Thursday, December 26, 2019
Essay Nike- Ethical Issues - 1454 Words
Ethical Case Analysis: Nike Introduction Nike was established in 1972 by Bill Bowerman and Phil Knight. These two men were visionaries. The goal for Nike was to carry on Bowerman’s legacy of innovative thinking by helping every athlete reach their goal or by creating lucrative business opportunities that would set the company apart from any competition. This included providing quality work environments for all who were employed by Nike. However, Nike has long been eluding allegations of employing people in the developing and under-developed economies, at low wages and poor working conditions for a long time. Nike tried many different measures of correcting†¦show more content†¦By joining a task force that helps promote fair labor practices, Nike is taking responsibility for its actions and showing the global market that is does take an interest in those working in the factory. This helps to alleviate any hesitation consumers may have with purchasing products made by Nike. The Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002 can help Nike monitor the compliance of the factories in foreign companies because it can help Nike monitor the wages paid to its employees more closely to ensure they are being paid fairly. As well it can help the company identify any significant changes in internal controls and related factors. Government Regulations The International Labor Organization (ILO) sets the standards for working conditions around the globe. ILO’s main target is governments however; many of the standards recognized today affect the behavior of corporations. The UN Global Compact sought to create a partnership between the UN and many transnational companies to promote ten essential principles in the areas of human rights, labor, the environment, and anti-corruption. (Anderson, International Regulation of Transnational Corporations, p.5) These principles include the right to equal opportunity, right to security, right to workers, as well as the respect for independence and human rights. For Nike, I think theseShow MoreRelatedNike Ethical issues6658 Words  | 27 Pagesï » ¿ Area: An organisation s corporate social responsibility policies, including business ethics, and their impact on business practice and key stakeholders Title: How does Nike reconcile the need to minimise the cost of manufacturing with the need to meet the ethical and social expectations of its customers? By WORD COUNT Research Analysis Project – 6224 words (minus table) CONTENTS Page CHAPTER 1: INTRODUCTION 1.1 Introduction 3 1.2 Project AimRead MoreEthical Issues Of Business : Nike Essay2064 Words  | 9 PagesEthical Issues in Business: Nike Nike was founded by Philip Knight and has become one of the most successful businesses of the 21st century. 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Wednesday, December 18, 2019
How Wilfred Owen Presents the Horror of War in Dulce et...
How Wilfred Owen Presents the Horror of War in Dulce et Decorum est In the First World War people wanted the young men to go to war, but no-one really knew about conditions of the fighting in the war. Wilfred Owen was one of the people who wanted to tell the public what war was really was like. He tried to do that through his poetry. One of his poems Dulce et decorum est shows the horror of war very well. We know that Wilfred Owen really does know what hes talking about as he served through most of the war and died shortly before the armistice. I am going to compare Dulce et Decorum est with other poems on the horror of war. Dulce et Decorum est is short for the Latin saying Dulce est†¦show more content†¦He also alerts our senses by saying As under a green sea I saw him drowning, this alerts our senses because we can imagine ourselves seeing someone drown. Wilfred Owen puts dramatic similes into his poetry. Like a devils face sick of sin is quite dramatic and gives it an evil sound. I cannot imagine a devil being sick of sin, but I think that the face would e distorted and twisted. He also uses harsh constantan sounds. This is reflecting the sounds of the firing of rifles and shells; they would be short sharp sounds. All these things give us a picture in our head of life in the trenches. This helps a lot to the horror of war as an image is more powerful then words. , and giving us the ability to picture the scene in the poem is giving us a good impression of war and its horrors. The point of the poem was to deliver the horrors of war to the public so that they would stop seeing the war as such a patriotic adventure. I think Wilfred Owen manages to get his point well in the poem. The General is a bright poem with a bouncy rhythm. This may sound like it doesnt present the horror of war very well but it adds the irony to poem as the message contrasts with the light hearted bouncy rhythm. By saying the General in the poem and Siegfried SassoonShow MoreRelatedWilfred Owen1266 Words  | 6 PagesWhat is Wilfred Owen’s attitude towards WW1 and how is this shown through his poetry? Wilfred Owen was a soldier during world war one. Many of his poems were published posthumously, and now well renowned. His poems were also heavily influenced by his good friend and fellow soldier Siegfried Sassoon. Wilfred Owen was tragically killed one week before the end of the war. During the war Wilfred Owen had strong feelings towards the use of propaganda and war in general, this was due to the horrors he sawRead Morewar poems1348 Words  | 6 Pagesï » ¿Question: Wilfred Owen’s poetry is shaped by an intense focus on extraordinary human experiences. Select TWO poems set for study and explore Owen’s portrayal of suffering and pity. Prescribed text: War Poems and Others, Wilfred Owen Wilfred Owen wrote about the suffering and pity of war from his first -hand experience at the Somme. He was appalled by the overwhelming and senseless waste of life, the â€Å"human squander†and detailed its devastating effects on young men. In both ‘Dulce et Decorum Est’Read More The Negative View of Society in Wilfred Owens Poetry Essay1156 Words  | 5 PagesDulce et Decorum est and Anthem for Doomed Youth are both written by Wilfred Owen, and both are written to show â€Å"the war [World War I] and the pity of war†. Owen does this by regaling very sad and often shocking poems that I believe are very effective in delivering their purpose. Both poems present negative views of society through tone and metaphors and Dulce et Decorum est also uses similes. A poem that presents a negative view on society is Dulce et Decorum est. It is a satirical poem aboutRead More The Ugliness of War in Wilfred Owens Dulce et Decorum est Essays1099 Words  | 5 PagesThe Ugliness of War in Wilfred Owens Dulce et Decorum est Wilfred Owens Dulce et Decorum est is seen as a strong expression of the ugliness of war, and an attack on the idea of war being glorious (Kerr 48). It transmits an irritating clip, with full animation and in vivid colors, of embittered and battered soldiers marching to their death. It also, cogently presents a nightmarish vision of hell uploading all its demons into the root directory of an impoverished soldier who saw one ofRead MoreEssay on Compare two poems by wilfed owen1716 Words  | 7 Pages Compare two poems by Wilfred Owen, showing how they reflected contemporary attitudes to the ‘Great War’. Refer closely to language and poetic techniques. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;World War 1 broke out in 1914. At the beginning of the war, there was a great feeling of patriotism and enthusiasm. Young men were eager to join the armed forces, as they thought the glory and heroism of war would be enjoyable. Fighting in France was expected to be an exciting adventure. Thousands of men joined soRead MoreAnalysis Of Wilfred Owen s Anthem For Doomed Youth And Dulce Et Decorum Est1224 Words  | 5 Pagesa time afterwards. Wilfred Owen was a poet who became well renowned after World War I where he unfortunately died in battle. Anthem for Doomed Youth (Anthem) and Dulce Et Decorum Est (Dulce) by Wilfred Owen both portray various themes including horrors of war, the futility of war and the pity and sadness of war. War is full of horrendous acts that every side of war commits, even if it is for their own reasons which to them seem honourable, but Owen tells a different story. Dulce depicts the many terrorsRead More Dulce et Decorum est, by Wilfred Owen. Essay1204 Words  | 5 PagesDulce et Decorum est, by Wilfred Owen. The First World War was an event that brought to many people, pain, sorrow and bitterness. Accounts of the war shows that no other war challenged existing conventions, morals and ideals in the same way as did World War. Many people touched by the terrror of the war have written pieces of literature about the massacre that was World War 1, wishing people to understand the horror and tragedy that befell those involved. Dulce et Decorum est, by WilfredRead MoreAnalysis Of Dulce Et Decorum Est By Wilfred Owen, And This Blinding Absence Of Light1674 Words  | 7 PagesMan’s Inhumanity to man Introduction DULCE ET DECORUM EST by Wilfred Owen, and This Blinding Absence of Light by Tahar Ben Jelloun, are both powerful texts that give the reader sympathy and strong emotional experiences. When comparing the two texts, there are multiple aspects that they share, for example they both convey a strong message on survival and what it’s like to be faced with death, however the setting, symbolism and themes like hope, and the power of thought are very different. Read MoreCompare How ‘Who’s for the Game?’ and ‘Dulce Et Decorum Est’ Present War and How They Reflect the Authors View Point925 Words  | 4 PagesCompare how ‘Who’s for the Game?’ and ‘Dulce et Decorum Est’ present war and how they reflect the authors view point. ‘Who’s for the Game?’ was written by Jessie Pope in 1915 (At the beginning of the First World War). Jessie Pope was an English poet who began writing for Punch; between 1902 and 1922 she supplied 170 poems to the magazine. She was a prolific writer of humorous verse, articles, and short stories, which were published in many newspapers including the Daily Mail, the Daily ExpressRead More Poetic Techniques of Wilfred Owen Essay1511 Words  | 7 PagesWilfred Owen can be considered as one of the finest war poets of all times. His war poems, a collection of works composed between January 1917, when he was first sent to the Western Front, and November 1918, when he was killed in action, use a variety of poetic techniques to allow the reader to empathise with his world, situation, emotions and thoughts. The sonnet form, para-rhymes, ironic titles, voice, and various imagery used by Owen grasp the prominent central idea of the complete futility of
Tuesday, December 10, 2019
Global Supply Chain Management for Labor -
Question: Discuss about theGlobal Supply Chain Management for Labor Productivity. Answer: Labor productivity is considered to be an index of the output per hour per or person worked. Comparable measures might be used for machine production where in this case the denominator is the number of the machine (Carter, and Liane, 2011). Basing on Macks guitar fabrication shop case, the labor productivity ratios will be calculated as below; Data provided Total production = 100 guitars 80% considered good enough to sell 20% are scrapped Each guitar sells for US$250 Each guitar requires 10 labor hours Labor cost is US$10 per hour Material cost is US$40 per guitar Overhead cost is US$4,000 Question (a): Calculation of labor productivity ratio Labor cost = 10 labor hours * US$10 per hour * 100 Labor cost = US$10,000 Labor productivity ratio = output/input Labor productivity ratio = 80 = 0.08 per hour 10 X 100 Labor productivity ratio = 0.08 per hour Calculation of multi factor productivity ratio Multi factor productivity ratio = output/input Value of inputs = materials + labor + overheads Multi factor productivity ratio = 80*250 = 1.11 4,000 + 10,000 + 4,000 Multi factor productivity ratio = 1.11 Question (b): the greatest effect on the multifactor productivity ratio Option 1: increasing the sales price by 10% 10/100 of US$250 is 25. Therefore, the increased sales price is (250+25) = US$275 Multi factor productivity = 80*275 = 1.22 4,000 + 10,000 + 4,000 If Macks guitar fabrication shop resolves to implement David Clark 1st option to improve the multifactor productivity, then the new productivity level would be 1.22. In this case, if the business increase sales, it will not offer a substantial strategy that can enable the business increase its production (Jacobs, and Chase, 2013). Option 2: improve quality so that only 10% are defective 10/100 of 100 is 10. Therefore, the reduced defectiveness is (100 - 10) = 90 Multifactor productivity = 90*250 = 1.25 4,000 + 10,000 + 4,000 If Macks guitar fabrication shop chooses