Wednesday, December 18, 2019
How Wilfred Owen Presents the Horror of War in Dulce et...
How Wilfred Owen Presents the Horror of War in Dulce et Decorum est In the First World War people wanted the young men to go to war, but no-one really knew about conditions of the fighting in the war. Wilfred Owen was one of the people who wanted to tell the public what war was really was like. He tried to do that through his poetry. One of his poems Dulce et decorum est shows the horror of war very well. We know that Wilfred Owen really does know what hes talking about as he served through most of the war and died shortly before the armistice. I am going to compare Dulce et Decorum est with other poems on the horror of war. Dulce et Decorum est is short for the Latin saying Dulce est†¦show more content†¦He also alerts our senses by saying As under a green sea I saw him drowning, this alerts our senses because we can imagine ourselves seeing someone drown. Wilfred Owen puts dramatic similes into his poetry. Like a devils face sick of sin is quite dramatic and gives it an evil sound. I cannot imagine a devil being sick of sin, but I think that the face would e distorted and twisted. He also uses harsh constantan sounds. This is reflecting the sounds of the firing of rifles and shells; they would be short sharp sounds. All these things give us a picture in our head of life in the trenches. This helps a lot to the horror of war as an image is more powerful then words. , and giving us the ability to picture the scene in the poem is giving us a good impression of war and its horrors. The point of the poem was to deliver the horrors of war to the public so that they would stop seeing the war as such a patriotic adventure. I think Wilfred Owen manages to get his point well in the poem. The General is a bright poem with a bouncy rhythm. This may sound like it doesnt present the horror of war very well but it adds the irony to poem as the message contrasts with the light hearted bouncy rhythm. 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