions. His two most popular books, The Adventures of Tom Sawyer was and The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn have gone down in history as priceless american classics, and continue to be treasured more than one-hundred years after their creation.Fame and fortune was bittersweet for him however, and though he took much pride and joy in his esteemed feline friends, he went through a period of extreme loss shortly before his own death. It is a well known fact, that Mark Twain has left his mark on American History, and will be remembered for centuries to come.
Wednesday, October 9, 2019
Natural sciences Essay
Knowledge involves acquaintance with truth, principles or facts as with a certain subject or a branch of learning. People have various perceptive of knowledge. There are those who belief that knowledge is found in many forms which must be proven with evidence. It is possible to doubt everything that exist because it is a misconception or it may be seen as an illusion. Doubt is important in knowledge because learning through from the senses or through the senses can be deceptive. For example, senses can deceive because one may smell something sweet and senses deceive that it is going to have sweet taste. However, this is wrong because not everything that smells sweet taste sweet. Dreams are also deceptive as they are just false delusions because occasionally when one is asleep one is deceived by the illusions in dreams. These are just ways that knowledge through the senses can deceive. Therefore, it becomes necessary to doubt everything so that one can get the true knowledge. So as the proverb hold doubt is key to knowledge. Knowledge creates doubt and doubt pave way for gaining more knowledge. If its is not for doubt then there would be no knowledge or the knowledge that would be available would be one that is not complete knowledge (Urdahl, pg 27-29). In natural sciences, scientists have a lot of experience with doubt and uncertainty. This is experience that is very necessary in gaining knowledge in natural sciences. When one does not know the answer to a problem then this can be termed as ignorance. Then one has a hunch as to what the results are, for example, of an experiment, then it means that one has uncertainty. When one is darned sure of what the result would be then it means that one has some doubt. Therefore, it is paramount important that in order to have progress it is important to recognize the ignorance we have in natural sciences and leave room for doubt. This is because scientific knowledge is a body of statements, which have varying degrees of certainty. The degrees vary from being unsure, nearly sure and none absolutely certain. Doubt is a good thing in natural science because if one knows the answer or thinks that one knows the answer then it becomes easy to fail to seek more knowledge about that particular subject. Doubt helps to come out of that emotional attachment that people have in certain beliefs or from the theory of determinism. Example of areas where doubt has assisted in gaining and verifying knowledge is in the assumptions in relativity that inertial mass and gravitational mass are equal. In order to show that they are not the model has to be revised. Scientists have engaged in refining their ability to measure the two. It is the doubt that has developed in this area that has made the scientist revise this model until they have realized that inertial mass and gravitational mass are different at finer degrees. Therefore, they doubt has made it known that the two are not equivalent as has been held in the past. In this case, it is not that the same experiment is repeated but the real key to this is to look at the statements and test if they have been examined to the extent that they should. Doubt allow the use of new tools in scientific experiments which allow new discoveries which do away with the old ideas or theories. Science in this case becomes a process of doubt. Natural scientists are always nor sure and this is the reason as to why they repeat the steps in experiments in order to make sure that it is right. Another area where doubt has necessitated growth of knowledge is in the evolution theory. At the beginning people had strong belief that creation theory was the one that provided call the knowledge about the evolution of human being. However, as knowledge grew people started to doubt some aspects of the evolution theory and developed other theories such as the Darwinian theory of evolution. This is a theory which resulted out f the doubts about some of the aspects of the former theory. This is not the end theory because doubts in some aspects of the evolutions theory have also led to development of some other theories (Axtell pg 87-88). Doubt has also contributed to increased knowledge in other areas, for example, in social science and history. There are two areas that information collected or knowledge gained depends on research or theories which were constructed in the past by various scholars. However it becomes tricky to use such kind of theories to their full because history and social sciences are dynamic. For example, the society change as time moves. Therefore, this is also in the same way that the theories are supposed to change. For example, if theories that were constructed in the fourteenth century are used in the twenty first century then there is no doubt that the theory