to implement David Clark 2nd option to improve the multifactor productivity, then the new productivity level would be 1.25 (Stadtler, 2015). Option 3: Reduce labor materials and overhead costs by 10% each 10/100 of 4,000 is 400. Therefore, the reduced labor material is (4,000 - 400) = 3,600 10/100 of 4,000 is 400. Therefore, the reduced overhead costs is (4,000 - 400) = 3,600 10/100 of 10,000 is 1,000. Therefore, the reduced overhead costs is (10,000 1,000) = 9,000 Multi factor productivity = 80*250 = 1.23 3,600 + 9,000 + 3,600 If Macks guitar fabrication shop agrees to implement David Clark 3rd option to improve the multifactor productivity, then the new productivity level would be 1.23. Reducing the labor materials and overhead costs by 10% each is considered not enough to facilitate the business increase its overall revenue since it results in a Multifactor productivity of 1.23 (Tayur, Ganeshan, and Magazine, 2012). For Macks guitar fabrication shop to increase the multifactor productivity level, out of the three identified options by David Clark, option 2 is the option that primarily provides the most improvement in productivity (Christopher, 2016). Macks guitar fabrication shop should implement the 2nd option because it will enable the business increase its production and hence revenue. Bibliography Carter, C.R. and Liane Easton, P., 2011. Sustainable supply chain management: evolution and future directions.International journal of physical distribution logistics management,41(1), pp.46-62. Christopher, M., 2016.Logistics supply chain management. Pearson UK. Jacobs, R. and Chase, R., 2013.Operations and supply chain management. McGraw-Hill Higher Education. Stadtler, H., 2015. Supply chain management: An overview. InSupply chain management and advanced planning(pp. 3-28). Springer Berlin Heidelberg. Tayur, S., Ganeshan, R. and Magazine, M. eds., 2012.Quantitative models for supply chain management(Vol. 17). Springer Science Business Media.
Monday, December 2, 2019
Management Functions Planning, Leading, Organizing and Controlling
Introduction As part of this assignment, the group members conducted an interview at Sakamoto Cables Incorporation to come up with different management strategies carried out at the company.Advertising We will write a custom report sample on Management Functions: Planning, Leading, Organizing and Controlling specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More The members of the group interviewed human resources manager to identify and capture management aspects used in the daily activities. The human resources manager of the company was chosen because he was the only senior personnel who could respond our questions. The interview took place on September 30, 2010; 11.00 am at the human resources manager’s office. Sakamoto Cables is a company that deals with railway transport and is located in Japan. There are several employees employed at the railway station and this requires a comprehensive management of human resources. The railway industry has become importance especially as governments seek strategies to decongest major cities. To enhance successful management of companies in this industry requires managers to understand their employees and customers. Findings from the interview After conducting an interview on the manager, the group recorded that the manager plans his workday depending on the situation; that is according to the number of staff, the chores / stocks available and the time scheduled for each activity. The manager plans 5-6 years in future for his job roles. To plan for his career, the manager said that he keeps in contact with wholesalers, companies and clients. In addition, he said that he does not need to think about his career in the future. The task of performing upland deliveries was identified as the factor that makes his job difficult to achieve goals. On the other hand, the manager was of the opinion that storage of stock makes his job difficult since at the company everything comes together an d he is required to work extra hard. The manager motivates his subordinates by being nice, listening to them, being compassionate and talking to them pleasantly by using a mature approach. However, he exercises authority when addressing his subordinates. There is no specific set style of managing employees. In addition, the manager allows employees to take their holidays as a way of motivating them. To undertake the task of leading others, the manager allows subordinates provide their opinions, he delegates tasks, there is no specific set of organization for performing jobs, and he centralizes decisions. The manager sees his boss as a mentor. On the other hand, young workers look up to the manager as a mentor and he delegates work without bias as a way of mentoring them. To achieve goals, the manager plans out the day and manages time properly.Advertising Looking for report on business economics? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Conflicts within groups are solved by reprimanding or firing employees. Conflicts between managers are solved by talking issues out to reach for an agreement. Ethical issues facing the manager at his place of work involve workers showing lack of respect, fights between managers or intense arguments with staff. Workplace diversity gives the company a competitive advantage. This has been achieved by making sure that all people feel comfortable and happy to work at the company. Comparison between observations of the interview and relevant theory Time management is important in management since it allows managers to come up with better strategies of achieving goals of the organization. Mancini (2007) explains that every minute counts and good managers should plan time properly to avoid delays. According to McCorry (2005), a manager is required to plan in advance for all activities to be done in a day. Managers have many obligations to fulfill and must possess skills of multitasking. Planning for future is an important skill that managers must posses since it reduces conflicts, stress and helps accomplish all required tasks. Sterling Publishers Pvt., (2006) provides that motivating employees is a very important skill that managers should have to enhance success. This can be achieved by creating proper work environment, adequate communication, and engaging employees in decision making among others. Leadership has been explained by Northouse (2009) as the process of influencing others to contribute willingly to the goals and objectives of an organization. Leaders have the obligation of guiding their subordinates and should enhance commitment towards achievement of teamwork. Northouse (2009) further explains that leaders should be mentors to their subordinates. They are required to act as examples to those they lead. Leaders also seek mentorship from other leaders. Dreu (2008) is of the opinion that conflicts within the organization have a negative impact on perfor mance. Managers have a great obligation of resolving conflicts among subordinates and among other managers. Managing conflicts within the organization requires understanding the source of conflicts first and discussing with the affected parties. Conflicts among workers should be resolved by the upper management to ensure performance is not affected (Collins O’Rourke, 2008). Workplace diversity has been identified by Konrad, Prasad and Pringle (2006) to contribute to the success of an organization if properly managed. Managers have the task of working with and through different people to achieve goals. They have the role of integrating different cultures of different people they work with. Workplace diversity provides a competitive edge to an organization by introducing new ideas and creating synergies from different people.Advertising We will write a custom report sample on Management Functions: Planning, Leading, Organizing and Controlling specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Discussion The findings from the interview conducted indicate that the manager has been successful in maintaining good performance at the company. The manager has been involved in different activities and this has required him to multitask about integrating all the roles of a manager. From the interview, the manager was found to have good planning skills and this has provided him with a competitive edge in the industry. Management theories provide that a good manager should be able to use leadership as a tool of managing human resources. The manager interviewed was found to have good leadership skills since he has been able to work with employees from diversified backgrounds to achieve most of the goals of the organization. However, the manager was found to have some weaknesses especially in dealing with conflicts. It is important for a manager to have proper communication with his subordinates and other managers to enhance unders tanding. It was found out that the manger was quick in making decisions instead of involving all employees. Decision making is an important aspect in an organization and managers should consider engaging all stakeholders. From the interview conducted, the group identified that the manager had a weakness in decision making. Most of the decisions were made by the departmental heads and junior employees were never involved. This has hindered implementation of key projects of the organization. Employees reject most of the decisions made by their managers since they are not consulted when establishing such projects at the company. Skills used for this assessment task To complete this assignment, skills in data collected through interviews were applied. In addition, use of internet books to source information was an important skill that was used. All group members were required to possess communication skills since the assignment required a lot of communication with different people in th e company. We found out that we have strength in interviews, communication and interacting among ourselves. On the other hand, we found out that we are weak in researching about management theories and creating a link between theory and real life experiences. To overcome these weaknesses, our group sought assistance from people with skills in searching information over the internet. Adequate consultation from our lecturers was done to help build a comprehensive report that could create a succinct link between theory and day-to-day experiences at the workplace. Conclusion Managers have the role of planning, organizing, directing, staffing and controlling all resources in an organization. It is important that managers should become conversant with different cultures to reduce conflicts within an organization.Advertising Looking for report on business economics? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More The interview conducted by the group found out that the manager was successful in some areas and weak in other areas of management. It was established that the manager was strong in planning, time management, and leadership. On the other hand, the manager was weak in communicating with subordinates and resolving conflicts. To ensure projects started by the company are successful, the manager should incorporate all stakeholders in decision making to avoid rejection of ideas by the junior employees. From this assignment we have learnt that managers have a challenging task of understanding every aspect of the organization. We have acquired wealth of information and skills about management, leadership and human resources management. Reference List Collins, S. D. and O’Rourke, J. S. 2008. Managing Conflict and Workplace Relationships. Cengage Learning. ISBN 0324584199, 9780324584196. Dreu, C. 2008. Conflict in Organizations: Beyond Effectiveness and Performance. European Jou rnal of Work and Organizational Psychology. Psychology Press. ISBN 1841699896, 9781841699899. Konrad, A. M., Prasad, P. and Pringle, J. K. 2006. Handbook of workplace diversity. Sage, ISBN 0761944222, 9780761944225. Mancini, M. 2007. Time Management: 24 Techniques to Make Each Minute Count at Work. McGraw-Hill Professional, ISBN 0071493387, 9780071493383. McCorry, K. J. (2005). Organize your work day– in no time. Canada, Que Publishing; ISBN 0789733331, 9780789733337 Northouse, P. G. 2009. Leadership: Theory and Practice. SAGE, ISBN 1412974887, 9781412974882. Sterling Publishers Pvt., (2006). Power of Positive Management: A Practical Guide for Professionals. Sterling Publishers Pvt. Ltd, ISBN 8120731077, 9788120731073. This report on Management Functions: Planning, Leading, Organizing and Controlling was written and submitted by user Lionel Cochran to help you with your own studies. You are free to use it for research and reference purposes in order to write your own paper; however, you must cite it accordingly. You can donate your paper here.
