Wednesday, November 27, 2019
Adderall Literature Review Essay Example
Adderall Literature Review Essay Example Adderall Literature Review Essay Adderall Literature Review Essay Harmonizing to DSM-IV ( 2005 ) . Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder ( ADHD ) is defined as persistent form of inattention and/or hyperactivity-impulsivity that is more often displayed and is more terrible than is typically observed in persons at comparable degree of development. A recent survey suggests that 9 % of U. S. school-aged kids ( 3-17 ) are diagnosed with ADHD ( US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. 2010 ) . At first. there was a misconception in society that ADHD merely affected kids and that finally they would outgrow it. However. recent information suggests that 4. 4 % of the U. S. grownup population have ADHD. Studies besides indicate that 30 % -70 % of kids with ADHD continue to hold symptoms as grownups. ( Desantis. 2008. p. 31 ) In footings of handling ADHD. Adderall is the most normally prescribed medical specialty for kids and grownups. Harmonizing to Desantis ( as cited in Okie. 2006 ) . The figure of American grownups who are prescribed medicine to handle the upset has increased by 90 % from 2002 to 2005. with grownups having tierce of all prescriptions ( p. 32 ) . Shire Pharmaceuticals introduced Adderall in 1996. In 2001. Shire introduced an drawn-out release version known as Adderall XR. Adderall is a assorted salt pep pill. It works to increase concentration and focal point by exciting the production of Dopastat and noradrenaline in the encephalon ( Schiffner. 2010 ) . For persons with ADHD. Adderall produces adequate Dopastat and noradrenaline in the encephalon to convey them to a normal province of operation and focal point. For persons without ADHD. Adderall tends to over-stimulate the encephalon. which consequences in an even higher degree of working and concentrate. Adderall. along with cocaine and other substances. is classified as a Schedule II substance because of its possible for maltreatment and dependence both physically and psychologically. Consumption of Adderall by College Students The chief topic being explored throughout this paper is the usage of Adderall among college pupils. There have been legion surveies that have explored the overall use of Adderall. but merely a few have focused specifically on its ingestion by college pupils. Surveies have besides been done on the illegal use of other stimulations among college pupils. which highlight comparative statistics. Nichols ( 2004 ) indicated. †¦the United States Department of Health and Human Services found in an one-year study of drug usage that 1. 8 million Americans between the ages of 18 and 25. or 6 per centum of those surveyed. admitted holding taken Ritalin - an older stimulation used to handle attention-deficit upset - without a prescription ( p. A41 ) . This survey indicates that there is a turning population of college pupils who consume non-prescribed stimulations. McCabe et Al ( 2005 ) . conducted a survey in which 10. 904 pupils were surveyed at 119 different 4-year colleges in the United States. From that survey McCabe et Al ( 2005 ) found that 6. 9 % of the pupils surveyed used an illegal prescription stimulation in their life. 4. 1 % of which used an illegal prescription stimulation in the past twelvemonth. Besides for the survey. McCabe et Al ( 2005 ) found that non-medical prescription stimulation users were more likely to describe usage of intoxicant. coffin nails. marihuana. rapture. cocaine. and other hazardous behaviors ( p. 96 ) . Loe et Al ( 2008 ) conducted a survey on Adderall and Ritalin amongst the college population and consequences showed that pupils †¦may resort to medical agencies to pull off their clip and to execute good indoors and outside of the classroom ( p. 8 ) . Although the primary usage of the drug is for academic intents. pupils besides turn to it for recreational intents. Statistically. Loe et Al ( 2008 ) reported. 75 % of the pupils who took these Master of Educations indicated making so for academic intents. Students besides list taking them for merriment ( 68 % ) . to remain awake ( 56 % ) . and to party ( 50 % ) as other reasons ( p. 8 ) . Adderall may besides assist immature grownups better their drive ability. It has been reported that persons with ADHD are more likely to be at mistake in driving accidents ( Burgbacher and Brewer. 2006. p. 7 ) ( as cited in Kay. 2005 ) . This information indicates that pupils are happening alternate grounds for utilizing stimulations and non merely for academic intents. Desantis et Al ( 2008 ) surveyed 1. 811 pupils at a big public establishment in the sou-east. Of the pupils surveyed. merely 4 % reported holding a prescription to ADHD while 34 % reported holding used ADHD medicine illicitly ( p. 32 ) . Desantis et Al ( 2008 ) besides indicated that merely 2 % of the pupils believed Schedule II pep pills posed a wellness hazard. 