would contain a lot of faults because of the changes that have occurred in the society. People have developed in their way of reasoning as in these days there are more sources of information than in the past. Reason is one part of gaining knowledge that enhances the development of doubt. This is because it is after deductive reasoning that a person is able to develop hypothesis that proves some knowledge as relevant or irrelevant (Gotschl, pg179-180). Historians do their research and base most of their research on the researches that were conducted in the past. The information in the research where they base their research would be biased or exaggerated. This is what cause doubt and enhance new research to be conducted regarding some issues. Despite the fact that some people are emotionally attached to some believes doubt has made them to relent some of their believes. For example, different ethnic groups have their own myths about where they originated or who is their god or where their god lived. In traditional society people had strong emotional attachment to these beliefs (Chang pg 581). However, as time has passed people have developed doubt about these believes to develop other believes. This is because most of the beliefs in the traditions are not well reasoned and are also biased to particular ethnic people. People have developed other believes that are more inclusive of other ethnic groups all over the world. This has risen out of the doubt that people have some of the things that happened in the past (Lamm Norman pg 11-12). Despite that knowledge plays a key role in knowledge I think that knowledge or truth is a fixed situation because truth is not questionable. So if true knowledge is out there to be discovered or to be learned then it means that when we know or acquire knowledge then there should be no room for doubt. I also think that knowledge depends mostly on human perception. Natural sciences have more upper hands in investigating the truth. However these sciences are still subjected tout human brains. Curiosity is also key to knowledge rather than doubt. Human beings are always curious to know more about their nature. The curiosity allows them to make discoveries and also strive to find the truth. Looking critically at the discoveries that have been made in the past it is out of curiosity that this has happened. This curiosity leads to knowledge, which then leads to wisdom. Doubts make us to know hat our knowledge is correct instead on believing in something blindly. However I do not feel that doubt makes us to make any discovery or learn anything that is new to us. It is curiosity that allows us to acquire new knowledge more quickly. Work cited Axtell Guy. Knowledge, belief, and character: readings in virtue epistemology, 1st edition, Rowman & Littlefield, 2000. Chang Larry. Wisdom for the Soul: Five Millennia of Prescriptions for Spiritual Healing, Gnosophia Publishers, 2006. Gotschl Johann. Erwin Schrodinger’s world view: the dynamics of knowledge and reality Vol 16, New York, Springer, 1992. Lamm Norman. Faith and doubt: studies in traditional Jewish thought, 3rd edition, KTAV Publishing House, Inc. , 2007. Urdahl Halvor. Key of Knowledge, New York, Kessinger Publishing, 1998.
See order instructions. It is one page discussion question. reference Coursework
See order instructions. It is one page discussion question. reference source within last 5 years thank you - Coursework Example Heart diseases account for 25% of the total number of deaths in the US. Obesity is another health problem that is very prevalent among the middle-aged adults. According to the National Center for Health Statistics, 34.9% of the US citizens are obese (2009). However, the rate of obesity has been found to be higher in the African Americans. The third health problem that can be minimized by regular exercise is depression. Anxiety and depression are the most prevalent mental illnesses in the US today. Almost 40% of the middle-aged adults have been affected by these mental illnesses (ADAA, 2012). As a nurse I would carry out a health promotion on regular exercise that will help the society eliminate the aforesaid health complications. I would reach the targeted group through the available community based organizations and offer a practical teaching on exercise and healthy living. I will use pictures and videos as teaching aids. The middle-aged adults will be encouraged to involve themselves in activities such as walking and running to keep them fit. However, they should not overdo it; too much exercise might make them very tired and prevent them from doing their jobs
Monday, October 7, 2019
Teacher Attitudes Toward Pay for Performance Incentives for Teachers Essay
Teacher Attitudes Toward Pay for Performance Incentives for Teachers - Essay Example Subsequent intention is to subjects’ responses to qualitative analysis in order to develop an in depth understanding of teachers’ perception on the two remuneration approaches. The developed knowledge will then be communicated to relevant stakeholders. Research results will be communicated orally, and in writing. The compiled dissertation will be communicated orally during its initial presentation and subsequent written communication modes will include hand delivery of the dissertation’s hard copy and electronic communication of soft copies. The soft copy will be sent to each stakeholder’s mail address and a similar copy will be availed online. Phenomenological design, through online surveys, is proposed for implementing the research. In the plan, the research will explore teachers’ experience with the remuneration approaches (Creswell,