Wednesday, November 27, 2019
Adderall Literature Review Essay Example
Adderall Literature Review Essay Example Adderall Literature Review Essay Adderall Literature Review Essay Harmonizing to DSM-IV ( 2005 ) . Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder ( ADHD ) is defined as persistent form of inattention and/or hyperactivity-impulsivity that is more often displayed and is more terrible than is typically observed in persons at comparable degree of development. A recent survey suggests that 9 % of U. S. school-aged kids ( 3-17 ) are diagnosed with ADHD ( US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. 2010 ) . At first. there was a misconception in society that ADHD merely affected kids and that finally they would outgrow it. However. recent information suggests that 4. 4 % of the U. S. grownup population have ADHD. Studies besides indicate that 30 % -70 % of kids with ADHD continue to hold symptoms as grownups. ( Desantis. 2008. p. 31 ) In footings of handling ADHD. Adderall is the most normally prescribed medical specialty for kids and grownups. Harmonizing to Desantis ( as cited in Okie. 2006 ) . The figure of American grownups who are prescribed medicine to handle the upset has increased by 90 % from 2002 to 2005. with grownups having tierce of all prescriptions ( p. 32 ) . Shire Pharmaceuticals introduced Adderall in 1996. In 2001. Shire introduced an drawn-out release version known as Adderall XR. Adderall is a assorted salt pep pill. It works to increase concentration and focal point by exciting the production of Dopastat and noradrenaline in the encephalon ( Schiffner. 2010 ) . For persons with ADHD. Adderall produces adequate Dopastat and noradrenaline in the encephalon to convey them to a normal province of operation and focal point. For persons without ADHD. Adderall tends to over-stimulate the encephalon. which consequences in an even higher degree of working and concentrate. Adderall. along with cocaine and other substances. is classified as a Schedule II substance because of its possible for maltreatment and dependence both physically and psychologically. Consumption of Adderall by College Students The chief topic being explored throughout this paper is the usage of Adderall among college pupils. There have been legion surveies that have explored the overall use of Adderall. but merely a few have focused specifically on its ingestion by college pupils. Surveies have besides been done on the illegal use of other stimulations among college pupils. which highlight comparative statistics. Nichols ( 2004 ) indicated. †¦the United States Department of Health and Human Services found in an one-year study of drug usage that 1. 8 million Americans between the ages of 18 and 25. or 6 per centum of those surveyed. admitted holding taken Ritalin - an older stimulation used to handle attention-deficit upset - without a prescription ( p. A41 ) . This survey indicates that there is a turning population of college pupils who consume non-prescribed stimulations. McCabe et Al ( 2005 ) . conducted a survey in which 10. 904 pupils were surveyed at 119 different 4-year colleges in the United States. From that survey McCabe et Al ( 2005 ) found that 6. 9 % of the pupils surveyed used an illegal prescription stimulation in their life. 4. 1 % of which used an illegal prescription stimulation in the past twelvemonth. Besides for the survey. McCabe et Al ( 2005 ) found that non-medical prescription stimulation users were more likely to describe usage of intoxicant. coffin nails. marihuana. rapture. cocaine. and other hazardous behaviors ( p. 96 ) . Loe et Al ( 2008 ) conducted a survey on Adderall and Ritalin amongst the college population and consequences showed that pupils †¦may resort to medical agencies to pull off their clip and to execute good indoors and outside of the classroom ( p. 8 ) . Although the primary usage of the drug is for academic intents. pupils besides turn to it for recreational intents. Statistically. Loe et Al ( 2008 ) reported. 75 % of the pupils who took these Master of Educations indicated making so for academic intents. Students besides list taking them for merriment ( 68 % ) . to remain awake ( 56 % ) . and to party ( 50 % ) as other reasons ( p. 8 ) . Adderall may besides assist immature grownups better their drive ability. It has been reported that persons with ADHD are more likely to be at mistake in driving accidents ( Burgbacher and Brewer. 2006. p. 7 ) ( as cited in Kay. 2005 ) . This information indicates that pupils are happening alternate grounds for utilizing stimulations and non merely for academic intents. Desantis et Al ( 2008 ) surveyed 1. 811 pupils at a big public establishment in the sou-east. Of the pupils surveyed. merely 4 % reported holding a prescription to ADHD while 34 % reported holding used ADHD medicine illicitly ( p. 32 ) . Desantis et Al ( 2008 ) besides indicated that merely 2 % of the pupils believed Schedule II pep pills posed a wellness hazard. 81 % of the pupils believed that ADHD medicines were not unsafe at all or slightly dangerous ( Desantis et al 2008. p. 33 ) More late. Schwarz ( 2013 ) . in an article for the New York Times. indicated ( as cited in I. M. S. Health. 2011 ) that about 14 million monthly prescriptions for the status were written for Americans ages 20-39. two and half times the 5. 6 million merely 4 old ages earlier. ( p. 18 ) Each of these surveies reported similar statistics and similar tendencies turning amongst the college population. Each survey reported a high rate of pupils devouring non-medical ADHD medicines. The more alarming statistic revealed by these surveies is that non-medical prescription stimulation users were more likely to mistreat other drugs and besides believed that ADHD medicines were non unsafe at all. This indicates that Adderall and other ADHD medicines are going a gateway drug. It is besides indicates that pupils may be warranting their use of non-medical ingestion of ADHD medicine. Attainment of Adderall Surveies show that Adderall is used really frequently which indicates that it is non hard for a pupil to achieve. Obviously. those without prescriptions find it instead easy to obtain Adderall. On college campuses. there are normally equals selling or willing to give away Adderall. which is a federal offense. Stolz ( 2012 ) put much of the incrimination on universities by saying that. Universities are a big portion of the job. Student can merely travel to the wellness clinic on campus and obtain a prescription for Adderall or an ADHD diagnosing. The procedure is easy for most. and many pupils are misdiagnosed in that mode. University clinics eliminate the demand for these pupils to happen and do assignments with a head-shrinker. which may take months and entails more rigorous proving anterior to diagnosis. ( p. 586 ) Surveies besides show that. along with universities. doctors frequently prescribe ADHD prescriptions without executing exact appraisals that doctors are trained to execute ( Nichols. 2004 ) . Furthermore. money is besides areason for a pupil to seek an Adderall prescription. Based on the old statistics mentioned. it is widely known that there is a high demand for Adderall on a college campus. which makes it a profitable investing. Not merely does the person who obtains the prescription benefit from the sweetening of their ain academic public presentation. but besides the potency to gain income by selling the pills ( Stolz. 2012. p. 586 ) . Loe et Al ( 2008 ) reported that Of the 68 pupils who claimed to hold taken prescription stimulations without a prescription. a big bulk. 87 % . received the drugs from friends and household and 26 % purchased the drug. ( p. 9 ) . This statistic farther verifies the simpleness in obtaining prescription stimulations. Health Concerns in Correlation with Adderall Consumption Along with the top of the drug. as with any other drug. there is a downside that negatively affects persons physically and psychologically. Negative side effects of Adderall ingestion include trouble kiping. loss of appetency. ictuss. uncontrolled shaking and organic structure motions. and hallucinations ( Schiffner. 2010 ) . The Medical Guide for Adderall ( which is approved by the U. S. Food and Drug disposals ) lists common side effects as. Headache. decreased appetency. tummy aching. jitteriness. problem kiping. temper swings. weight loss. giddiness. dry oral cavity. and fast bosom beat ( Medication Guide. 2011. p. 17 ) More drastic side effects may ensue from long periods of Adderall ingestion. particularly for persons who do non hold ADHD. Ultimately. this long term ingestion can ensue in terrible physical and psychological dependance. In a recent article in the New York Times. Schwarz ( 2013 ) ( as cited from The Journal of Drug and Alcohol Dependence. 2006 ) wrote. †¦about 10 per centum of striplings and immature grownups who misused ADHD stimulations became addicted to them. Even proper. physician supervised usage of the medicines can trip psychotic behaviour or self-destructive ideas in approximately 1 in 400 patients. harmonizing to a 2006 survey in the American Journal of Psychiatry ( p. 18 ) . In March 2005. Health Canada really suspended the sale of Adderall XR based on 20 international studies of sudden decease in patients ( Kratochvil. 2005 ) . Obviously. the long-run usage of Adderall can do major wellness issues including. terrible dependance. psychotic behaviours. possible self-destructive ideations. and even sudden decease. Justifications for Illegal usage of Adderall and Other Attention-deficit Medicines In society. persons with drug and substance maltreatment issues frequently try to warrant their maltreatment. The chief end of Desantis’ ( 2008 ) survey was to see how college pupils conceive the drug and warrant its use ( p. 35 ) . The first justification was comparing ADHD stimulations to party drugs. They asserted that it was morally justifiable to utilize ADHD stimulations because it was to advance a positive result ( Desantis. 2008 p. 36 ) . Another averment was that ADHD stimulations were good . legal drugs because they come from medical constitutions instead than bad. illegal street drugs ( Desantis. 2008. p. 36 ) . Other participants believed that there’s no high because it does non change their head and present the same side effects in comparing to other illegal street drugs ( Desantis. 2008 pp. 36-37 ) . Other justifications indicated in Desantis’ ( 2008 ) survey were that pupils use ADHD stimulations in moderateness and therefore it is non harmful. Other pupils maintained that they use stimulations to self-medicate because they believe they have ADHD themselves and have non been diagnosed. The concluding rationalisation is that ADHD stimulations are harmless. benign. and a socially acceptable anti-fatigue aid ( Desantis. 