81 % of the pupils believed that ADHD medicines were not unsafe at all or slightly dangerous ( Desantis et al 2008. p. 33 ) More late. Schwarz ( 2013 ) . in an article for the New York Times. indicated ( as cited in I. M. S. Health. 2011 ) that about 14 million monthly prescriptions for the status were written for Americans ages 20-39. two and half times the 5. 6 million merely 4 old ages earlier. ( p. 18 ) Each of these surveies reported similar statistics and similar tendencies turning amongst the college population. Each survey reported a high rate of pupils devouring non-medical ADHD medicines. The more alarming statistic revealed by these surveies is that non-medical prescription stimulation users were more likely to mistreat other drugs and besides believed that ADHD medicines were non unsafe at all. This indicates that Adderall and other ADHD medicines are going a gateway drug. It is besides indicates that pupils may be warranting their use of non-medical ingestion of ADHD medicine. Attainment of Adderall Surveies show that Adderall is used really frequently which indicates that it is non hard for a pupil to achieve. Obviously. those without prescriptions find it instead easy to obtain Adderall. On college campuses. there are normally equals selling or willing to give away Adderall. which is a federal offense. Stolz ( 2012 ) put much of the incrimination on universities by saying that. Universities are a big portion of the job. Student can merely travel to the wellness clinic on campus and obtain a prescription for Adderall or an ADHD diagnosing. The procedure is easy for most. and many pupils are misdiagnosed in that mode. University clinics eliminate the demand for these pupils to happen and do assignments with a head-shrinker. which may take months and entails more rigorous proving anterior to diagnosis. ( p. 586 ) Surveies besides show that. along with universities. doctors frequently prescribe ADHD prescriptions without executing exact appraisals that doctors are trained to execute ( Nichols. 2004 ) . Furthermore. money is besides areason for a pupil to seek an Adderall prescription. Based on the old statistics mentioned. it is widely known that there is a high demand for Adderall on a college campus. which makes it a profitable investing. Not merely does the person who obtains the prescription benefit from the sweetening of their ain academic public presentation. but besides the potency to gain income by selling the pills ( Stolz. 2012. p. 586 ) . Loe et Al ( 2008 ) reported that Of the 68 pupils who claimed to hold taken prescription stimulations without a prescription. a big bulk. 87 % . received the drugs from friends and household and 26 % purchased the drug. ( p. 9 ) . This statistic farther verifies the simpleness in obtaining prescription stimulations. Health Concerns in Correlation with Adderall Consumption Along with the top of the drug. as with any other drug. there is a downside that negatively affects persons physically and psychologically. Negative side effects of Adderall ingestion include trouble kiping. loss of appetency. ictuss. uncontrolled shaking and organic structure motions. and hallucinations ( Schiffner. 2010 ) . The Medical Guide for Adderall ( which is approved by the U. S. Food and Drug disposals ) lists common side effects as. Headache. decreased appetency. tummy aching. jitteriness. problem kiping. temper swings. weight loss. giddiness. dry oral cavity. and fast bosom beat ( Medication Guide. 2011. p. 17 ) More drastic side effects may ensue from long periods of Adderall ingestion. particularly for persons who do non hold ADHD. Ultimately. this long term ingestion can ensue in terrible physical and psychological dependance. In a recent article in the New York Times. Schwarz ( 2013 ) ( as cited from The Journal of Drug and Alcohol Dependence. 2006 ) wrote. †¦about 10 per centum of striplings and immature grownups who misused ADHD stimulations became addicted to them. Even proper. physician supervised usage of the medicines can trip psychotic behaviour or self-destructive ideas in approximately 1 in 400 patients. harmonizing to a 2006 survey in the American Journal of Psychiatry ( p. 18 ) . In March 2005. Health Canada really suspended the sale of Adderall XR based on 20 international studies of sudden decease in patients ( Kratochvil. 