Sunday, October 6, 2019
Qualitative and quantitative research methods Essay
Qualitative and quantitative research methods - Essay Example Quantitative research methods stress much on the generation of generalizable and precise statistical findings. Numerical data features in quantitative research. The method is usually used when the researcher wants verify if a cause generates an impact in general. On the other hand, qualitative research methods attempt to capture the deeper meaning of certain human experiences and produce theoretical richer observations that cannot be easily captured by numerical data (Babbie and Rubin, 2011).. Another difference between quantitative and qualitative research is the core assumption concerning the function of the researcher. In qualitative research, it is perceived that the researcher can learn more about a particular situation by taking part in it or getting deeply involved in the situation. In quantitative research, the researcher is just an objective observer who neither takes part nor influences whatever is being studied (Colorado State University, 2012) In conclusion, the research method to be used in the study of Ethics, Compliance, and Social Responsibility of Hewlett Packard is qualitative research method. This is because the method allows the research techniques to generate more observation as the data is collected. The method also allows the researcher to learn more about a certain situation by taking part in what the participants are doing. In this case, the research will learn more about ethics, compliance, and social responsibility of Hewlett
Saturday, October 5, 2019
Labor Relations Reseach Paper Research Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
Labor Relations Reseach - Research Paper Example Predominantly, in the heavy industries of south west and the north east, another get natured in the thriving consumer industries of the east, southern coast provinces (Beik, 2005). This has steered to the rise of two new labor movements. State sector workers have complained and struck to shield their jobs, while in foreign-owned and private factories, dismal conditions and dictatorial management are matters that have provoked insurgency. The largest and the most dramatic labor protests in China get induced by laid-off workers against the regularly corrupt and illegal methods in which their enterprises get sold off, or for owing unpaid benefits, which they remained entitled to. Nevertheless, their radicalism happens at the moment of departure from the working classes when they do not anymore have the power to halt production. However, there has been a rising trend for workers to be against the corrupt conditions in which their enterprises get privatized, and to leap in before they get laid off (Pringle, 2010). Deng Xiaoping agreed as many western academics ostensibly do not, that not only is there no essential connection between political and economic liberalism, but the realization of China’s economic success has been reliant on political repression to subdue the inevitable dissatisfaction (Oxford University, 2011). When tanks rolled into Tiananmen Square in 1989, he described the frightening logic behind the resolution: â€Å"Even if we sacrifice 10 to 20 thousand persons, we must exercise control above the situation of the country and get twenty years tranquility in response†. However, workers showed to be far stronger than Deng expected, with strikes recounted even in the 2nd half of 1989. The most significant feature of the growing industrial disturbance is that for the first while since 1948, strikes have become an undying feature of Chinese society. In addition, unlike the past, this has occurred at a time of agreement among the leadership o f Communist Party (Oxford University, 2011). For instance, the Chinese Honda Motor Company faced the worst strikes in its 18-year-old manufacturing business. The company said it needed to develop communication with its employees in the nation after the strikes took the company by shock. Honda, Japanese second - largest automaker, made the report after strikes at 2 suppliers in China paused its car output in China for the first time and required the company to raise their wages. Another third strike, at Honda Lock (Guangdong) Company, Guangdong province, got suspended for the union leaders and management to negotiate over pay. There are no effective networks in China for management and workers to negotiate, said Crothall Geoffrey, a Hong Kong-based China Labor Bulletin advocacy group spokesman. Discussions between the two parties get handled by government - associated union officers who can not selected by the workers. Honda is trying to construct a system that will facilitate a flow of communication between workers via managers to Honda management team and Japanese company officials (Beik, 2005). The first measure to be taken by the company was increasing its wages as demanded by the striking workers. Before any communication developments, the company had to solve the underlying problems of the strike which primarily included wages increment. After ward, the company had
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