2008. pp. 38-41 ) . All in all. the old research supplies recent qualitative and quantitative informations that implies that Adderall and other ADHD stimulating ingestion among the college population is a repeating and turning tendency. Research besides maintained that universities and doctors are besides responsible for the drugs circulation. As a consequence of this research. it is apparent that college-aged persons are incognizant of the major physical and psychological hazards that can ensue from the illegal ingestion of Adderall and besides believe that their ingestion is justifiable within society. For this survey. a study will be anonymously distributed among college campuses in the country incorporating both quantitative and qualitative inquiries about their experience and/or cognition of Adderall. The sample population will be college pupils in the country between the ages of 18-25. The sample population will be selected anonymously and will stay anon. because the survey touches upon illegal activity. I will derive entree to my topics via societal media webs ( facebook. chirrup. etc. ) . From the study. I expect to obtain pertinent information that will assist understand why college pupils consume non-prescribed Adderall. how they gain entree to Adderall. and if they are cognizant of the hazards that come along with Adderall ingestion. Mentions – Burgbacher. Katie. and Amanda Brewer Study of Adderall Use Among College Students: A New and Upcoming Trend University of Kentucky. RUNNING HEAD: Research Undertaking ( 2006 ) . Pp 1-19 – Desantis. Alan. and Audrey Curtis Hane. Adderall is Decidedly Not a Drug : Justifications for the Illegal Use of ADHD Stimulants. Substance Use A ; Misuse 45 ( 2008 ) : 31-46. Print. – Diagnostic standards for attending shortage for hyperactivity upset. ( 2005 ) . Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders. American Psychiatric Association. – Kratochvil. Christopher. Health Canada suspends Adderall. Brown University Child A ; Adolescent Psychopharmacology Update 7 ( 2005 ) : 12. Print. – Loe. M. E. . DeWitt. C. . Quirindongo. C. and Sandler. R. . 2006-08-11 Pharming to Perform in the Classroom: Making Sense of the Medically-Disciplined College Student Body Paper presented at the one-year meeting of the American Sociological Association. Mo ntreal Convention Center. Montreal. Quebec. Canada Online lt ; PDF gt ; . 2012-06-24 from hypertext transfer protocol: //www. allacademic. com/meta/p103442_index. hypertext markup language – McCabe. S. E. . et Al ( 2005 ) . Non-medical usage of prescription opioids among U. S. college pupils: Prevalence and correlatives from a national study. Addictive Behaviors. 30 ( 4 ) . 96-106. – Nichols. K. ( 2004 ) . The other performance-enhancing drugs. History of Higher Education. 51 ( 17 ) . A41-A42. – Okie. S. ( 2006 ) . ADHD in grownups. New England Journal of Medicine. 354:2637–2641. – Schiffner. Jennifer. 2010. Harder. Better. Faster Stronger: Regulating Illicit Adderall Use Among Law Students and Law Schools Express – Schwarz. Alan. Drowned in a watercourse of Prescriptions. The New York Times 3 Feb. 2013: 1. 18-20. Print. – Stolz. Stefanie. Adderall Maltreatment: Regulating the Academic Steroid. Journal of Law and Education 41. No. 3 ( 2011 ) : 585-592. Print. – Visser. SN. RH Bitsko. ML Danielson. and R Perou. Incr easing Prevalence of Parent-Reported Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder Among Children –United States. 2003 and 2007. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention 59. 44 ( 2010 ) : 1439-1443. Print.
Saturday, November 23, 2019
Advices, which will make your LinkedIn profile attractive for employers
Advices, which will make your LinkedIn profile attractive for employers What Every College Student Should Post on LinkedIn Have you already completed your resume? Are you trying to find success formula to achieve suitable job search? If you focus on these above mentioned questions and make first steps to succeed within carrier questions, you should know that resume is not enough for modern job market. Nowadays, except resume, employers consider and pay great attention to your LinkedIn profile. Most of applicants should take care about the existing of such profile and its suitable content. Modern job hunting world establishes its own rules and one of them is the appropriate and active presence in the corresponding social networks. So what to post in your profile and what should be avoided by you, in order to make your LinkedIn perfect? Let’s find out what your future employer will appreciate and what can become success factor. Post a profile photo. Profile photo plays a significant role for job recruiters. Except your personal information, academic degree and skills, they want to discover your personality and your photo is important by that. Do not hesitate about your age or any other persuasions. Profiles with photos are more often viewed and highly appreciated by the employers. Though, keep in mind that you should add more or less official photo to your profile. There is hardly a HR-specialist, who will appreciate your selfy with the radiant make-up or photos from parties or pubs. Include coursework and term paper themes It will be great for your LinkedIn page if you do your best for detailed description of all topics of term papers and coursework. Thus, you can work over some problem, which suits exactly for some company or particular position. Employers can search innovative ideas and researches within definite sphere and your experience can become the real finding for them. Besides, your careful and detailed overview of your academic works can show that you are a conscious and responsible person, who exposes the cause, you deal with. Ask for recommendations If you already have some work experience, ask your previous employer to write some words about you. Having no experience of work, you can ask your college professor or teacher to post some recommendations. Your achievements and aptitudes, mentioned by other people, can attract interest of your potential employer. Do not lose an opportunity to use positive impressions and opinions of other people and get your carrier arranged. Connect with successful people You have a certain sphere of interest. Thus, it can be fashion, building or IT sphere. It will be great for you to have significant people within the industry in your connections. There can be different opportunities, you can follow their activity and find out new information for you. Sometimes such connections can make your chance to be employed really high. But never request connection by asking for a job. It will not work out. Find something common for you and the person, like the same college or native town. Ask professional advice or make an interesting comment – that is also your chance to connect with the right person. Comment on industry-specific articles First of all, following and reading such articles bring invaluable knowledge and development for you. You find out all the latest news and researches within the sphere and improve your professional level. Your reasonable comments can attract attention of desired recruiters and bring your targeted position. Be active, ask thoughtful questions and show your professional aptitudes. Check for spelling and grammar errors Be sure to check all your posts and comments to be grammatically correct and contain no misspelling. Believe that it will be one more point to your score for the employers. Follow our tips and gain professional achievements, it's in your hands!
Thursday, November 21, 2019
Illegal immigration Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
Illegal immigration - Essay Example Proponents usually argue for illegal immigration stating various benefits that are received by the US while the others bring forth arguments on how it affects many sectors by adversely shaping the social, economic and political landscape (Ledbetter 46). It is important though to consider why immigrants leave their countries in the first place. There is no doubt that illegal immigrants benefit US in a variety of ways while also having negative effects; however, the issue lies in the net effect where the negatives far outweigh the positives. According to the Commission on Civil Rights (U.S.) there are roughly 12 million illegal immigrants in the United States with Hispanic population taking 80% of total (28). On the other hand the total number of immigrants, legal and otherwise is more than 38 million meaning that the illegal ones hold a third. The same statistics show that by 2060 and at the current rate of immigration, the US will have an alarming total population of 470 million (49). Considering these numbers, it is important to appreciate some facts that form the basis of migration into the United States. Poverty from native countries. It is true that many people who risk travelling to the United States illegally aim at living a better life. The basis for this is poverty and most of these immigrants are from poor families in Mexico, Africa, Asia and Eastern Europe (LeMay 114). The global poverty situation is wanting and many developing countries contribute to mass immigration to the United States. What these people look for mostly are jobs which are in some countries terribly scarce whether one is well educated or not. Profit motive for US companies. Illegal immigrants due to their lack of work permits become quickly absorbed into industries and companies that offer them low wages in return. These industries do so to reduce on remuneration expenditure and offering of benefits like insurance which would otherwise
Tuesday, November 19, 2019
World War 2 Historical Qestions Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3500 words
World War 2 Historical Qestions - Assignment Example As World War 11 begun to brew by the second, the Unites States was perusing a national policy of â€Å"Isolationism†. The United States wanted to avoid all war and focus on different things like domestic/family household issues, restoring the economy, anti-immigration ect. Two days after the European War begun, the United States declared its neutrality. The USA would not be involved in the war and would romaine neutral until we were attacked and needed to fight back. As stated on page 771, â€Å"When war broke out in 1914 Woodrow Wilson had told Americans to be neutral â€Å"In thought as well as In action.†FDR, by contrast, now said: â€Å"This nation will remain a neutral nation, but I cannot ask that every American remain neutral in thought as well.†Also, in 1940 the United States instituted the first peacetime draft in American history. The FDR then declared, â€Å"We must be the great arsenal of democracy.†(Page 771) The United States isolationists even formed the, America First Committee (AFC). The AFC let everyone know that we were not getting involved, for example on page 771 it says, â€Å" The AFC held rallies across the United States, and its posters, brochures, and broadside warning against American involvement†¦Ã¢â‚¬ Some sources of American Political isolation are Time Magazine, photographers, journalists and more.