2005 ) . Obviously. the long-run usage of Adderall can do major wellness issues including. terrible dependance. psychotic behaviours. possible self-destructive ideations. and even sudden decease. Justifications for Illegal usage of Adderall and Other Attention-deficit Medicines In society. persons with drug and substance maltreatment issues frequently try to warrant their maltreatment. The chief end of Desantis’ ( 2008 ) survey was to see how college pupils conceive the drug and warrant its use ( p. 35 ) . The first justification was comparing ADHD stimulations to party drugs. They asserted that it was morally justifiable to utilize ADHD stimulations because it was to advance a positive result ( Desantis. 2008 p. 36 ) . Another averment was that ADHD stimulations were good . legal drugs because they come from medical constitutions instead than bad. illegal street drugs ( Desantis. 2008. p. 36 ) . Other participants believed that there’s no high because it does non change their head and present the same side effects in comparing to other illegal street drugs ( Desantis. 2008 pp. 36-37 ) . Other justifications indicated in Desantis’ ( 2008 ) survey were that pupils use ADHD stimulations in moderateness and therefore it is non harmful. Other pupils maintained that they use stimulations to self-medicate because they believe they have ADHD themselves and have non been diagnosed. The concluding rationalisation is that ADHD stimulations are harmless. benign. and a socially acceptable anti-fatigue aid ( Desantis. 2008. pp. 38-41 ) . All in all. the old research supplies recent qualitative and quantitative informations that implies that Adderall and other ADHD stimulating ingestion among the college population is a repeating and turning tendency. Research besides maintained that universities and doctors are besides responsible for the drugs circulation. As a consequence of this research. it is apparent that college-aged persons are incognizant of the major physical and psychological hazards that can ensue from the illegal ingestion of Adderall and besides believe that their ingestion is justifiable within society. For this survey. a study will be anonymously distributed among college campuses in the country incorporating both quantitative and qualitative inquiries about their experience and/or cognition of Adderall. The sample population will be college pupils in the country between the ages of 18-25. The sample population will be selected anonymously and will stay anon. because the survey touches upon illegal activity. I will derive entree to my topics via societal media webs ( facebook. chirrup. etc. ) . From the study. I expect to obtain pertinent information that will assist understand why college pupils consume non-prescribed Adderall. how they gain entree to Adderall. and if they are cognizant of the hazards that come along with Adderall ingestion. Mentions – Burgbacher. Katie. and Amanda Brewer Study of Adderall Use Among College Students: A New and Upcoming Trend University of Kentucky. RUNNING HEAD: Research Undertaking ( 2006 ) . Pp 1-19 – Desantis. Alan. and Audrey Curtis Hane. Adderall is Decidedly Not a Drug : Justifications for the Illegal Use of ADHD Stimulants. Substance Use A ; Misuse 45 ( 2008 ) : 31-46. Print. – Diagnostic standards for attending shortage for hyperactivity upset. ( 2005 ) . Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders. American Psychiatric Association. – Kratochvil. Christopher. Health Canada suspends Adderall. Brown University Child A ; Adolescent Psychopharmacology Update 7 ( 2005 ) : 12. Print. – Loe. M. E. . DeWitt. C. . Quirindongo. C. and Sandler. R. . 2006-08-11 Pharming to Perform in the Classroom: Making Sense of the Medically-Disciplined College Student Body Paper presented at the one-year meeting of the American Sociological Association. Mo ntreal Convention Center. Montreal. Quebec. Canada Online lt ; PDF gt ; . 2012-06-24 from hypertext transfer protocol: //www. allacademic. com/meta/p103442_index. hypertext markup language – McCabe. S. E. . et Al ( 2005 ) . Non-medical usage of prescription opioids among U. S. college pupils: Prevalence and correlatives from a national study. Addictive Behaviors. 30 ( 4 ) . 96-106. – Nichols. K. ( 2004 ) . The other performance-enhancing drugs. History of Higher Education. 51 ( 17 ) . A41-A42. – Okie. S. ( 2006 ) . ADHD in grownups. New England Journal of Medicine. 354:2637–2641. – Schiffner. Jennifer. 2010. Harder. Better. Faster Stronger: Regulating Illicit Adderall Use Among Law Students and Law Schools Express – Schwarz. Alan. Drowned in a watercourse of Prescriptions. The New York Times 3 Feb. 2013: 1. 18-20. Print. – Stolz. Stefanie. Adderall Maltreatment: Regulating the Academic Steroid. Journal of Law and Education 41. No. 3 ( 2011 ) : 585-592. Print. – Visser. SN. RH Bitsko. ML Danielson. and R Perou. Incr easing Prevalence of Parent-Reported Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder Among Children –United States. 2003 and 2007. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention 59. 44 ( 2010 ) : 1439-1443. Print.
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