Sunday, November 17, 2019
Romeo and Juliet Essay Example for Free
Romeo and Juliet Essay Romeo and Juliet is a famous and legendary play written by the William Shakespeare around 1595. Romeo and Juliet stands as a great play in its own right. This is a tragic play about a pair of star-crossed lovers Romeo and Juliet. They both pursue their love for each other even though they were related from two power families the Montagues and the Capulets who have been feuding with each other for years. Romeo knew a good thing that he saw it in Juliet. It was the love at first sight. Shakespeare created a tension in a play by gathering Romeo and Juliet and it increases, as the hatred between the Montagues and Capulets continues. Eventually the play turns to tragic end because both, Romeo and Juliet die at the end and it brings tears to the eyes of the audience. There are many ways in which Romeo and Juliet can be directed. Every production is a right interpretation by the director, the actors and the audience. The director plays an important role in making a movie he/she has to visualise the scene in order to decide how and when a certain scene should take place, also its directors job to instruct the actors on how to bring the script to life. He also has to figure out that what kind of setting would create an atmosphere most suited for a particular scene. As a director, I will decide to give film adaptation to Romeo and Juliet act 2 scene 2, instead of staging it in theatre because Shakespeare created the setting that were blowing in the Elizabethan audiences mind. They lived in an aural society where that needed little visual source to understand, whereas we live in a modern society where television and film visual impact is what appeal to a modern audience. Also by giving the film adaptation, I could express my ideas more clearly with the help of camera and will be able to give special effects such as lighting and background music. Before to act the scene, director has to decide that whether he/she wants to modernise the scene or not, and this is why I have decided to keep the original language and change setting into modernise setting. Also I have decided to change the location of the play from the original setting but the theme will be the same. I have chosen Lahore (one of the city of the Pakistan) for setting of this scene because Pakistan is famous for its different cultures, traditions, different ethnic groups and arranged marriages. All theses characteristics of Pakistan will connect to the play when Romeo and Juliet would come from different ethnic groups and Juliet will be forced to marry Paris. Another reason why I selected Lahore as my setting is because in Lahore, balconies are very common and the way they have built are very nice-looking and attractive and act 2 scene 2 is the famous Balcony scene of the most renowned in all of Shakespeare. Another reason of choosing Lahore is because there are beautiful gardens, fountains and the moon and stars sparks very bright at night, which would provide an excellent background for the balcony scene. I will change the costumes of the actors to make the scene even more motivating. I would like Juliet to wear white blossom robe, as it is a symbol of her virginity. I will also change the clothes of Montague and Capulet; Montague will wear white shirts with grey coats and grey trousers, whereas Capulet will wear red shirts with blue coat and blue trousers. This will make clear to audience that who relates from which family. I will give some romantic music when Romeo sees Juliet come to the window because it will have a great influence on the audiences mind and will realise the excitement that will be felt by the Romeo for his love. When Romeo will be leaving to Juliet, I will make this part of the scene very romantic by making Romeo to kiss Juliet, also I will be shown light on them, which will raise the importance of their separation. Also I will make use of the modern props such as machine guns, revolvers, tanks, latest cars instead of swords and horses because it would keep the audience active and would create the effect of the modern world. The language used by the Shakespeare is very passionate, romantic and sexual. For example It is my lady, O, it is my love! O, that she knew she were! It shows the Romeo love for Juliet is becoming very powerful. O, speak again, bright angel! for thou art As glorious to this night, being oer my head As a winged messenger of heaven Unto the white-upturned wondering eyes Of mortals that fall back to gaze on him When he bestrides the lazy puffing clouds And sails upon the bosom of the air Here Romeo really believes that Juliet is angelic. An angelic is the glorious to the night because it appears in a glory a halo surrounding and emitting from its body. The angel moves with the effortless ease, lighter than clouds, more graceful than ship sailing on the swelling bosom of the ocean. And Romeo speaks of all this as though he has actually seen an angel and is now looking upon another. O Romeo, Romeo! wherefore art thou Romeo? Deny thy father and refuse thy name; These phrases are spoken by the Juliet. Of course shes not actually speaking to Romeo (she has no idea that Romeo is here), but she is so much in love with him and she doesnt really mean him to reject his name, she only desires to be with him. Or, if thou wilt not, be but sworn my love, And Ill no longer be a Capulet Here Juliet is ready to sacrifice her family, if he will just swear loves her; she will give up the name of Capulet. Looking at the Shakespeares poetic, romantic, passionate language I have decided to keep the language same because it is very appealing to the audience and draws audience attention very rapidly. Act 2 Scene 2 illustrates the strength of the Romeo and Juliets love. In this scene they both express their love for each other and agreed to marry with each other. When they both agreed for married, Juliet was not even 14 years old but still she had an absolute quality of the language and thought. At that time, the head of the household was the sole ruler and decided where to marry his daughter or son. Many marriages were based on suitability, not on love. In conclusion, film is most attractive and romantic way to express the love of two younger, Romeo and Juliet. Romeo and Juliet tried so much to stay with each other but fate didnt allow them, and at the end they both died. This play is tragedy like others of Shakespeares such as Macbeth. Eventually after the death of two innocent lovers, two evil families Capulet and Montague decided not to fight ever.
Friday, November 15, 2019
Sex Education Essay -- Sex Pregnancy School Teaching Essays
Sex Education Two drastic Emergency Room cases were handled in 1998 at Mary Washington Hospital. Concerned mothers brought their 12 year old daughters into the hospital thinking they were suffering from severe stomach pain or even appendicitis†¦both girls were actually in labor (Abstinence, 2002). The United States has the highest teen pregnancy, birth, and abortion rates in the Western world (Planned Parenthood, 2003). Are teens getting enough knowledge on sex and how to prevent STDs and unwanted pregnancies? Another heartbreaking statistic is that teenagers have the highest rate of STDs of any age group, with one in four young people contracting an STD by the age of 21 (Sex-Ed Work, 2003). Is sex education really working in school? Or do we need to change the type of curricula that is taught? There is no question that sex education should be taught in schools, but the question is how? The purpose of this paper is to determine which curricula of sex education should be taught in schoo ls to be most effective in lowering STD and pregnancy rates among teenagers. The first type of curricula is abstinence-only. Abstinence-only based curricula is taught to more than 50 percent of students worldwide (Sex in Review, 2003). Abstinence programs teach teens how to say no. It does not teach them about STDs and how to protect themselves, therefore keeping them in the dark about sex. This type of curricula typically uses fear and shame to encourage premarital abstinence. It usually provides a distorted view of sex and can lead to sexual anxiety. Students are taught misinformation and lies; You will learn that sex is horrible unless it takes place in a monogamous marriage. President Bush asked Congress for a thirty-three per... ....) Retrieved April 23, 2003 from I used this website for studies showing how comprehensive based programs are proven effective in lowering STD’s and unwanted pregnancies. Sex education in schools. (n.d.) Retrieved April 8, 2003 from I used this to show how Congress is asking for a raise in abstinence programs when those types of programs haven’t even been proven to help teens. Zwillich, Todd. (1994). Parents Want More Comprehensive Sex Education in Schools. Retrieved April 23, 2003 from I used this to show what type of education parents would like their children to have in schools today to help the sexual transmitted disease rates decline.
Tuesday, November 12, 2019
Rahab – women of the bible (a woman who Believed the truth) Rahab –â€Å" insolence†, or â€Å"fierceness†, or â€Å"broad†, or â€Å"spacious†The â€Å"Ra†part of her name comes from Egyptian idolatry, â€Å"Ra†the sun god, this is from â€Å"All the women of Bible †by Herbert Lockyer, Zondervan Publishers Rahab and the two spies are the main charactersin Joshua2. Rahab was a prostitute (her occupation). She lived, geographically and morally, on the edge of society. She lived at the time of the conquest of Canaan (the land northeast of Egypt, bordered by the Mediterranean Sea on the west, Lebanon to the north was the Hittite Empire and Bashan, to the east were the nations of Ammon and the Ammorites, Moab, and Edom) by the Israelites Her house was located on the wall of the city and was strategically placed to lodge travelers. This was a prime location for her trade. Rahab had heard of the God of Israel and aced in faith. By hiding the spies she faced the risk of being killed if caught by the authorities. However rahab knew it would take a step of faith to get her out of her present predicament. She did not intend to perish with the rest of jericho. She knew that if she did nothing- this would lead to her destruction. No one an serve two masters. She made a conscious decision to act in faith on what she heard about God. Rahab was an ancestor of Jesus(Matthew1:1-6). Her faith brought her into an immense inheritance. From a prostitute to the linage of Jesus Christ. This is what faith can do. No matter your stand in life, rrespective of where you are or who you are a simply step of faith in Jesus Christ can turn your destiny around. â€Å"By faith Rahab the prostitute did not perish with those who were disobedient, because she had received the spies in peace†– Hebrews 11:31 The life of Rahab can be found in Joshua 2, Joshua 6, Hebrews 11:31 Matthew 1:5 James 2:25
Sunday, November 10, 2019
My Drum Major Instinct Essay
Stalking is a very serious matter, despite society’s tendency to trivialize the experiences of many female victims. There have been numerous overlooked cases in which female victims have been stalked for various amounts of times and taken action to have the stalker removed, just to have him/her eventually come back up in some sort of manner. Many top box office hits have the clichà © plot of the stalker who murders the girl, but people don’t realize that stalking is a real problem many actually face. There have been quite a few of these incidents, maybe not resulting in murder, but still uncomfortable for women to deal with, close to my community. Just recently in Hamilton, Ohio, a sexual predator was arrested for counts of stalking teen girls by driving by their homes multiple times, texting them up to 80 times per day, and watching them exit school. This is why I want to take the initiative to be a drum major for peace, justice, and righteousness for women in surroun ding communities who are dealing with unwanted contact or stalking. To be a drum major is to be a leader. Leaders take the time to go out of their way and stand up for what they believe in. Leaders take the initiative and set the standard for people to follow. To be a drum major for women, the first task is awareness. Anyone trying to get a point across must first make people aware of the problem and their cause for reaching out. The problem is that many women find themselves being stalked, file restraining orders, and still don’t get the justice they are searching for. Some women even change their whole identity to hide from their stalker in fear of getting hurt. To make people aware of this, one must take the initiative reach out to the common people. This might include going to churches, local meetings, or even starting my own organization to make people aware of the problem. The second thing I must do is writing and actually acting upon the problem. I must write to local officials, to state officials, and finally to the nation’s Congress. If I write letters to each of these, my point will be made. It would help to have other people on my bandwagon to help write, or maybe even sign petitions. That is where more awareness and reaching out come in. Once I get enough people to realize the problem is serious and that they could help save millions of women’s lives, then I would consider myself a leader in my cause. The final thing I must do to further my cause is to keep on with it. In order to be a drum major for peace, justice, and righteousness in my community for women, I must stick with my intentions and keep my values strong so that hopefully one day laws will be changed and justice will be served.
Friday, November 8, 2019
A Light In August Essays - Television, Light In August, Free Essays
A Light In August Essays - Television, Light In August, Free Essays A Light in August In the novel, A Light in August, William Faulkner introduces us to a wide range of characters of various backgrounds and personalities. Common to all of them is the fact that each is type cast into a certain role in the novel and in society. Lena is the poor, white trash southern girl who serves to weave the story together. Hightower is the fanatic preacher who is the dark, shameful secret of Jefferson. Joanna Burden is the middle-aged maiden from the north who is often accused of being a ?nigger-lover?. And Joe Christmas is the epitome of an outsider. None of them are conventional, everyday people. They are all in some way disjointed from society; they do not fit in with the crowd. That is what makes them intriguing and that is why Faulkner documents their story. Percy Grimm is another such character and he plays a vital role in the novel. He is the one to finally terminate Joe Christmas, who has been suffering his entire life. Grimm is the enforcer, the one man who will uphold American pride at all costs. He also stands for everything in the world that has held Christmas back. He is the prototype of the ruthless enemy who is the source of all of Christmas? struggles. And Christmas can never escape him. He can run, as he has been doing all his life and as he does in his desperate attempt to escape. But he can never hide, as he tries to do at Hightower?s and as he has been hiding his true self from the world he hates so much. Percy Grimm represents the unmerciful society that has restrained and persecuted Joe Christmas; it is only fitting that he should be the one to finally bring him down in the end. Percy Grimm was born into the American south and grew up to be a symbol and backbone of the environment he was raised in. His only regret in life is being born too late. He feels that his sole purpose in life would be to fight in World War I and defend the country to which he is completely and utterly devoted. But the war happened to occur in the time period where ?he should have been a man instead of a child? (Faulkner, p.450). So when he grows to be a man, he joins the National Guard, which is the closest thing to an army he can find. But instead of protecting the country from foreign enemies, his job with the National Guard entails protecting the country from certain things within itself. Joe Christmas and the situation he has created is a direct threat to Percy Grimm and the establishment he represents. Although Grimm?s primary objective is to protect Christmas from hostile crowds, Grimm is imprinted with a sort of primitive and instinctive hatred for who Joe Christmas is, what he is, and what he has done. Grimm sees him as a dangerous, unknown and more importantly ?nigger-blooded? criminal. He had the nerve to violate and savagely murder a white woman who happened to be part of Grimm?s specifically drawn definition of ?American?. He has adopted, adheres to, and enforces the ?belief that the white race is superior to any and all other races and that the American is superior to all other white races and that the American uniform is superior to all men, and that all that would ever be required of him in payment for this belief, this privilege, would be his own life? (Faulkner, p.451). Percy Grimm is a tough, humorless, and forceful individual who commands the respect of others. He is always on some sort of mission involving the preservation of order and he is determined to use all of his resources to accomplish his goal. Grimm is referred to by Faulkner as ?the Player?. His main purpose in the novel is to play the part of the executioner. Christmas does not stand much of a chance. Joe Christmas has always been hampered by a society that shuns him, alienates him, disgraces him and chases him away. Percy Grimm is the human representation of this society. The climactic chase scene between Grimm and Christmas is symbolic of how Christmas has been running from people and places all his life. He was on the road all the time and was never able to settle down in one place for a significant time period. Society never accepted his heritage and personality and so he was always running away from
Tuesday, November 5, 2019
Why You Keep Failing Your Exams.
Why You Keep Failing Your Exams. You Start Studying Too Late. Whether or not you want to hear it, it takes months to prepare adequately and score really well on a test like the ACT, SAT, GRE and other standardized, high-stakes test. Why? They do not simply test your content knowledge, which could theoretically be crammed into your head a week before the test. (i.e. Who was Ronald Reagans press secretary? How do you say the word, eradicate in French?) Standardized tests often measure your ability to reason. Predict. Infer. Draw conclusions. And in your everyday, regular school life, you may not be practicing those skills. So, in order to get better at them, you need to brush up on them early and often. Repetition is key and cannot be mimicked the week prior to the test. Fix It: Get a study schedule put together several months before your exam. Write down study times into your calendar and commit yourself to them firmly. Let go of the idea that you can wing it and get the score youd like. I promise youll be grateful for prepping early for your major test! You Dont Prepare in a Way That Suits Your Learning Style This may be news to you, but everyone learns in different ways. Some people learn material really well sitting at a desk in a quiet corner, rehashing all their notes with headphones set to white noise. Other people learn best in a group! They want to be quizzed by friends, laughing and joking along the way. Still others prefer to type all their notes over again while they play a recorded lecture of the class review. If youre trying to force yourself to learn in a way that doesnt suit your learning style, youll doom yourself to fail your exams. Fix It: Take the learning styles quiz. Sure, its anecdotal and not 100% scientific, but it may help give you an idea about how you learn best. Find out if youre a visual, kinesthetic or auditory learner and prepare in a way that can actually help you learn. You Dont Learn the Ins and Outs of Your Exam Did you know that the ACT is very different from the SAT? Your vocabulary quiz is going to be an incredibly different type of test than your midterm exam. Perhaps youre failing your exams because you havent quite caught on that you need to prepare in different ways for different kinds of tests. Fix It: If youre taking a test in school, find out from your teacher the type of exam it will be – multiple choice? Essay? Youll prepare differently if so. Get a test prep book for the ACT or SAT and learn the strategies for each test. Youll save time (which leads to earning more points) by familiarizing yourself with the test content prior to testing.  You Pressure Yourself. Nothing is worse than test anxiety. Well, maybe childbirth. Or being eaten by sharks. But mostly, nothing is worse than test anxiety. For days before the test you can think of nothing else. You pressure yourself straight into hives. Youve decided that nothing – NOTHING – matters except a perfect score and youve sweated and cursed and hoped and despaired over your upcoming exam. And after having taken the exam, you realize that your score was absolutely awful and you wonder what you couldve done differently. Fix It: Practice steps to overcome test anxiety from your desk right before the exam. If that doesnt help, draw a timeline of your imagined life. (Birth – Death at 115 years old.) Place major events on it: first learned to walk; lost a grandparent; got married; the births of your 17 children; won the Nobel prize. Now, place a tiny dot of your test date on your timeline. Doesnt seem so enormous, now does it? Although a test can make you fraught with nerves, it helps to put it into perspective. Will you remember it on your deathbed? Highly unlikely. Youve Labeled Yourself a Bad Test-Taker Right now – this minute – stop calling yourself a poor test-taker. That label, called a cognitive distortion, does more harm than you know! Whatever you believe yourself to be you will become. Even if youve taken and failed tests in the past, your future testing self is not a guaranteed failure. Figure out the mistakes you made on those tests in the past (Maybe you didnt study? Perhaps you didnt sleep enough? Maybe you didnt learn the test strategy?) and give yourself the chance to rock this test by preparing. Fix It: At least 30 days prior to the exam, write the words, Im a great test-taker! on post-its and stick them everywhere - your bathroom mirror, the dashboard of your car, the inside of your binder for school. Nerdy, but totally worth it. Write it on the back of your hand. Make it your screensaver and your computer password. Live it for the next month and watch your brain slowly begin to overcome the label youve given yourself in the past.
Sunday, November 3, 2019
Should all states require motorcyclists and passengers to wear helmets Assignment
Should all states require motorcyclists and passengers to wear helmets - Assignment Example More important is the cost which a society has to bear when a biker meets an accident (American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons, 2010). Head injuries are a severe outcome of riding bike without a helmet. Some people have stay in hospitals for a long duration with increased rehabilitation cost. Insurance companies do not afford all the cost and it is the public that ultimately pays for head and other injuries. Society should assess the claim of violation on freedom versus funding. After these analyses, it is important to wear helmet whenever people of any age are driving a motorcycle of riding a bike for their own health and safety. Federal government should take interest to keenly monitor the rising accidents and implement helmet laws where it does not exist (American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons). The major problem in America is variations in helmet laws in different states. For example, 20 states in US and district Columbia have very elaborate helmet laws for all riders and pass engers. There are further 27 states where the helmet law is imposed on some categories of the riders. Different age groups come under this law and some are out of it. Three states do not have any helmet law for people. There is a dire need for legislatures to take responsibility and introduce helmet law in the states where it is urgently required ("Helmet laws state," 2003) According to analysis there are about 80 million bike users in US. Bicycles are being used for fun, sports, health and transportation in different states. Popularity of bicycles has increased their usage and ultimately death rate and head injuries have also risen. According to data approximately 716 bike riders died on the roads in different states and about 91% out of... The paper represents the solution and advantages of a massive problem with motorcycle deaths in the United States, which has several important consequences; it costs lives, which tears apart families and is obviously tragic, it puts a drain on already strained medical institutions, and it costs tax payers, private citizens and health insurance companies massive amounts of money each year. Though, like any problem, there is no solution that will entirely solve this issue: motorcycling, and driving generally, is inherently dangerous and nothing can be done that will prevent that. But there are methods of risk mitigation, and harm reduction, that, if used consistently by motorcyclists and their passengers will help prevent deaths and injuries. So there are two parts to this solution: what actions need to be taken by motorcyclists, and what can be done to encourage them to take those actions? As mentioned in Part I, it is clear that helmet usage can go a significant way in reducing injur ies. It might also be important for motorcyclists to wear other protective gear, such as spine supports, Kevlar gloves and so on – the exact level of protection that should be warn is hard to pin down: more, however, is obviously always better. The aspect of how to get people to behave differently, two methods used in conjunction might work best: laws requiring motorcyclists to wear helmets, and public awareness to encourage them to follow these laws for their own safety.
Friday, November 1, 2019
O'Brien v. Ohio State University Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 6
O'Brien v. Ohio State University - Assignment Example The researcher states that to be absolved in the eyes of the law, University had to prove that OBriens actions, which were in violation of the contract, in fact, caused severe damage to the reputation of the University. The court found that OBriens act of lending a sum of $6000 to a recruit did not do material damage the university’s reputation. Jim O’Brien won the case and received about $2.5 million in damages. If the judge had interpreted that OBriens actions caused serious harm to the good name of the Ohio State University then they would most certainly have rejected the plaintiff’s claim. For instance, if they had discovered that Jim O’Brien had a history of breaching the University contract, then the court’s decision might have gone the other way. Ohio State had to prove that Jim O’Brien’s actions have caused their name significant bad reputation. However, the Ohio Court of Claims concluded that O’Brien’s actions an d his breach were not material to cause his termination. The weakening aspect of Ohio States case was they relied too much on specific contractual language. They put too much stress on the wording of the contract that OBrien would be breaking the terms of the contract if he breaks NCAA rules. Moreover, he was also supposed to report any breach that could have happened which he was aware of, and he had reasonable cause that a violation, in fact, had occurred. Jim all Brian failed to report this loan for almost five years. The NCAA rules clearly state that the staff member or the institution itself cannot give financial aid or any such benefit to recruits. This decision is a wake-up call for other colleges. It would be wise for the parties to such future agreement to be extra careful in adequately detailing the terms of the agreement, however, the analysis of materiality is a complicated task that hugely depends on the circumstances.
Wednesday, October 30, 2019
Explain what Weber meant by the distinction between formal rationality Assignment
Explain what Weber meant by the distinction between formal rationality and substantive rationality - Assignment Example Similarly, the article examines the two theories of scientific management and human relations. Consequently, the paper looks into whether the two methods exhibit either formal or substantive rationality. Max Weber developed the concept of formal rationality at a time when capitalistic forms of organizations were steadily on the rise. Essentially, that would explain why various sociologists and scholars have on several occasions associated the concept of formal rationality to organizational entities. According to Max Weber, characters, and various entities often have objectives, which they work towards realizing (Secchi 2011, pg. 49). Formal rationality, therefore, implies that persons of interest employ a means-ends coherent calculation in ensuring that they accomplish their aims. Weber argues that formal rationality demands that the steps being taken by an individual to achieve his or her objectives should be based on ones experience and observations. Similarly, the individuals should make their decisions based on science and logic. Contrary to the inter-civilizational and the excelling charisma of the practical, theoretical, and substantive types of rationality, formal rationality relates to scopes of life and a configuration of supremacy that acquired distinct and defined confines only with industrialization. Most significantly, the economic, legal, and scientific ranges, and the inflexible form of the command (Kalberg 1980, pg. 1149). In like manner, it can be concluded that whereas practical rationality always point towards a diffuse affinity to evaluate and to decipher repetitive hitches by means-end rational patterns of action in orientation to realistic self- interests, formal rationality in the end legitimates a similar means-end rational calculation by reference to comprehensively applied rules, laws, or regulations. Just as in practical
Monday, October 28, 2019
Methods of DNA Identification
Methods of DNA Identification To isolate DNA from blood, saliva, buccal swab and betel quid by phenol-chloroform method and chelex method and compare the efficacy of both the methods. To carry out restriction digestion of the DNA samples isolated from above mentioned sources using the restriction enzyme EcoRI (G|AATTC) and identify individuals based on the pattern of restriction banding and to ascertain the applicability of the restriction digestion in forensics MATERIALS AND METHODS: Blood, saliva, betel quid and buccal swab were collected from 15 patients and DNA isolation was done by phenol-chloroform method and chelexmethod. DNA fingerprinting was carried out using EcoRI restriction enzyme. RESULTS: DNA could be extracted from residues of saliva, DNA fingerprinting done with the isolated DNA was able to match with those of individuals. Chelex method was found to be more efficient than the Phenol-chloroform method KEY WORDS: Betel Quid, Chelex method, DNA,DNA fingerprinting,Phenol chloroform method Introduction DNA fingerprinting has ascertained an increasingly imperative role towards decision making in judiciary. DNA tests have helped convict suspects, to exonerate suspects or overturned previous convictions. Scientific evidences such as fingerprints, blood, semen, shreds of clothing, hair, weapons, tire tracks, and other physical evidence at the crime scene can be a more riveting to a tribunal than the testimony of an eyewitness. DNA is more suitable because DNA remains scathe lessin challenging environments where such evidence is found. The DNA molecule holds an impressive dependability to withstand time. 1 DNA profiling compares the DNA fragment lengths and patterns. The isolated DNA from the samples is fragmented using a restriction enzyme. Then the length of the resulting fragments is determined by electrophoresis and comparedby a visual interpretation of the pattern of DNA bands. 2 DNA can be sourced from freshblood, fresh or dried human buccalswabs, soft tissue, saliva and salivary stains. Optimizing the methodology in DNA extraction from various sources have been tried by many studies. Minute quantities of saliva allows establishing DNAprofile. 3DNA has been proven to be isolated from cell samples from objects that was in contact with the body and from sources like chewing gums, cigarettes, bite marks in foods, among others. Restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP) analysis provides details of the DNA which is referred as a DNA fingerprint. As DNA is unique to every individual, analyzing the sequence helps in identification of specific patterns of each individual. DNA profile is considered as valid evidence in the court of law for paternity disputes and human identification. Standardization of DNA extraction technique will improve the reliability and speed up sample processing time. 4-6 Limited availability of biological samples in a crime scenechallenges the procedure of extraction , characterization and analysis of DNA. Furthermore, difficulty arises in retrieving DNA from stains and degraded samples which provide contaminated or poor qualityDNA. Hence, purification of DNA from samples is still a significant step in obtaining useful genotypes. Notwithstanding, tremendous advances have been made in the recent times in DNA testing. 7 Chewed betel quid (BQ) stains are encountered frequently on crime scenes in Southeast Asian countries. Though the quid presents as an important biological evidence, the forensic analysis using betel quid as an evidence has been impeded due to difficulty in extraction of human DNA . Hence, constituting a definite method for extracting DNA from chewed Betel quid residues is of paramount importance. 8 Saliva found on victims of several violent crimes is a potential source of DNA. They can be recovered from bite marks, cigarette butts, betel quid, postage stamps, envelopes and other objects. However , salivary stains usually dry up easily becoming invisible, making recognition and collection difficult. Among the various biological sources available, salivary analysis have great discriminatory power and can be incorporated into a criminal investigation . Improvisation of DNA extraction procedures will improve its reliability and also help to expedite the process. The present study aims to isolate DNA from blood, saliva (under different conditions) by phenol chloroform method and chelex method and to find the efficacy of these methods in extraction of DNA from traces of saliva. 9,10 ISOLATION OF DNAFROM BLOOD AND SALIVA BY PHENOL CHLOROFORM METHOD : The DNA was extracted with an equal volume of phenol: chloroform: isoamyl alcohol. This mixture was centrifuged at 10000rpm for 5 minutes. The aqueous phase was collected and extracted with chloroform: isoamyl alcohol mixture and centrifuged at 10000rpm for 5 minutes. The supernatant was transferred to a new microfuge tube and 0. 6 volume of isopropanol was added. The spongy white precipitate was transferred to a microfuge tube and added equal volume of ethanol was added. Then it was centrifuged at 10000rpm at room temperature for 10 minutes. The supernatant was drained and to the pellet 100 µL of TE buffer was added stored at 4 °C. ISOLATION OF DNAFROM BLOOD AND SALIVA BY CHELEX METHOD: 0. 5 ml of whole blood was collected in 2 ml tube and the cells are harvested by centrifugation at 3000 rpm for 3 min. at 4 °C. The supernatant was discarded. 0. 8 ml TBP buffer was added to the collection tube, vortexed gently, then centrifuged at 3000 rpm for 3 minutes, supernatant was discarded. The next stepwas continued if the blood pellet looks mauve 0. 5 ml of TBM buffer was added to the tube, and vortexed followed by addition of 3  µLof proteinase K and incubated at 55 °C for 30 minutes. The sample was centrifuged for 2 minutes at 5000 rpm and the supernatant saved to 2 ml tube and then added 260  µL of absolute ethanol. The mixture was applied to EZ-10 column, centrifuged at 8000 rpm for 1 minute; discarded the flow in the collection tube. 500  µL of wash solution was added and centrifuged at 8000 rpm for 1 minute. This step was repeated spin at 8000 rpm for an additional minute to remove residual amount of wash solution. The column was placed into a clean 1. 5 ml microfuge tube and 30  µL of elution buffer was added into the center part of membrane . The tube was incubated at 50 °C for 2 minutes centrifuged at 10,000 rpm for 1 minute to elute the DNA from the column The standards and samples were removed from the freezer and thawed. In a separate sterile 1. 5 ml microfuge tube for each standard/sample, 10  µl of DNA was mixed with 990  µl of D. I. water and vortexed . The solution was allowed to stand for 10 minutes to ensure the complete diffusion of DNA throughout the solution. This represents a 1:100 dilution of the standards and the DNA samples. B. DNAquantification The DNA sample was briefly vortexed and the solution wastransfered to the cuvette of the spectrophotometer with care not to create bubbles. The cuvette is inserted into the spec ensuring the correct face of the cuvette is in line the light beam. . An absorbance reading appears on the screen . Reading is continued until all standards and samples have been quantified. The concentration of DNA in the sample is determined according to the conversion factor (A260 of 1. 0 = 50  µg ml-1 DNA). The concentration of DNA in the sample can be read as  µg/mL using the conversion factor and dilution factor . RESTRICTION DIGESTION: Restriction enzyme buffer was vortexed before pipetting to ensure that it was well-mixed and was added to the tube . Appropriate amount of DNA to be cut wasvortexed before pipetting to ensure that it was well-mixed and was added to the tube. After vortexingthe enzyme to ensure that it was well-mixed 1 ÃŽ ¼L of enzyme EcoRIwas added. The mixture is placed in thermal cycler (Eppendorf) for2-3 hour incubation at 37 °C . To heat inactivate the enzyme the mixture is maintained at 80 °C for 20 min. The mixture is kept at 4 °C until the reaction mixture is out of the thermal cycler. Agarose Gel Electrophoresis Protocol Preparation of the agarose gel 1. 25 g Agarose powder was taken in 500 ml flask and 125 ml of TAE Buffer was added to it. The mixture is melted in hot water bath till a clear solution forms. The solution is allowed to cool to a temperature of 50-55 °C by periodic swirling to achieve even cooling. To it ethidium bromide solution was added. The ends of the casting tray are sealed with two layers of tape. The combs are placed in the gel casting tray. The melted agarose solution was poured into the casting tray and allowed to cool until it is solid. The comb and the tape are removed carefully. The gel is placed in the electrophoresis chamber. 2-3 mm of TAEBuffer is added over the gel. Loading the gel 6 à ¯Ã‚  l of 6X Sample Loading Buffer is added to each DNA sample containing tubes. 20 à ¯Ã‚  l of each sample is pipetted into separate wells in the gel. 10 à ¯Ã‚  l of the DNA ladder standard is pippeted into one well of each row on the gel. Running the gel The lid is place on the gel box, the electrode wires are connected to the power supply. The power supply is turned on to about 100 volts. To ensure the correct direction of the current, the movement of the blue loading dye is checked. The power supply is continued till the blue dye approaches the end of the gel. The wires are disconnected from the power supply. The lid is removed from the electrophoresis chamber. Using gloves, gel is carefully removed and observed in a transilluminator for the DNA bands. RESULTS: Isolation of DNA was done from blood ,fresh saliva, saliva stored at -20 °C, saliva stored at 37 °C for 24hrs ,buccal swab and betel quid by both the phenol-chloroform method and the chelex method. . Gel electrophoresis of the isolated genomic DNA was carried out on 0. 8% agarose gel. (figure 1) After restriction digestion electrophoresis gel is prepared to run and to identify the number of bands. DNA samplesobtained from blood were labelled as Aband subsequently as Bb,Cb, DbEbas shown in table 2. DNA obtained from fresh saliva were labelled as As,Bs, Cs, Ds,Es. DNA obtained from saliva stored at -20 degree were labeled as AfsBfsCfsDfs. Efs. DNA obtained from saliva stored at room temperature were labelled as Ads,BdsCdsDdsEds DNA obtained from bloodof 5 individuals was made to run in the well marked 1 to 5 in a uniform manner ie DNA obtained from the first individual named as Ab, was made to run in well No. 1 . DNA obtained from second individual named as Bb was made to run in well No. 2 DNA obtained from third individual named as Cb was made to run in well No . 3. DNA obtained from fourth individual named as Db was made to run in as well No- 4. DNA obtained from Fifth individual namedEbwas made to run in well No. 5. (table 2) But while running DNA obtained from saliva of different sources the order was changed randomly. For example DNA isolated from fresh saliva for the first individual (As) instead of being run in the first well ie well No -6 was made to run in the third well( well no 8) and DNA isolated from saliva stored at -20 degree for the first individual(Afs) instead of being run in the first well ie well No-11was made to run in the third well (well No. 13)and DNA isolated from saliva stored at room temperature for the first individual(Ads) instead of being run in the first well ie well No-16 was made to run in the fifth well (well No. 20). Likewise DNA isolated from different sources of saliva of different individuals made to run in different wells and the number of bands produced is identified . From the figure 1 it could be identified that the well number 1,8 ,13,20 corresponding to DNA isolated from the first individual from various sources named Ab AsAfs Ads identified by the yellow arrow has uniformly three bands. For the well number 2,7,14,19 corresponding to DNA isolated from the second individual from various sources named BbBsBfsBds identified by the blue arrow has uniformly 6 bands . various DNA isolated from the fifth individual from various sources namedEbEsEfsEds identified by the green arrow has uniformly 4 bands . From the above figure itcould be identified that the well number 1,10 corresponding to DNA isolated from different source for the first individual named Ab,AbS,identified by the yellow arrow has uniformly four bands. For the well number 2 and 6 corresponding to DNA isolated from second individual from blood and buccal swab named BbBbSl identified by the blue arrow has uniformly 6 bands . For the well number 3 and 7corresponding to DNA isolated from third individual from blood and buccal swab namedCbCbS identified by the red arrow has uniformly 5 bands . For the well number 4and 8 corresponding to DNA isolated from fourth individual from blood and buccal swab named DbDbs,identified by the aqua arrow has uniformly 7 bands. For the well number 5and 9 corresponding to DNA isolated from fifth individual from blood and buccal swab named EbEbsE identified by the green arrow has uniformly 8 bands . This shows that DNA obtained from an individual from blood and buccal swab produce uniform banding pattern. This shows that DNA obtained from an individual from various source produce uniform banding pattern . Identification of individual from traces of saliva which could be used for forensic application -Extraction of DNA from Buccal swab. Restriction digestion with Ecor-1 from extracted DNA obtained from above mentioned source has been done for identifying individuals. Blood was used as a control and compared with DNA bands from buccal swab. A total of 10 wells were created. DNA obtained from blood wer e labeled as Ab, Bb,Cb, Db,Ebas shown in tab 3. DNA obtained from Buccal swab were labeled as Abs,Bbs, Cbs, Dbs, Ebs. DNA obtained from blood from 5 individuals was made to run in the well marked 1 to 5 in a uniform manner. But while running DNA obtained from buccal swab the order was changed randomly. For example DNA isolated from buccal swab for the first individual (Abs) instead of being run in the first well ie well No -6 was made to run in the fifth well( well no 10). Likewise DNA isolated from buccal swab of different individuals was made to run in different wells and the number of bands produced is identified Different methods of DNA extraction is been followed in that, most widely used is phenol chloroform method . Many new methods of DNA extraction have been tried. The chelex method is one among then . To know the efficacy of the chelex method it was compared with that of phenol chloroform method. Of the two methods studied the chelex method proved to be more easy to handle and less time consuming in addition to yieds higher amount of DNA and is proved by quantification with U. V spectrometer as shown in fig. 2. DISCUSSION: Forensic odontology is a branch of forensics which analyses stains and organic liquids from the oral cavity or its contents, bite mark comparison, investigation of trauma and oral injuries such as personal injury cases, and dental malpractice. The fundamental requirement of a criminal investigation is that the victim and aggressor should be positively identified. Forensic dentistry aids in the forensic process by comparing the deceaseds dentition with that of previous dental records or by facilitating to shape the profile of an individual in terms of age at the time of death, sex and phylogeny to aid in identification. 11,12 Saliva has been a potential source of identification and is usually found in bite marks, cigarette butts, betel quid, postage stamps, envelopes and other objects. The first phase of the study intended to isolate DNA from saliva (under different conditions), by phenol-chloroform method and chelex method and compare the yield with that of blood . The second objective was to find out efficacy of these methods in extraction of DNA from traces of saliva ie from Buccal swab, and from Betel quid and which could be used for forensic application. 8 The presence of residues are considerably important as biological evidences, but forensic analysis of such evidences has been hindered by failures in extraction of human DNA. Consequently, it is indispensable in forensic science to establish a reliable method for extracting DNA from samples collected at the crime site. The most important objective was whether individuals can be identifed from samples of different source and to ascertain the applicability of the restriction digestion in forensics. 13,14 Blood was taken as control, saliva was divided into 3 parameters ie from fresh saliva, from saliva stored at -20 degree for24 hr from saliva stored in room temperature for 24 hr’s were obtained . Identification of individual has been done with restriction enzyme EcoRI. . The isolated DNA was digested using the restriction enzyme EcoRI(G|AATTC)The digested DNA was run on 1% agarose gel electrophoresis and the bands produced in each individuals DNA were scored and is proved that identification of individual can also be done by DNA fingerprinting or profiling. Agarose gel electrophoresis separates DNA fragments according to their size. The most important objective was whether individuals can be identified from samples of different source and to ascertain the applicability of the restriction digestion in forensics. 16 DNA fingerprinting is a technique that is used to represent like and unlike DNA that is present in different individuals. Nucleotide sequences which show significant variation from one individual to another are taken into consideration. 17The most important objective of the study was to ascertain whether individuals can be identified from samples of different source and to ascertain the applicability of the restriction digestion in forensics and the last objective was toCompare the DNA yield from manual and kit method. To prove that DNA could be extracted from traces of saliva , Buccal swab and Beetal quid was used . DNA could be extracted from buccal swab,beetal quid and quantification was done with U. V spectrometer. Comparison of DNA isolated from all the samples collected from all the individual using two different procedures has been done and comparison of yield of different sources showed the kit method to be more effective . Use of biological evidences like saliva, buccal swab and betel quid are compromised due to the quandary in extraction of human DNA. The present study had proved to establish a reliable method for extracting DNA from samples collected from different sources of saliva and from traces of salivary stains which was comparable to bloodin proving identification. Samples collected from different sources of saliva and from traces of salivary stains can also be assessed by DNA fingerprinting or profiling which is based on the fact that DNA is unique to every individual .
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